BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered – A Direct Link Between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

14 May 2021 ~~ By Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

We’ve uncovered a Direct Link between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center

Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People’s Liberation Army General Ningyi Jin and retired General Xianzhu Xia, are core elements of China’s biowarfare program.
At least four subordinates of Xianzhu Xia and Ningyi Jin have been engaged in a massive domestic and international virus collection effort for over eight years: Biao He, Quanshui Fan, Changchun Tu and Zhiqiang Wu.
Biao He, together with Changjun Wang of the Third Military Medical University, played a key role in the isolation of bat coronaviruses ZC45 and ZXC21, claimed by Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan to be the viral backbones for COVID-19.
We have established a direct connection between the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province and the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston.
UTMB is a major virus research center heavily funded by the National Institutes of Health, especially Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
UTMB is also the home of the Department of Defense-funded Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases and has one of the few Biosafety Level 4 facilities for containing and conducting research on the world’s most dangerous viruses.
The key connection between UTMB and the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province is Pei-Yong Shi. He was trained in the People’s Republic of China and now is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at UTMB.

We are presently investigating other links between UTMB and the Chinese military.

Developing a vaccine for a virus which didn’t previously exist? What’s their end goal with this research? Hmm..., Why would the US or specifically former president Obama be interested enough to fund it with the Chinese military?
Why is the US gov't through the NIH/NIAID funding the CCP's bioweapons programs --- profound stupidity? Stolen elections? Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie takeover of Ameica?
It's all about control, control of our government, money, assets, businesses, the People, and the depopulation of humanity so few will complain. This is a military bioweapon war without one bullet fired.

14 May 2021 ~~ By Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

We’ve uncovered a Direct Link between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center

Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People’s Liberation Army General Ningyi Jin and retired General Xianzhu Xia, are core elements of China’s biowarfare program.
At least four subordinates of Xianzhu Xia and Ningyi Jin have been engaged in a massive domestic and international virus collection effort for over eight years: Biao He, Quanshui Fan, Changchun Tu and Zhiqiang Wu.
Biao He, together with Changjun Wang of the Third Military Medical University, played a key role in the isolation of bat coronaviruses ZC45 and ZXC21, claimed by Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan to be the viral backbones for COVID-19.
We have established a direct connection between the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province and the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston.
UTMB is a major virus research center heavily funded by the National Institutes of Health, especially Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
UTMB is also the home of the Department of Defense-funded Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases and has one of the few Biosafety Level 4 facilities for containing and conducting research on the world’s most dangerous viruses.
The key connection between UTMB and the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province is Pei-Yong Shi. He was trained in the People’s Republic of China and now is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at UTMB.

We are presently investigating other links between UTMB and the Chinese military.

Developing a vaccine for a virus which didn’t previously exist? What’s their end goal with this research? Hmm..., Why would the US or specifically former president Obama be interested enough to fund it with the Chinese military?
Why is the US gov't through the NIH/NIAID funding the CCP's bioweapons programs --- profound stupidity? Stolen elections? Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie takeover of Ameica?
It's all about control, control of our government, money, assets, businesses, the People, and the depopulation of humanity so few will complain. This is a military bioweapon war without one bullet fired.


Yeah...they wanted to wipe their biggest customer off the planet.

You're an idiot.

14 May 2021 ~~ By Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

We’ve uncovered a Direct Link between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center

Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People’s Liberation Army General Ningyi Jin and retired General Xianzhu Xia, are core elements of China’s biowarfare program.
At least four subordinates of Xianzhu Xia and Ningyi Jin have been engaged in a massive domestic and international virus collection effort for over eight years: Biao He, Quanshui Fan, Changchun Tu and Zhiqiang Wu.
Biao He, together with Changjun Wang of the Third Military Medical University, played a key role in the isolation of bat coronaviruses ZC45 and ZXC21, claimed by Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan to be the viral backbones for COVID-19.
We have established a direct connection between the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province and the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston.
UTMB is a major virus research center heavily funded by the National Institutes of Health, especially Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
UTMB is also the home of the Department of Defense-funded Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases and has one of the few Biosafety Level 4 facilities for containing and conducting research on the world’s most dangerous viruses.
The key connection between UTMB and the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province is Pei-Yong Shi. He was trained in the People’s Republic of China and now is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at UTMB.

We are presently investigating other links between UTMB and the Chinese military.

