BREAKING: MTG swatted (The 8th Time) at her Georgia home on Christmas

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Swatting is a form of attempted murder. Someone is wanting to get her killed by the police through swatting. Democrats are behind this. If this was happening to Hillary Rotten Clinton, Garland’s “ Justice “ Department would be employing every cyber weapon available to find, and prosecute, the perpetrators.

Swatting is a form of attempted murder. Someone is wanting to get her killed by the police through swatting. Democrats are behind this. If this was happening to Hillary Rotten Clinton, Garland’s “ Justice “ Department would be employing every cyber weapon available to find, and prosecute, the perpetrators.

Why are these calls even allowed to be anonymous? If the call is real then you've got a witness to a crime and the cops need to know who that person is. And if it's not real then it's attempted murder and the cops need to know who the perp is.
Swatting is a form of attempted murder. Someone is wanting to get her killed by the police through swatting. Democrats are behind this. If this was happening to Hillary Rotten Clinton, Garland’s “ Justice “ Department would be employing every cyber weapon available to find, and prosecute, the perpetrators.

i agree that the surveillance state can find these guys and punish them severely. it is attempted murder. i think that "carbiviore " profram could be used to shut down the telephone and internet scammers

who do you think is the "democrat" behind this?. isn't swatting more of a 4 chan prank?
i agree that the surveillance state can find these guys and punish them severely. it is attempted murder. i think that "carbiviore " profram could be used to shut down the telephone and internet scammers

who do you think is the "democrat" behind this?

Swatting is a form of attempted murder. Someone is wanting to get her killed by the police through swatting. Democrats are behind this. If this was happening to Hillary Rotten Clinton, Garland’s “ Justice “ Department would be employing every cyber weapon available to find, and prosecute, the perpetrators.


She's a tough bitch! She probably says, "BRING IT!"

Swatting is a form of attempted murder. Someone is wanting to get her killed by the police through swatting. Democrats are behind this. If this was happening to Hillary Rotten Clinton, Garland’s “ Justice “ Department would be employing every cyber weapon available to find, and prosecute, the perpetrators.

Boo hoo swat her like a fly
Her Tweet doesn't make it true, neither does an article from some pseudo media outlet from Canada whose only source is her Tweet.

You'll have to do better...

"Police confirm swatting incident targeting Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's house on Christmas"

Swatting is a form of attempted murder. Someone is wanting to get her killed by the police through swatting. Democrats are behind this. If this was happening to Hillary Rotten Clinton, Garland’s “ Justice “ Department would be employing every cyber weapon available to find, and prosecute, the perpetrators.

I wonder why this doesn’t happen much more frequently — to all our scumbag libturd politicians?

Swatting: A New Weapon of Political Warfare?

Giving it a fresh new name doesn’t change what it is.
26 Dec 2023 ~~ By Mark Angelides

On Christmas Day, police in Georgia were called and told by a man that he had just killed his girlfriend and that he was about to turn the gun on himself. He gave his address as that of Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. According to the congresswoman, this was perhaps the eighth time that law enforcement had been called to her family home with a similar hoax story.
By alerting police to an apparently highly violent situation, a caller prompts them to send SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) officers to a location. The purpose is to put the officers on guard and more likely to lead with their firearms. This practice is termed “swatting,” but such a catchy name distorts what heinous practice is truly taking place. This is clearly a method of targeted harassment, but could there also be a more nefarious motivation? It would not be going too far to suggest swatting could be a means of attempted murder by proxy.
The intention behind sending SWAT to someone’s home is – at the very least – to create a dangerous situation and, at worst, the hope that someone is killed during the event. And yet, somehow, such incidents are often dismissed as minor crimes.

Pick Your Poison

What would it take for Swatters to stop targeting politicians like Taylor Greene? Presumably, if she were to step down from office and withdraw from the public eye, these attempted attacks would cease. So what is it that we call people or groups that insist on silence under fear of potential death? For all the talk of “civility” and “unity” in modern politics and the halls of media, it seems that swatting is neither regarded as terrorism nor attempted murder.
One might wonder what moral malaise is infecting the nation when people consider murder by proxy a legitimate form of political protest. It seems that a “by any means necessary” mantra has become the guiding light for sick individuals intent on harm; calling it “swatting” instead of what it really is provides a thin veneer to those who put innocent lives at risk and yet still consider themselves on the side of right.

Oddly, the same crowd who is anti-gun has NO problem with falsely sending the guns of the Regime after you.
Eventually someone is going to be killed by the police and who pay the piper?

There should be severe penalties for "Swatting." Are there?
To find out who's doing this is an easy task. Note how fast and efficiently the Federal Government identified, arrested, and incarcerated the peaceful protesters of January 6, 2021.

