Breaking: Black Panthers Headed Back To Poll Stations to Monitor Them

People do not expect to see people wearing Paramilitary uniforms not only holding a billy club but hitting it in their hand over and over, when they go to vote.

Even though the guy was wearing a paramilitary uniform, and slapping a club in his hand over and over in a clearly intimidating fashion. Not to mention the audio of him using the word cracker, and saying prepare to be ruled by the black man. Which leads me to believe you are giving him a pass simply because he is black. Which made his race relevant to this conversation.

You are able to look at that video and tell yourself those 2 men were not there in anyway to attempt to intimidate voters. I guess you think the billy club is just a fashion statement, who knows, but to me it looks like a man brandishing a weapon in front of a poling place during voting. Pretty clear cut if you ask me.

Video evidence is meaningless lol
Obviously video evidence is meaningless to you since there is no video evidence of anyone "brandishing" a weapon, or slapping a weapon in the palm of their hand even once let alone "over and over." You have "brandished" your weapon of racist lies "over and over" in this thread, however.

The video shows a black poll watcher in a black district being harassed by some white GOP thugs trying to provoke the poll worker and failing miserably. There is another black next to the registered poll watcher holding a stick AT HIS SIDE the whole time and doing nothing more than fidgeting with it. Never once does he slap it in his palm!!! There is no audio of him calling anyone a "cracker," in fact he calls the GOP thug with the camera "SIR."

Why must CON$ habitually exaggerate to the point of lying, other than the fact that lying is the Holy Eucharist of the Hate Religion of CON$ervatism?

bran·dish (br
sh)tr.v. bran·dished, bran·dish·ing, bran·dish·es 1. To wave or flourish (a weapon, for example) menacingly.
2. To display ostentatiously. See Synonyms at flourish.

n. A menacing or defiant wave or flourish.


The GOP goons were not voters in that district and one claimed to be a poll watcher, but when asked he could produce no papers, so if he wasn't there to vote and he wasn't assigned to that poll as a watcher what was he doing there other than trying to intimidate the black voters there and start trouble???
A poor attempt at trying to claim that voter fraud is exclusive to the Republicans, here is a case of Democratic voter fraud, just to even the score:
I see you're still too frightened to answer the question:lol:

Your perception is horribly skewed. That's not fear, it's amusement. :lol:

You just can't tolerate the fact that I'm laughing at you, can you? :lol:

You're "laughing" because the Black Panthers are headed back to the poll stations?

Yeah, right!! I believe you :lol:
See? You can't even read the words "I'm laughing at you"! :rofl:
The statute of limitations have not run out on Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Gonzales, or any of the other criminals in the last administration. Holder should dangle the prospect of a special prosecutor in front of Darrel Issa.
How about the Cheney Crabgrass and the Rumsfeld Rhododendrons and the Bush Shrub? What makes them dead?

In any event, a Special Prosecutor would take a good look at everything, including Rove. There is more than one way to skin a rat.
No perp walk. No Hague. No war crimes trials...not even in 24 business hours. :lol:
And sangha rides to the rescue! Do you think Nut is going to reward you with Rescued Maiden sex?

I see you're still too frightened to answer the question:lol:
That's because he's a bureaucrat, all wishy-washy and squishy.

Expect no backbone from that one.
You're projecting, Mullet Boi. :lol:

Now go work on that bitchin' cover of Lady Gaga's Telephone! That really wows the drunks down at the Holiday Inn's Tiki Room!

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