Breaking. Prop 8.... struck down.

There are genetic reasons why you are a male or female.. there are genetic reasons why you have brown eyes or blue eyes.. there are genetic reasons why your skin is brown or white or yellow or whatever pigment...

There is no proof that there is a genetic cause to being gay or what you are attracted to... while it may not be ENTIRELY correct that it is conscious choice, it can also be based on exposure, experiences, conditions, etc..

just sayin'

Homosexuality is a naturally occurring abnormality that occurs fairly constantly across the entirety of humanity, Homosexuals are about 10% of the population, wherever that population is. Anthropologists theory that homosexuality remained static throughout all of human history. Only approval of homosexuality changes. Widespread acceptance and normalization of homosexuality occurs during periods of widespread generalized degeneracy of all kinds and practices among the people.

Yet unproven by any genetic cause.. as stated... which then could be pattern of behavior, learned or not.. or whatever


If someone tells you it's genetic tell them to prove it.

They can accept it on faith but then if they turn around and say God doesn't exist you can say that you believe he does. Eventually we'll find out who's right.

Still, this has no business in politics.
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I have no problem with gay marriage, but the people of California voted not to have it in their state. If judges are just going to overturn the will of the people then why vote at all?

Do you understand why we have a judicial branch?

The mob frequently votes to violate the Constitution and rights of others. That is EXACTLY why we have a judicial branch.

There are bozos out there thinking up laws to violate your rights every damn day. So you best thank God for the courts.
[That is just MY POINT! Skin color is NOTHING like behavior. Not close, not in the same ball park.

That depends on whether or not you believe people are born gay.

You got the point, and came to the wrong conclusion. Incidentally the polygamous family that has some sort of reality show, just sued over the unconstitutional bigamy laws. That didn't take long.

Judge allows `Sister Wives' suit challenging Utah bigamy law to proceed |

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A federal judge has ruled there's sufficient evidence to allow a polygamous family made famous by a reality TV show to pursue a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Utah's bigamy law.

U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups on Friday dismissed Utah's governor and attorney general from the case, but allowed the suit to proceed against Utah County Attorney Jeffrey Buhman, the Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune report.

If grown adults want to enter into a polygamous relationship then who is the government or anyone else to tell them they can't, providing the relationship is completely of their own free will?
I dont get it, the people vote "No" each time, then a crooked judge strikes it down. That to me and anyone else who understands the constitution knows this is unconstitutional, California followed the constitution in having it placed on the ballot for a vote, the people spoke, and a judge rules against it. These judges need removed from the bench for constitutional violations. I do agree with Gingrich on that much.

Another person who thinks the majority can vote away the rights of the minority. You are one of the reasons the Founders inserted the Bill of Rights into the Constitution in the first place. They were very, very concerned about people like you.

Actually, they were far more concerned about people like you trying to force your will on the people.

how are gay people having their own personal marriage affecting you Avatar?....
I have no links yet.... but same sex marriage is a go in California again.

They let California citizens vote on it via direct democracy - they voted against the idea.


The Tenth Amendment won...

Our country is going to shit...

I suppose if you don't like a constitutional outcome you find a judge that will take your position..

Every progressive in this country belongs in prison.

If the Democrat FDR can throw the Japanese, communists and Italians in prison then we can throw progressives in prison - using their own Authoritarian logic...
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Another person who thinks the majority can vote away the rights of the minority. You are one of the reasons the Founders inserted the Bill of Rights into the Constitution in the first place. They were very, very concerned about people like you.

Actually, they were far more concerned about people like you trying to force your will on the people.

how are gay people having their own personal marriage affecting you Avatar?....

He does not want them to get the cash and prizes the government gives to married people. How that affects him, I don't know.
There are genetic reasons why you are a male or female.. there are genetic reasons why you have brown eyes or blue eyes.. there are genetic reasons why your skin is brown or white or yellow or whatever pigment...

There is no proof that there is a genetic cause to being gay or what you are attracted to... while it may not be ENTIRELY correct that it is conscious choice, it can also be based on exposure, experiences, conditions, etc..

just sayin'

Homosexuality is a naturally occurring abnormality that occurs fairly constantly across the entirety of humanity, Homosexuals are about 10% of the population, wherever that population is. Anthropologists theory that homosexuality remained static throughout all of human history. Only approval of homosexuality changes. Widespread acceptance and normalization of homosexuality occurs during periods of widespread generalized degeneracy of all kinds and practices among the people.

