BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

....and your replies to this evidence of long suspected illegal activity in the present admin are hardly referred to by sane people as coming from one of our own.

your mistake is in thinking this is evidence of anything other than being cautious about what you put in emails because it could end up in the congressional record and part of a witch hunt.

being cautious and conscious of what can happen with your emails is not illegal.

:lol::lol::lol: Actually, yes it is. It's called "Obstruction of Justice"

18 U.S. Code Chapter 73 - OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE | LII / Legal Information Institute

And it was further aggravated by Conspiracy...

18 U.S. Code § 371 - Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States | LII / Legal Information Institute

Before you further make a fool of yourself I suggest you read the statutes. The Congressmen are building a very nice case in the Public Record that will see a whole bunch of Obama Admin people prosecuted.
in what world is this obstruction? how do you believe it is? i don't think it meets any of the criteria, you must feel otherwise. please share your reasoning
Orange Jumpsuit time. It's the only way we'll ever get the truth. And fit Eric Holder with his as well.

I think Lois Lerner is going to make a deal.. her ass is cooked.. I think she will sing like a canary..

Right now these moronic liberals are standing up for her- taking her side.. LMAO Watch.. the moment she turns.. they will try to destroy her and impugn her testimony.. Liberals are sooooo easy and pathetic.

How does saying to use caution when putting information in emails means she purposely targeted conservatives? How does that prove it?
Orange Jumpsuit time. It's the only way we'll ever get the truth. And fit Eric Holder with his as well.

I think Lois Lerner is going to make a deal.. her ass is cooked.. I think she will sing like a canary..

Right now these moronic liberals are standing up for her- taking her side.. LMAO Watch.. the moment she turns.. they will try to destroy her and impugn her testimony.. Liberals are sooooo easy and pathetic.

How does saying to use caution when putting information in emails means she purposely targeted conservatives? How does that prove it?

It doesnt. No one claimed it did. Another straw man.
What it does mean is that she intentionally tried to hide activity from Congress. Now, what was it she was trying to hide? Think hard here.
It's time to send in an IT Forensics team to do an investigation. The emails are there, somewhere.

and watch it all fizzle out as they come up with nothing but evidence backing away from right wing conspiracies?

are you nuts!


Don't hold your breath.


If you would have ever had a job you would realize this is standard operating procedure for companies and government organizations. My companies "Code of Business Conduct" covers this exstensivley. You have no dea what she is referring to. OCS conversations are like instant messaging, she is probably warning her staff not to use them to ask Cindy to go out for a cocktail after work, only for official use.
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....and your replies to this evidence of long suspected illegal activity in the present admin are hardly referred to by sane people as coming from one of our own.

your mistake is in thinking this is evidence of anything other than being cautious about what you put in emails because it could end up in the congressional record and part of a witch hunt.

being cautious and conscious of what can happen with your emails is not illegal.

It's good advice. Emails have a way of never really disappearing. Considering how the GOP has a habit of taking a few bits of a conversation and outright lying about the context, yeah it was really good advice.
From the article:
I had a question today about OCS [Microsoft Office Communications Server]. I was cautioning folks about email and how we have several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails – so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails. Someone asked if OCS conversations were also searchable – I don’t know, but told them I would get back to them. Do you know?
Read more at BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Congress (VIDEO) - Allen West Republic

Got her.. dead to rights.

Dutch;9416778 If you would have ever had a job you would realize this is standard operating procedure for companies and government organizations. My companies "Code of Business Conduct" covers this exstensivley. You have no dea what she is referring to. OCS conversations are like instant messaging said:
Yeah, I'm sure that's it. Because Congress would be asking about taking Cindy out for a drink, right?
I think Lois Lerner is going to make a deal.. her ass is cooked.. I think she will sing like a canary..

Right now these moronic liberals are standing up for her- taking her side.. LMAO Watch.. the moment she turns.. they will try to destroy her and impugn her testimony.. Liberals are sooooo easy and pathetic.

How does saying to use caution when putting information in emails means she purposely targeted conservatives? How does that prove it?

It doesnt. No one claimed it did. Another straw man.
What it does mean is that she intentionally tried to hide activity from Congress. Now, what was it she was trying to hide? Think hard here.

Again what activity? To be obstructing justice, you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she interfered and prevented the natural progression of an investigation. Saying a general statement like use caution when sending emails isn't obstructing justice because she is not obligated to put everything she does in the email. That's way too broad.
Dutch;9416778 If you would have ever had a job you would realize this is standard operating procedure for companies and government organizations. My companies "Code of Business Conduct" covers this exstensivley. You have no dea what she is referring to. OCS conversations are like instant messaging said:
Yeah, I'm sure that's it. Because Congress would be asking about taking Cindy out for a drink, right?