Developing a vaccine for a virus which didn’t previously exist? What’s their end goal with this research? Hmm..., Why would the US or specifically former president Obama be interested enough to fund it with the Chinese military?
Why is the US gov't through the NIH/NIAID funding the CCP's bioweapons programs --- profound stupidity? Stolen elections? Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie takeover of Ameica?
It's all about control, control of our government, money, assets, businesses, the People, and the depopulation of humanity so few will complain. This is a military bioweapon war without one bullet fired.
Have I got this straight in the article? University of Texas, Galveston is in bed with military Bio-warfare in China? Did they get a comment from Dr. Mouton, the Dean?

14 May 2021 ~~ By Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

We’ve uncovered a Direct Link between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center

Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People’s Liberation Army General Ningyi Jin and retired General Xianzhu Xia, are core elements of China’s biowarfare program.
At least four subordinates of Xianzhu Xia and Ningyi Jin have been engaged in a massive domestic and international virus collection effort for over eight years: Biao He, Quanshui Fan, Changchun Tu and Zhiqiang Wu.
Biao He, together with Changjun Wang of the Third Military Medical University, played a key role in the isolation of bat coronaviruses ZC45 and ZXC21, claimed by Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan to be the viral backbones for COVID-19.
We have established a direct connection between the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province and the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston.
UTMB is a major virus research center heavily funded by the National Institutes of Health, especially Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
UTMB is also the home of the Department of Defense-funded Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases and has one of the few Biosafety Level 4 facilities for containing and conducting research on the world’s most dangerous viruses.
The key connection between UTMB and the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province is Pei-Yong Shi. He was trained in the People’s Republic of China and now is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at UTMB.

We are presently investigating other links between UTMB and the Chinese military.

Developing a vaccine for a virus which didn’t previously exist? What’s their end goal with this research? Hmm..., Why would the US or specifically former president Obama be interested enough to fund it with the Chinese military?
Why is the US gov't through the NIH/NIAID funding the CCP's bioweapons programs --- profound stupidity? Stolen elections? Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie takeover of Ameica?
It's all about control, control of our government, money, assets, businesses, the People, and the depopulation of humanity so few will complain. This is a military bioweapon war without one bullet fired.
You’re late, OP. We first mentioned the connection via pangolins in the snake meat thread on 15 Feb 2020, post #425:
’....Institute of Military Veterinary, Changchun, Jilin, China.’

14 May 2021 ~~ By Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

We’ve uncovered a Direct Link between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center

Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People’s Liberation Army General Ningyi Jin and retired General Xianzhu Xia, are core elements of China’s biowarfare program.
At least four subordinates of Xianzhu Xia and Ningyi Jin have been engaged in a massive domestic and international virus collection effort for over eight years: Biao He, Quanshui Fan, Changchun Tu and Zhiqiang Wu.
Biao He, together with Changjun Wang of the Third Military Medical University, played a key role in the isolation of bat coronaviruses ZC45 and ZXC21, claimed by Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan to be the viral backbones for COVID-19.
We have established a direct connection between the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province and the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston.
UTMB is a major virus research center heavily funded by the National Institutes of Health, especially Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
UTMB is also the home of the Department of Defense-funded Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases and has one of the few Biosafety Level 4 facilities for containing and conducting research on the world’s most dangerous viruses.
The key connection between UTMB and the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province is Pei-Yong Shi. He was trained in the People’s Republic of China and now is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at UTMB.

We are presently investigating other links between UTMB and the Chinese military.

Developing a vaccine for a virus which didn’t previously exist? What’s their end goal with this research? Hmm..., Why would the US or specifically former president Obama be interested enough to fund it with the Chinese military?
Why is the US gov't through the NIH/NIAID funding the CCP's bioweapons programs --- profound stupidity? Stolen elections? Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie takeover of Ameica?
It's all about control, control of our government, money, assets, businesses, the People, and the depopulation of humanity so few will complain. This is a military bioweapon war without one bullet fired.

