Breaking News - Israel launches ground offensive in Gaza

Would your agreement extend to American "mothers" who urge encourage and urge their sons To join the IDF?

finally we have Moshe Feiglin, a deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament and a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, urging the Israeli army to kill Palestinians in Gaza indiscriminately and use every means possible to get them to leave:

[Netanyahu] announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately. Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave. This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts. … All the military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’. …

The IDF will conquer the entire Gaza, using all the means necessary to minimize any harm to our soldiers, with no other considerations. … The enemy population that is innocent of wrong-doing and separated itself from the armed terrorists will be treated in accordance with international law and will be allowed to leave. Israel will generously aid those who wish to leave.

This psychosis is not going to get better on its own. In fact, it’s going to get much worse. How much worse will depend entirely on the continuing inaction of western leaders.
They Aren?t Hiding It Anymore: Calls for Genocide, Rape of Palestinian Women enter Israeli Mainstream | Global Research

It never gets old listening to pro Palestinians complaining about what some extremist Israelis aaid about this and that, given that what Palestinians including their leaders have said about Israel and Israelis.....:lol:

How many videos have we seen of Palestinians they want to kill all Zionists and destroy Israel?
How many videos have we seen made by Hamas mocking Israel by glorifying precious attacks on Israel?
Palestinians constantly say the most disgusting things concerning what they hope happens to Israel and Israel, so when you PaliNazis complain qbout a remark like this, all I can do is laugh at you.

Concerning what she said, yes it is very harsh and I would advise her to keep her thoughts to herself...
[MENTION=37610]SherriMunnerlyn[/MENTION], et al,

Oh, for heaven's sake!

... .... ... .... ... Why are you so eager for your daughter to become a baby killer and a traitor to her country?

"Baby Killer"


This is over the top.

First, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is no such thing. And such inflammatory remarks are simply unbecoming decency.

What is the conflict about, at the basic level. It is a dispute between cultures over the a series of decisions that were started to be made nearly a century ago.

It is good to have an open and frank discussion about the various aspects of the conflict. But such rhetoric and sensationalized comments as this are totally inaccurate and merely an attempt to demonize the IDF for the very things that the Jihadist and Fedayeen are very much famous.

I recommend that you make an effort to be more constructive in your comments. Think before you speak. The Arab Palestinian has absolutely no room to talk relative to Human Rights Law and the impact of the combat outcomes.

Israel is blamed for everything from Palestinian men beating their wives, to the need for Arab Palestinians to wage Jihad. There is no culture in the world that whines more than the Palestinian.

With respect to the need for the IDF to respond, Even the PLO Envoy to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, sees that:

1.) The Israeli bombing campaign now underway in Gaza is not the monstrous violation of human rights critics claim. It is, rather, a defensive action against human rights abuses. If you don’t believe Israel’s spokesmen, take it from the Palestinian Authority’s own human rights guy.

2.) There are reasonable voices among the Palestinian Authority leadership who take a balanced view and share it with their own people, in Arabic. If you don’t believe me, take it from Memri, the staunchly conservative Middle East Media Research Institute, which rarely has a kind word to say about Palestinian officialdom, but caught this video and posted it.​

I think there is ample evidence that the IDF has done more than any other nation, faced with an aggressor such as the Arab Palestinian, to comply with Humanitarian Law. Have there been mistakes, probably given the duration of the conflict. But that does not absolve the Arab Palestinian from instigating the conflict and inciting violence. Nor does it permit to openly violating IHL.

Most Respectfully,
Mr R-----you do not understand-----the position of the isaallah religion is ----
jews have no human rights -----ask their heros and their "gods" ---
muhhummad, adolf hitler, al husseini , meshaaal etc etc
for more insight-----go to a mosque on a Friday afternoon-----in which the khutbah jumaat
is delivered in English or read Stormfront
Rocco, I left that comment in comments to an article in an American Jewish publication and I received many likes to my comment from American Jews. Every American Jew is not willing to so readily become a traitor to America. Some Jews feel loyalty to America and see the truth about Israel and her war criminal history in Palestine.
Rocco, I left that comment in comments to an article in an American Jewish publication and I received many likes to my comment from American Jews. Every American Jew is not willing to so readily become a traitor to America. Some Jews feel loyalty to America and see the truth about Israel and her war criminal history in Palestine.

You are dreaming if you think that. Well, that's assuming that you can even think.
[MENTION=37610]SherriMunnerlyn[/MENTION], et al,

Serving in the IDF is not being a "traitor to America."

Rocco, I left that comment in comments to an article in an American Jewish publication and I received many likes to my comment from American Jews. Every American Jew is not willing to so readily become a traitor to America. Some Jews feel loyalty to America and see the truth about Israel and her war criminal history in Palestine.

The US has a history of serving in Foreign Military capacities with countries that need protection. The original Flying Tigers (AVG) flew as part of the Chinese Air Force, similarly did the Lafayette Escadrille for the French Air Service. By the time the Japanese attacked America in WWII, there were about 9,000 Americans in the Royal Canadian Air Force. All served honorably. Gregory "Pappy" Boyington was in the Flying Tigers and already an ace prior to rejoining the United States Marine Corps as a pilot. He was awarded the Medal of Honor.

Israel, for its more than six decade in continuous conflict with the Arab Palestinians, has done remarkably well defending its sovereignty. Like Americans before now, there will be many readily to protect and defend that Jewish Nation from the Arab Oppression which has haunted it for more than half a century. In any extended conflict, the shear number of hostile engagements are going to lead to violations of one code or another. That is not the same as a culture like the Arab Palestinians which have pledged hostilities in violation of various international principles, it is much different from a culture like the Arab Palestinians that further incite conflict - yet oppose (as a matter of policy) good faith negotiations.

You are entitled to believe anything you want, but at the end of the day, it is the Arab Palestinians that have the history of past criminal behaviors and terrorism.

Most Respectfully,
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