Breaking! Special Counsel Jack Smith Refuses to Release the Names of his Team Members. Why is that?

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Biden has the American taxpayers paying for this bogus witch hunt to jail his major political opponent. Shouldn't we know who the people are on the Special Counsel's team? After all, we are paying their salary.

The Jack Smith Special Counsel refuses to release the names of his team members. Why is that? We know they are most certainly ALL Democrats. We know they lack integrity and honor. But are any of them retreads from the Mueller days?

Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch sued Joe Biden’s DOJ to obtain the names of the radical Democrats who are members of Jack Smith’s Special Counsel.

Via Just The News.

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Monday announced that it had filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Justice over its refusal to disclose the names of staffers working with special counsel Jack Smith on his investigation of former President Donald Trump
Biden has the American taxpayers paying for this bogus witch hunt to jail his major political opponent. Shouldn't we know who the people are on the Special Counsel's team? After all, we are paying their salary.

The Jack Smith Special Counsel refuses to release the names of his team members. Why is that? We know they are most certainly ALL Democrats. We know they lack integrity and honor. But are any of them retreads from the Mueller days?

Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch sued Joe Biden’s DOJ to obtain the names of the radical Democrats who are members of Jack Smith’s Special Counsel.

Via Just The News.

Because Trump and his groupies would threaten them.
Because Trump and his groupies would threaten them.
Anyone in the public sphere gets threats from nutjobs. Think Trump never got any?

We don't have secret courts and anonymous prosecutions in this country quite yet. If Smith has assembled yet another team of maxed out Democratic Party donors, the voters should know that now and not have to wait for the congresdional hearings.
Anyone in the public sphere gets threats from nutjobs. Think Trump never got any?

We don't have secret courts and anonymous prosecutions in this country quite yet. If Smith has assembled yet another team of maxed out Democratic Party donors, the voters should know that now and not have to wait for the congresdional hearings.
Trump has made it very clear that revenge is his favorite thing. See his interview with Charlie Rose...or Richard Branson
Anyone in the public sphere gets threats from nutjobs. Think Trump never got any?

We don't have secret courts and anonymous prosecutions in this country quite yet. If Smith has assembled yet another team of maxed out Democratic Party donors, the voters should know that now and not have to wait for the congresdional hearings.
You can't put families at risk because they do their civic duty. Trump's ignorance and criminality is not an excuse.
You can't put families at risk because they do their civic duty. Trump's ignorance and criminality is not an excuse.
Boo hoo HOO!

We have to have secret courts, because Trump is so mean. It's about the famiweees!

If I search your history for the phrase "Riley Gaines," will I find you have deplored her attack and kidnapping? Or was that cool because she's "transphobic?"

Will I find that you've objected to protesters being allowed to threaten Supreme Court justices at their homes? You know, where their families live?

I'm going to guess no. But if I'm wrong I'll come back and admit it.
Boo hoo HOO!

We have to have secret courts, because Trump is so mean. It's about the famiweees!

If I search your history for the phrase "Riley Gaines," will I find you have deplored her attack and kidnapping? Or was that cool because she's "transphobic?"

Will I find that you've objected to protesters being allowed to threaten Supreme Court justices at their homes? You know, where their families live?

I'm going to guess no. But if I'm wrong I'll come back and admit it.
There are no secret courts. Nobody should threaten the justices. Were those thugs arrested?
Biden has the American taxpayers paying for this bogus witch hunt to jail his major political opponent. Shouldn't we know who the people are on the Special Counsel's team? After all, we are paying their salary.

The Jack Smith Special Counsel refuses to release the names of his team members. Why is that? We know they are most certainly ALL Democrats. We know they lack integrity and honor. But are any of them retreads from the Mueller days?

Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch sued Joe Biden’s DOJ to obtain the names of the radical Democrats who are members of Jack Smith’s Special Counsel.

Via Just The News.
Want to send them death threats?
There are no secret courts. Nobody should threaten the justices. Were those thugs arrested?
No they were not. Not the cross-dressing gang that attacked and kidnapped Riley gaines, nor the angry pro-abortionists who tried to intimidate the justices between the leak and the decision in the Dobbs case. It is specifically against the law to protest at a judge's home to influence a decision, but the Garland justice department decided not to make arrests, or even issue citations.

That said, I apologize for the sarcastic tone in the previous reply to you. It was uncalled for.

Not making an excuse, but telling you what prompted it, I took it out on you that I am tired of seeing this "death threats" excuse from the left for violating people's rights. If parents speak at school boards, don't label them domestic terrorists or invent a threat tag for them, because people who may or may not be parents, and may or may not be authentic, made "death threats." If that even happened.

After 7 years plus of Democrats accusing Trump of every imaginable crime and including imaginary crimes, don't say he is not entitled to a public trial or to face his accusers because Trump supporters are mean and *might* make death threats. If you volunteer to go after any famous person, much less the opposition presidential front runner, don't be surprised when the public eye is on you.

If Smith is so concerned about threats to family members, let him recruit unmarried men and childless women like Elliot Ness did. But he is likely focused on recruiting Democrat partisan hacks.
Since the hack Smith is covering up his gang we are free to assume he had Obama, Hitlery, Strzok, and Comey on his team.
Anyone in the public sphere gets threats from nutjobs. Think Trump never got any?

We don't have secret courts and anonymous prosecutions in this country quite yet. If Smith has assembled yet another team of maxed out Democratic Party donors, the voters should know that now and not have to wait for the congresdional hearings.

Trump has had a bodyguard for 30 years.
Trump revealed the names of poll workers and his cult sent death threats.
Trump's cult would do the same to anyone who even disagrees with their dear leader.
Biden has the American taxpayers paying for this bogus witch hunt to jail his major political opponent. Shouldn't we know who the people are on the Special Counsel's team? After all, we are paying their salary.

The Jack Smith Special Counsel refuses to release the names of his team members. Why is that? We know they are most certainly ALL Democrats. We know they lack integrity and honor. But are any of them retreads from the Mueller days?

Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch sued Joe Biden’s DOJ to obtain the names of the radical Democrats who are members of Jack Smith’s Special Counsel.

Via Just The News.

Because Trump will just go after them, and they probably don't need that stress while doing their jobs.
And another "witchhunt", which is what criminals say when people go after them.

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