14 May 2021 ~~ By Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

We’ve uncovered a Direct Link between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center

Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People’s Liberation Army General Ningyi Jin and retired General Xianzhu Xia, are core elements of China’s biowarfare program.
At least four subordinates of Xianzhu Xia and Ningyi Jin have been engaged in a massive domestic and international virus collection effort for over eight years: Biao He, Quanshui Fan, Changchun Tu and Zhiqiang Wu.
Biao He, together with Changjun Wang of the Third Military Medical University, played a key role in the isolation of bat coronaviruses ZC45 and ZXC21, claimed by Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan to be the viral backbones for COVID-19.
We have established a direct connection between the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province and the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston.
UTMB is a major virus research center heavily funded by the National Institutes of Health, especially Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
UTMB is also the home of the Department of Defense-funded Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases and has one of the few Biosafety Level 4 facilities for containing and conducting research on the world’s most dangerous viruses.
The key connection between UTMB and the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province is Pei-Yong Shi. He was trained in the People’s Republic of China and now is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at UTMB.

We are presently investigating other links between UTMB and the Chinese military.

Developing a vaccine for a virus which didn’t previously exist? What’s their end goal with this research? Hmm..., Why would the US or specifically former president Obama be interested enough to fund it with the Chinese military?
Why is the US gov't through the NIH/NIAID funding the CCP's bioweapons programs --- profound stupidity? Stolen elections? Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie takeover of Ameica?
It's all about control, control of our government, money, assets, businesses, the People, and the depopulation of humanity so few will complain. This is a military bioweapon war without one bullet fired.


Yeah...they wanted to wipe their biggest customer off the planet.

You're an idiot.
Blow that strawman right over.

It's not about destruction. War is about control.
candycorn No china wants to take over the world------the US being the biggest obstacle hence all the money they spend to buy off our corrupt pols and why they do things like manufacture fake US driver's licenses for would be voters.
Post #1 links Fau Chi and Pei-Yong Shi, though neither one mentions the ebola vaccine link to the SARS-CoV-2 mutation, D614G.

Baric’s (Chapel Hill, North Carolina) co-author, Zheng-li Shi, is the Wuhan “bat lady.” Any possible familial relationship is unknown.

Interview with Pei-Yong Shi
’ Pei-Yong Shi: “The spike mutation D614G, which appeared 2 months after the viruses hopped onto human hosts. We showed that this mutation conferred replication advantage of this (SARS-CoV-2) virus. Once the virus has this mutation, it replicates better in the upper respiratory airway of infected animals as well as in human primary airway culture.” (J. of Interferon and Cytokine Research, 41(6)).’
Pei-Yong Shi is also mentioned here, note the Conflicts of Interest section:

17 Aug 2021 SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibodies

14 May 2021 ~~ By Lawrence Sellin and Anna Chen

We’ve uncovered a Direct Link between the Chinese Military and a Major Pentagon-Funded Virus Research Center

Largely based on an examination of Chinese-language documents and scientific publications, we believe that the Military Veterinary Research Institute and the Institute of Zoonotic Diseases in Changchun, Jilin Province, China, led by People’s Liberation Army General Ningyi Jin and retired General Xianzhu Xia, are core elements of China’s biowarfare program.
At least four subordinates of Xianzhu Xia and Ningyi Jin have been engaged in a massive domestic and international virus collection effort for over eight years: Biao He, Quanshui Fan, Changchun Tu and Zhiqiang Wu.
Biao He, together with Changjun Wang of the Third Military Medical University, played a key role in the isolation of bat coronaviruses ZC45 and ZXC21, claimed by Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan to be the viral backbones for COVID-19.
We have established a direct connection between the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province and the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston.
UTMB is a major virus research center heavily funded by the National Institutes of Health, especially Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
UTMB is also the home of the Department of Defense-funded Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases and has one of the few Biosafety Level 4 facilities for containing and conducting research on the world’s most dangerous viruses.
The key connection between UTMB and the Chinese military’s Changchun research centers in Jilin Province is Pei-Yong Shi. He was trained in the People’s Republic of China and now is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at UTMB.

We are presently investigating other links between UTMB and the Chinese military.

Developing a vaccine for a virus which didn’t previously exist? What’s their end goal with this research? Hmm..., Why would the US or specifically former president Obama be interested enough to fund it with the Chinese military?
Why is the US gov't through the NIH/NIAID funding the CCP's bioweapons programs --- profound stupidity? Stolen elections? Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie takeover of Ameica?
It's all about control, control of our government, money, assets, businesses, the People, and the depopulation of humanity so few will complain. This is a military bioweapon war without one bullet fired.
The thread premise is a lie.

Unreliable source.
The thread premise is a lie.

Unreliable source.


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