Breaking News Alert: Alleged Ted Cruz Mistress Promptly Deletes Her Cruz Twitter History

Now Amanda Carpenter on twitter is making up words saying harassment. When she's the one who has been harassing Trump through twitter mentions. Months before all this scandal. She needs to stop acting like the victim when clearly the Trump campaign had nothing to do with the affair she had with Cruz. Though the Trump supporters have been annoyed with her constantly bashing him unfairly since he first started. Hey lady, he's in the Republican party like you!

She was busy setting up some sort of black list against Trump supporters. This bitch is a piece of work.

She's embarrassing herself the more pictures they add to clue. I mean, she probably did cheat with Ted. If not some other men who aren't him. Reason why she's overreacting to what should be nothing :eusa_clap:
I'm not giving you an opinion. I've been putting up facts. Data from anti Trump people like the Daily Beast, Salon and others who all confirm it was Rubio's people. Come on. The facts are that Rubio associates have been working this over for some time.

A scandal rag is going to run a scandal as hot as this without provocation.

And of course Trump has had to mention the bloody NE over and over again because everyone is asking him about it.

TOTAL horseshit. It's playground tactics 101 to divert blame to another party. I was associated with the Rubio campaign here in Arizona and I can tell you the rules were cut and crap. Even after Cruz tried to portray Rubio as a fake Christian the boys from SC didn't respond. That's not how Rubio rolls. The rags you mention were terrified of him because they knew he'd take the minority and youth vote away from old Granny Pants. The DNC called him their "nightmare scenario". And in any year but this one, he'd have walked away with the nomination by now. Stop peddling this garbage.

I'm not saying it's Rubio. Rubio's associates. Big difference.

And why don't you tell Daily Beast, Kirsten Powers and others to stop peddling this so called garbage. They are the ones right out front and center nailing it on Rubio's people. And these media outlets are not pro Trump.
I'm not saying it's Rubio. Rubio's associates. Big difference.

And why don't you tell Daily Beast, Kirsten Powers and others to stop peddling this so called garbage. They are the ones right out front and center nailing it on Rubio's people. And these media outlets are not pro Trump.

You're the one spreading this crap here so I'm telling you here. Let's see a NAME associated with this fairy tale....who is this mystery man?
Have a look at this.

I'm not saying it's Rubio. Rubio's associates. Big difference.

And why don't you tell Daily Beast, Kirsten Powers and others to stop peddling this so called garbage. They are the ones right out front and center nailing it on Rubio's people. And these media outlets are not pro Trump.

You're the one spreading this crap here so I'm telling you here. Let's see a NAME associated with this fairy tale....who is this mystery man?

It's a message board. We are in the Political forum. I am participating in a thread about Amanda Carpenter. That's how it rolls. I'm putting up everything I have found out so far with links.

If I find the mystery man you bet I'll have it up lickety split.
Pay attention to the fact that Amanda Carpenter was starting a very serious blacklist on Trump supporters. Red State was cheering her on. Payback's a bitch. Or would it be karma for this?

It Begins=> Trump-Haters Start List of Trump Supporters to Blackball and Punish

Jim Hoft Mar 17th, 2016 3:34 pm 244 Comments

The Trump-bashers are starting up a list of conservative supporters of Donald Trump — so that they can blackball these Trump supporters.

The list was initiated by Cruz supporter Amanda Carpenter who is usually kind and intelligent but now suffers from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.


It Begins=> Trump-Haters Start List of Trump Supporters to Blackball and Punish - The Gateway Pundit
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And Trump :dig: himself deeper

trump never did anything. It was rubio and this was going around for months on twitter before the mag picked it up.

Yeah, this is the best part of the whole story. Writers/Campaign workers started it I believe in January after Cruz and Rubio had their yelling match after a debate. Why do you think Rubio's been so quiet? LOL
Keep telling yourself that as people are being held liable for spreading the rumor as if it were fact.

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