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Black on black crime is a far worse problem that the Black community had better address before they go marching in Ferguson Mo. over a dead lump of shit.
Yeah, they're giving the grand jury members a couple of hours to pack up and leave town, probably to Clinton, MO where Chicken Man has been hiding out since August.
That man is a law enforcement officer who places his life on the line every day to serve and protect. But an idiot like you would not understand that.

No, most of the time they do not put their life on the line. Most of them never even draw their weapons except at target practice. Most of the time they're are bored to death and discouraged that the exciting job they signed up for doesn't pan out. I suggest you stop watching television and read more.

So that's why they wear body armor EVERY SINGLE DAY. I suggest you take some time off shopping for womens panties and educate yourself man-girl, boy- woman, whatever you are.

I supposed if I lived on your side of the tracks and down a few screen doors and plastic pink flamingos from your trailer, I could affirm that. But I don't.
Black on black crime is a far worse problem that the Black community had better address before they go marching in Ferguson Mo. over a dead lump of shit.

Thank you for reinforcing the underlying truth that blacks are stopped by police far more than white people.

In NYC, their are more people snorting cocaine on the Upper East Side than buying an ounce of weed in Harlem.
Everybody who's hoping that Chicken Man Wilson gets off, keep this in mind: What happens in Ferguson isn't going to stay in Ferguson. Riots in the 1960s started from black women who were sent to the back of the bus and other black people who couldn't get service at a lunch counter.

It will have to be manufactured, because these folks are full of shit. They aren't being oppressed. They are doing the oppressing. Destroying their neighborhoods, people are just going by to disown Ferguson and leave. My guess is the Democrats want a Gaza Strip in America so they can fan the flames of racism.

How would you know? You live in Ferguson and hang in the streets there?
Oh, the life of a classy liberal. I wish I could be as modern and upscale as you.:asshole: So what are you trying to say liberal? People that live in trailers are scum? Kinda racist too.
Black on black crime is a far worse problem that the Black community had better address before they go marching in Ferguson Mo. over a dead lump of shit.

Thank you for reinforcing the underlying truth that blacks are stopped by police far more than white people.

In NYC, their are more people snorting cocaine on the Upper East Side than buying an ounce of weed in Harlem.
Can't read a chart very well can ya tranny? Now, if you would focus on the chart like you do a dick before you suck it you would see the data it is showing.
Yeah, they're giving the grand jury members a couple of hours to pack up and leave town, probably to Clinton, MO where Chicken Man has been hiding out since August.

So he should have simply remained in his home and put his family and neighbors at risk.

That's what most cops do, yes. George Zimmerman didn't cut n' run, he wasn't even an officer of the law, and it's a sad fucking day when someone out-chickenshits George Zimmerman.

I doubt he left because he was personally afraid. He more than likely left because he was advised to for the safety of family and neighbors.

He left because his face wasn't fucked up like the other cops said. New video shows his eye wasn't displaced from its socket as reported. He left because he fucking shot first and asked questions later, and a dozen witnesses saw the kid put his hands up and turn around and shout, "OK".
Your an absolute idiot. He attacked the officer and got shot in his fat fucking face like he deserved. All those turd witnesses would lie about anything concerning the "po-po."

"..turd witnesses".....I hope you don't get called for jury duty very often. "po-po"? There's no doubt you hated black people long before Darren Wilson peed his pants and shot a kid on the run.

I've never doubted there was an altercation and Michael Brown was acting like a stupid kid. Another stupid kid I know personally was arrested and strapped onto a gurney by the police on the campus of Penn State last year. State College police were called in and he started fighting with them, too, along with the campus cops. He was drunk and stoned out of his mind. Spent the night in jail after he kicked one of the cops while being strapped down.

A month later his dad, a good friend of mine who is a PA attorney with a couple of PA Supreme Court wins under his belt, and white, got his son off in court with a wrist slap.

If the kid had been black, he would have mysteriously died at the scene of the altercation. Yup.

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Black on black crime is a far worse problem that the Black community had better address before they go marching in Ferguson Mo. over a dead lump of shit.

Thank you for reinforcing the underlying truth that blacks are stopped by police far more than white people.

In NYC, their are more people snorting cocaine on the Upper East Side than buying an ounce of weed in Harlem.
Can't read a chart very well can ya tranny? Now, if you would focus on the chart like you do a dick before you suck it you would see the data it is showing.

Wow, desperation is not your strong suit.

Here's some facts which support your 2000-px wide screeching chart about NYC, Sherlock:

Bloomberg Backs Plan to Limit Arrests for Marijuana

""......Black leaders also cited the governor’s proposal as a rare recognition of — and attempt to remedy — what they describe as a cultural and legal double standard: that young African-American men are being arrested in large numbers for an activity — using marijuana — that is prevalent, but with less frequent legal consequences, among whites of the same age."""
Black on black crime is a far worse problem that the Black community had better address before they go marching in Ferguson Mo. over a dead lump of shit.

Thank you for reinforcing the underlying truth that blacks are stopped by police far more than white people.

In NYC, their are more people snorting cocaine on the Upper East Side than buying an ounce of weed in Harlem.
Can't read a chart very well can ya tranny? Now, if you would focus on the chart like you do a dick before you suck it you would see the data it is showing.

Wow, desperation is not your strong suit.

Here's some facts which support your 2000-px wide screeching chart about NYC, Sherlock:

Bloomberg Backs Plan to Limit Arrests for Marijuana

""......Black leaders also cited the governor’s proposal as a rare recognition of — and attempt to remedy — what they describe as a cultural and legal double standard: that young African-American men are being arrested in large numbers for an activity — using marijuana — that is prevalent, but with less frequent legal consequences, among whites of the same age."""
What does that have to do with black on black crime anus spelunker?
They're going to charge him is my prediction.