Yet unproven by any genetic cause.. as stated... which then could be pattern of behavior, learned or not.. or whatever

It's not genetic. It's not even learned. It just seems to be one of those random facts of humanity that pop up every so often with no rhyme or reason, like someone being a genius or a serial killer. Study a little anthropology. Homosexuality is benign. It does not benefit a culture nor does it harm one. The toxicity seems to occur once the host culture accepts at normal behavior. It brings a load of baggage with it. In countries that have accepted the normalcy of homosexuality for many years, they now have accepted the normalcy of abortion, incest, beastiality and polygamy, if not outright polygamy, then it's close cousin serial monogamy. It is almost like once this abnormality is accepted, it all must be accepted. The people become weak, solely concerned with pursuit of pleasure until it is taken over by a more robust people. Ordinarily who do not look kindly on the practices of those they can now subjegate.

If you are looking at me to say that Kim Kardashian's marriage wasn't a sham and a travesty you are looking in the wrong place. But then again, I did say that the whole culture was on a path to depravity A culture that normalizes same sex marriage should be expected to normalize Kardashian type marriages too.

My point with the kardashian is that i know more successful happy stable long term relationship gay couples... then i do heterosexual couples.

Marriage is something between two people. It should not be something between two people and the world.

As soon as you ask someone else to consider your "marriage" normal, legal and binding, you have invited in the the world.

If you think that a photographer should not have the right to decline services for a same sex wedding you have invited in the world. If you think that a counselor is wrong to refuse counseling for same sex couples you have invited in the world. You can't claim that this relationship is private just between two people AND want the right to browbeat everyone else into accepting it.

did you know i was married?.....outside of those who knew me.....i seriously doubt if the WORLD knew i was married or could care less.....
What you're attracted to isn't a choice.

It'd probably be better if i weren't attracted to big knockers and a nice can until i were ready for kids and marriage that way I didn't accidentally get a girl pregnant before marriage.

But that's not how it works.

There are genetic reasons why you are a male or female.. there are genetic reasons why you have brown eyes or blue eyes.. there are genetic reasons why your skin is brown or white or yellow or whatever pigment...

There is no proof that there is a genetic cause to being gay or what you are attracted to... while it may not be ENTIRELY correct that it is conscious choice, it can also be based on exposure, experiences, conditions, etc..

just sayin'

Who cares if it is genetic or a personal choice?

If you are in love with someone of your own sex you should be allowed to marry them if you CHOOSE........just like anyone else

Because we are allowed to accept or not accept the choices of others without having government force it upon us.... hence why government should be out of the choices of 'marriage' except for things revolving around government such as taxes, inheritance, etc...

You have the right not to accept the behavior of others... you don't have to hire a person who chooses the have facial tattoos or who openly participates in satanic rituals... you don't have to rent your available room out to someone who does not meet behavior that is compatible with yours

And that is the thing here.... have the freedom to choose whomever you wish to be with, file a tax return with them, pass on your worldly possessions, make medical decisions when they are in a coma... fine.. great... but do not use government to force your choice upon the freedoms of others...

being yellow skinned or brown eyes or male or a dwarf or whatever is not a choice and should not be subject to rejection (unless you are a paraplegic applying to paint houses or crap that is that obvious).... a pattern or history of behavior and/or choice can be subject to the freedom of others to accept that behavior or not
I have no links yet.... but same sex marriage is a go in California again.

They let California citizens vote on it via direct democracy - they voted against the idea.


The Tenth Amendment won...

Our country is going to shit...

I suppose if you don't like a constitutional outcome you find a judge that will take your position..

Every progressive in this country belongs in prison.

If the Democrat FDR can throw the Japanese, communists and Italians in prison then we can throw progressives in prison - using their own Authoritarian logic...
I wonder at how you would feel if you were in some minority group and the majority, thru direct democracy, voted one or more of YOUR rights away.

You'd be racing to the Courts faster than Rush Limbaugh raced to the ACLU.
Do you understand why we have a judicial branch?

The mob frequently votes to violate the Constitution and rights of others. That is EXACTLY why we have a judicial branch.

There are bozos out there thinking up laws to violate your rights every damn day. So you best thank God for the courts.

Hence the reason we were not set up to be a Democracy. California brought this on themselves.

My point with the kardashian is that i know more successful happy stable long term relationship gay couples... then i do heterosexual couples.

Marriage is something between two people. It should not be something between two people and the world.

As soon as you ask someone else to consider your "marriage" normal, legal and binding, you have invited in the the world.