Swatting is a form of attempted murder. Someone is wanting to get her killed by the police through swatting. Democrats are behind this. If this was happening to Hillary Rotten Clinton, Garland’s “ Justice “ Department would be employing every cyber weapon available to find, and prosecute, the perpetrators.

Check the ex husband...
i agree that the surveillance state can find these guys and punish them severely. it is attempted murder. i think that "carbiviore " profram could be used to shut down the telephone and internet scammers

And too, use it to hunt down and identify those jackasses who threatened Ruby Freeman and daughter. And the recent Colorado judges. And too the court clerks of various jurisdictions where Don Trump is scheduled for trial.

Hunt down and prosecute all such miscreants.

Cool that.

Swatting: A New Weapon of Political Warfare?

Giving it a fresh new name doesn’t change what it is.
26 Dec 2023 ~~ By Mark Angelides

On Christmas Day, police in Georgia were called and told by a man that he had just killed his girlfriend and that he was about to turn the gun on himself. He gave his address as that of Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. According to the congresswoman, this was perhaps the eighth time that law enforcement had been called to her family home with a similar hoax story.
By alerting police to an apparently highly violent situation, a caller prompts them to send SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) officers to a location. The purpose is to put the officers on guard and more likely to lead with their firearms. This practice is termed “swatting,” but such a catchy name distorts what heinous practice is truly taking place. This is clearly a method of targeted harassment, but could there also be a more nefarious motivation? It would not be going too far to suggest swatting could be a means of attempted murder by proxy.
The intention behind sending SWAT to someone’s home is – at the very least – to create a dangerous situation and, at worst, the hope that someone is killed during the event. And yet, somehow, such incidents are often dismissed as minor crimes.

Pick Your Poison

What would it take for Swatters to stop targeting politicians like Taylor Greene? Presumably, if she were to step down from office and withdraw from the public eye, these attempted attacks would cease. So what is it that we call people or groups that insist on silence under fear of potential death? For all the talk of “civility” and “unity” in modern politics and the halls of media, it seems that swatting is neither regarded as terrorism nor attempted murder.
One might wonder what moral malaise is infecting the nation when people consider murder by proxy a legitimate form of political protest. It seems that a “by any means necessary” mantra has become the guiding light for sick individuals intent on harm; calling it “swatting” instead of what it really is provides a thin veneer to those who put innocent lives at risk and yet still consider themselves on the side of right.

Oddly, the same crowd who is anti-gun has NO problem with falsely sending the guns of the Regime after you.
Eventually someone is going to be killed by the police and who pay the piper?

There should be severe penalties for "Swatting." Are there?
To find out who's doing this is an easy task. Note how fast and efficiently the Federal Government identified, arrested, and incarcerated the peaceful protesters of January 6, 2021.

Anti-gunners aren't really anti-gun. The just want the all powerful state to have a monopoly on guns.
This is the best that leftist swine can do.

Umm, I dunno about "leftist swine".
The villains may be closer to home.

It coulda been those folks who fanboy on Matt Gaetz, and his animosity towards McCarthy who Marjorie Trailertrash Greene fangirled over.

She supported McCarthy.
Gaetze didn't.
Obvious conflict.

And given the nature of both camps......Gaetz's and Greene's, can anyone wonder that jackassery would ensue?

MTG swatted (The 8th Time) at her Georgia home on Christmas​

Swatting is a form of attempted murder. Someone is wanting to get her killed by the police through swatting. Democrats are behind this. If this was happening to Hillary Rotten Clinton, Garland’s “ Justice “ Department would be employing every cyber weapon available to find, and prosecute, the perpetrators.

There is something wrong here. I think MTG may have a lawsuit against the Georgia police. I mean, when you call the police for any reason, much less to report a villainous crime in progress, don't you have to identify who you are? Don't they have caller ID?

By the second time this happened, the police should be on to this and be nabbing the perps. Why haven't they? By the 2-3rd time, they should not only be nabbing the perps, but they should be recognizing: "Not again," realizing whose address they are dealing with, especially on Christmas, and calling her house first to confirm the event. If these idiots are still racing to her home guns drawn after eight times, I think she ought to be suing them.

And too, use it to hunt down and identify those jackasses who threatened Ruby Freeman and daughter. And the recent Colorado judges. And too the court clerks of various jurisdictions where Don Trump is scheduled for trial.

Hunt down and prosecute all such miscreants.

Cool that.
totally. this is not some juvenile prank. i really don't care which side does it.

i am not a fan of this surveillance, but it seems to be directed at the wrong people.

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