Breaking Report: White House Deputy Chief of Staff Kate Walsh Outed As Source Of Leaks

Cast of clowns in the white house running things for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, the "job creator" class, 'Course, woulda been no different with Hilary; just a more polished corruption, but corruption nonetheless.

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Snout had to read something he doesn't agree with; wasn't PC enough for him..
Priebus is on the chopping block and has been for a while? If that is true, then why was he on Meet the Press this morning, appearing as an official spokesperson for Trump? According to everything Priebus said, Trump's team is doing well and they all get along great.
Cast of clowns in the white house running things for Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, the "job creator" class, 'Course, woulda been no different with Hilary; just a more polished corruption, but corruption nonetheless.
Are you an antisemite?
When TGP reached out to GotNews founder, Charles Johnson, for comment on the story he said that it was “100% reliable, I’m unwilling to reveal the primary White House sources, but Walsh was behind the leaks.”

So, we know who the leak is as the result of a leak?

Hmmm.....sounds reliable!

You guys really will believe anything, won't you?

So what these clowns are saying is that 4 weeks into his Presidency the President should fire his Chief of Staff, and his Assistant Chief of Staff, as well as replace the Head of the NSA, who he also fired.

How long before the Congress and the Senate say "Mr. President, you're fired"?
soooo, multiple unnamed source leakers in the white house... are Leaking that this woman is the leaker?

I'm still trying to figure out Trump's statement when he said "the leaks are real, but the news is fake".

Was he saying that the reason the leak happened was fake, but the leak itself was real?

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