If you think that a photographer should not have the right to decline services for a same sex wedding you have invited in the world. If you think that a counselor is wrong to refuse counseling for same sex couples you have invited in the world. You can't claim that this relationship is private just between two people AND want the right to browbeat everyone else into accepting it.

did you know i was married?.....outside of those who knew me.....i seriously doubt if the WORLD knew i was married or could care less.....

Then you too would uphold the rights of anyone to decline services to another for any reason whatsoever?
I wonder at how you would feel if you were in some minority group and the majority, thru direct democracy, voted one or more of YOUR rights away.

You'd be racing to the Courts faster than Rush Limbaugh raced to the ACLU.

No one ever had the right to marry someone of the same sex, so nothing was voted away.
Homosexuality is a naturally occurring abnormality that occurs fairly constantly across the entirety of humanity, Homosexuals are about 10% of the population, wherever that population is. Anthropologists theory that homosexuality remained static throughout all of human history. Only approval of homosexuality changes. Widespread acceptance and normalization of homosexuality occurs during periods of widespread generalized degeneracy of all kinds and practices among the people.

Yet unproven by any genetic cause.. as stated... which then could be pattern of behavior, learned or not.. or whatever

It's not genetic. It's not even learned. It just seems to be one of those random facts of humanity that pop up every so often with no rhyme or reason, like someone being a genius or a serial killer. Study a little anthropology. Homosexuality is benign. It does not benefit a culture nor does it harm one. The toxicity seems to occur once the host culture accepts at normal behavior. It brings a load of baggage with it. In countries that have accepted the normalcy of homosexuality for many years, they now have accepted the normalcy of abortion, incest, beastiality and polygamy, if not outright polygamy, then it's close cousin serial monogamy. It is almost like once this abnormality is accepted, it all must be accepted. The people become weak, solely concerned with pursuit of pleasure until it is taken over by a more robust people. Ordinarily who do not look kindly on the practices of those they can now subjegate.

I ask again: Evidence for your cum hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, please.
I have no links yet.... but same sex marriage is a go in California again.

They let California citizens vote on it via direct democracy - they voted against the idea.


The Tenth Amendment won...

Our country is going to shit...

I suppose if you don't like a constitutional outcome you find a judge that will take your position..

Every progressive in this country belongs in prison.

If the Democrat FDR can throw the Japanese, communists and Italians in prison then we can throw progressives in prison - using their own Authoritarian logic...

The Libertarian wants to tell others who they are allowed to fall in love with

The Libertarian wants government in your bedroom
I wonder at how you would feel if you were in some minority group and the majority, thru direct democracy, voted one or more of YOUR rights away.

You'd be racing to the Courts faster than Rush Limbaugh raced to the ACLU.

No one ever had the right to marry someone of the same sex, so nothing was voted away.

The cash and prizes extended to other people were voted away. That is unconstitutional.
Neither is procreation, or guns, or the right to have a job....but these ARE understood rights. Are you saying that something MUST be in the Constitution before it is even considered a right?

Firearms are most assuredly IN the Constitution. Or did you miss the 2nd Amendment?

Arms are....but show me the word "gun(s)" in the Constitution. Is it right next to the words "separation of church and state"?

Firearms. care to define what a gun is?
I have no links yet.... but same sex marriage is a go in California again.

They let California citizens vote on it via direct democracy - they voted against the idea.


The Tenth Amendment won...

Our country is going to shit...

I suppose if you don't like a constitutional outcome you find a judge that will take your position..

Every progressive in this country belongs in prison.

If the Democrat FDR can throw the Japanese, communists and Italians in prison then we can throw progressives in prison - using their own Authoritarian logic...

The Libertarian wants to tell others who they are allowed to fall in love with

The Libertarian wants government in your bedroom

The libertarian embraces the Bill of Rights and more specifically the Tenth Amendment.
I have no links yet.... but same sex marriage is a go in California again.

They let California citizens vote on it via direct democracy - they voted against the idea.


The Tenth Amendment won...

Our country is going to shit...

I suppose if you don't like a constitutional outcome you find a judge that will take your position..

Every progressive in this country belongs in prison.

If the Democrat FDR can throw the Japanese, communists and Italians in prison then we can throw progressives in prison - using their own Authoritarian logic...

The Libertarian wants to tell others who they are allowed to fall in love with

The Libertarian wants government in your bedroom

Boy, you could not be more wrong. Libertarian policy is to get the government out of marriage entirely.

No cash and prizes for anyone.

It does not get more equal and more small government than that!

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