It's sad that it would probably save lives if they did.

The PC Police had him indicted and convicted before Brown's body was cold.

I just hope their final decision is based on reason and enough evidence, whatever it is.


Nope, the video and audio did.

White Construction workers witness Mike Brown being shot with hands up
They're going to charge him is my prediction.

It's sad that it would probably save lives if they did.

The PC Police had him indicted and convicted before Brown's body was cold.

I just hope their final decision is based on reason and enough evidence, whatever it is.


Nope, the video and audio did.

White Construction workers witness Mike Brown being shot with hands up

No, the PC Police had its mind made up before any evidence surfaced.

It was immediate. As always.

They're going to charge him is my prediction.

It's sad that it would probably save lives if they did.

The PC Police had him indicted and convicted before Brown's body was cold.

I just hope their final decision is based on reason and enough evidence, whatever it is.


Nope, the video and audio did.

White Construction workers witness Mike Brown being shot with hands up

They were proved wrong by the autopsy report.
Black on black crime is a far worse problem that the Black community had better address before they go marching in Ferguson Mo. over a dead lump of shit.

Thank you for reinforcing the underlying truth that blacks are stopped by police far more than white people.

In NYC, their are more people snorting cocaine on the Upper East Side than buying an ounce of weed in Harlem.
Can't read a chart very well can ya tranny? Now, if you would focus on the chart like you do a dick before you suck it you would see the data it is showing.

Wow, desperation is not your strong suit.

Here's some facts which support your 2000-px wide screeching chart about NYC, Sherlock:

Bloomberg Backs Plan to Limit Arrests for Marijuana

""......Black leaders also cited the governor’s proposal as a rare recognition of — and attempt to remedy — what they describe as a cultural and legal double standard: that young African-American men are being arrested in large numbers for an activity — using marijuana — that is prevalent, but with less frequent legal consequences, among whites of the same age."""
What does that have to do with black on black crime anus spelunker?

Black on black crime is a far worse problem that the Black community had better address before they go marching in Ferguson Mo. over a dead lump of shit.

Thank you for reinforcing the underlying truth that blacks are stopped by police far more than white people.

In NYC, their are more people snorting cocaine on the Upper East Side than buying an ounce of weed in Harlem.
Can't read a chart very well can ya tranny? Now, if you would focus on the chart like you do a dick before you suck it you would see the data it is showing.

Wow, desperation is not your strong suit.

Here's some facts which support your 2000-px wide screeching chart about NYC, Sherlock:

Bloomberg Backs Plan to Limit Arrests for Marijuana

""......Black leaders also cited the governor’s proposal as a rare recognition of — and attempt to remedy — what they describe as a cultural and legal double standard: that young African-American men are being arrested in large numbers for an activity — using marijuana — that is prevalent, but with less frequent legal consequences, among whites of the same age."""
What does that have to do with black on black crime anus spelunker?

What an idiot...The chart is about NYPD stats for their department and not interracial crimes committed. Better get your reading glasses out, gramps.
They're going to charge him is my prediction.

It's sad that it would probably save lives if they did.

The PC Police had him indicted and convicted before Brown's body was cold.

I just hope their final decision is based on reason and enough evidence, whatever it is.


Nope, the video and audio did.

White Construction workers witness Mike Brown being shot with hands up

No, the PC Police had its mind made up before any evidence surfaced.

It was immediate. As always.


OK, I'm really sorry you didn't see what these construction workers saw who were standing 50 feet away. I'm terribly sorry your ability to connect dots is so impaired. "PC Police" is another term for prejudiced white people.
Black on black crime is a far worse problem that the Black community had better address before they go marching in Ferguson Mo. over a dead lump of shit.

Thank you for reinforcing the underlying truth that blacks are stopped by police far more than white people.

In NYC, their are more people snorting cocaine on the Upper East Side than buying an ounce of weed in Harlem.
Can't read a chart very well can ya tranny? Now, if you would focus on the chart like you do a dick before you suck it you would see the data it is showing.

Wow, desperation is not your strong suit.

Here's some facts which support your 2000-px wide screeching chart about NYC, Sherlock:

Bloomberg Backs Plan to Limit Arrests for Marijuana

""......Black leaders also cited the governor’s proposal as a rare recognition of — and attempt to remedy — what they describe as a cultural and legal double standard: that young African-American men are being arrested in large numbers for an activity — using marijuana — that is prevalent, but with less frequent legal consequences, among whites of the same age."""
What does that have to do with black on black crime anus spelunker?

Black on black crime is a far worse problem that the Black community had better address before they go marching in Ferguson Mo. over a dead lump of shit.

Thank you for reinforcing the underlying truth that blacks are stopped by police far more than white people.

In NYC, their are more people snorting cocaine on the Upper East Side than buying an ounce of weed in Harlem.
Can't read a chart very well can ya tranny? Now, if you would focus on the chart like you do a dick before you suck it you would see the data it is showing.

Wow, desperation is not your strong suit.

Here's some facts which support your 2000-px wide screeching chart about NYC, Sherlock:

Bloomberg Backs Plan to Limit Arrests for Marijuana

""......Black leaders also cited the governor’s proposal as a rare recognition of — and attempt to remedy — what they describe as a cultural and legal double standard: that young African-American men are being arrested in large numbers for an activity — using marijuana — that is prevalent, but with less frequent legal consequences, among whites of the same age."""
What does that have to do with black on black crime anus spelunker?

What an idiot...The chart is about NYPD stats for their department and not interracial crimes committed. Better get your reading glasses out, gramps.
Look at the crime percentages, you don't think that mathematically that translates to a high % of black on black crime? Trannys cant do simple math?

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