Who knows with these whackaloons running Congress. They might have a hearing on missuse of government software.
Dutch;9416778 If you would have ever had a job you would realize this is standard operating procedure for companies and government organizations. My companies "Code of Business Conduct" covers this exstensivley. You have no dea what she is referring to. OCS conversations are like instant messaging said:
Yeah, I'm sure that's it. Because Congress would be asking about taking Cindy out for a drink, right?

Who knows with these whackaloons running Congress. They might have a hearing on missuse of government software.

Yeah, thats it. Lerner was concerned about Congress asking about misusing software.
Just how fucking stupid are you, again? It is obvious, painfully obvious, that she was trying to conceal something. Something she claimed she never did wrong. Something that involved losing 2 years' worth of emails. SOmething that involved lying to Congress by the IRS. Something that involved stonewalling the investigation in the Justice Dept.
What do you suppose that something was? Hmmm....
and watch it all fizzle out as they come up with nothing but evidence backing away from right wing conspiracies?

are you nuts!


Don't hold your breath.


If you would have ever had a job you would realize this is standard operating procedure for companies and government organizations. My companies "Code of Business Conduct" covers this exstensivley. You have no dea what she is referring to. OCS conversations are like instant messaging, she is probably warning her staff not to use them to ask Cindy to go out for a cocktail after work, only for official use.

Hey....excuse maker.....

She works for the people. She is our employee. If she believed they were using government technology for personal use, she has the responsibility to reprimand them. Not warn them of getting caught by congress.

That being said......

Only a blind mindless fool would assume she was referring to something as minor as "making cocktail plans".....
and watch it all fizzle out as they come up with nothing but evidence backing away from right wing conspiracies?

are you nuts!


Don't hold your breath.


If you would have ever had a job you would realize this is standard operating procedure for companies and government organizations. My companies "Code of Business Conduct" covers this exstensivley. You have no dea what she is referring to. OCS conversations are like instant messaging, she is probably warning her staff not to use them to ask Cindy to go out for a cocktail after work, only for official use.
Allen West? Damn, it must be true...

Clearly. And the best part? This is their smoking gun:

‘I was cautioning folks about email and how we have several occasions where Congress has asked for emails … we need to be cautious about what we say in emails’
Read more at BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Congress (VIDEO) - Allen West Republic

Be careful what you say in Emails........oh, the humanities? Its time for Civil war! Someone was careful in an *E-Mail*!
Only a blind mindless fool would assume she was referring to something as minor as "making cocktail plans".....

Yeah, but cause all the other batshyte right wing conspiracies related to the 'IRS scandal' have been proven true, right?

Oh, wait. My bad....none of them ever have. They have yet to prove there was even a political motivation in the scrutiny of Tea Party groups. And this after years of investigation.

But this time its different, huh? This time the baseless insinuation, the elaborate imagined plots, the innuendo and speculation in place of evidence, this time its actually gonna work? can't fix stupid, I guess.
Allen West? Damn, it must be true...

Clearly. And the best part? This is their smoking gun:

‘I was cautioning folks about email and how we have several occasions where Congress has asked for emails … we need to be cautious about what we say in emails’
Read more at BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Congress (VIDEO) - Allen West Republic

Be careful what you say in Emails........oh, the humanities? Its time for Civil war! Someone was careful in an *E-Mail*!

If you got nothing to hide why would you have to be careful in an email?
Only a blind mindless fool would assume she was referring to something as minor as "making cocktail plans".....

Yeah, but cause all the other batshyte right wing conspiracies related to the 'IRS scandal' have been proven true, right?

Oh, wait. My bad....none of them ever have. They have yet to prove there was even a political motivation in the scrutiny of Tea Party groups. And this after years of investigation.

But this time its different, huh? This time the baseless insinuation, the elaborate imagined plots, the innuendo and speculation in place of evidence, this time its actually gonna work? can't fix stupid, I guess.

Actuall they've all been proven. Actually every statement this administration has made about the matter has been a lie, either of omission or commission. Every single one. It can't be dismissed. It would be criminal to ignore it.
I would agree with you Skylar if it weren't for Lerner's other actions. When you put that communication in with all the computer hard drive crashes...her planting of the question about targeting of conservative groups at a seminar...and her taking of the 5th when called to's hard to see this as anything other than someone desperately trying to cover their ass when they realize that they are in a world of hurt.

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