Breaking Bad vs Sopranos


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
2 greatest shows of all time

Which do you prefer

I have to give the edge to BB as the show was more consistent with high quality episodes all the time
I've never seen Sopranos.

Breaking Bad was alright, I spouse.

There are a lot of other shows I liked more. I guess it all depends on personal taste.
BB was better than the Sopranos after the second season.

The Americans was pretty good, but I Iiked Homeland better as a spy genre show. I'm going to watch BB again, but somebody ripped off the the first two seasons from the Library so I'm going to buy those for the Library and wait for them to show up.

All series start getting a little silly if they get popular enough to keep cranking them out; usually the best writing is going to be in the first 3 seasons.
"Sopranos" was gritty and realistic, the best in my opinion.
"Breaking Bad" had its moments but also silly at times.
"The Americans" although not well known, is a great series that will hold your attention.

I preferred the Sopranos.
You should !!
Amazing acting and dialogue !!

Season 1 was not the best but S2 and S3 were

This. . . right here;

All series start getting a little silly if they get popular enough to keep cranking them out; usually the best writing is going to be in the first 3 seasons.

This is the problem I have with nearly ALL TEE VEE, they do it for ALL for the profit, and not art. It is all so. . . ugggg.

I liked Game of Thrones, before it went off the rails. Before I ever watched it, I read all the books. You want to know WHY it went off the rails? Because the creator lost his focus and got greedy. That final season IS NOT based on any novel that he worked hard on plotting and writing years before hand. I wanted him to finish the book and publish before they went to film that season.

Find me a series that they plotted out the characters well before hand, and the series arc, well before it ever went to shooting, irrespective, of what the audience or advertisers want or desire. One that is not going to sell out for more seasons, just to cash in. Then I will spend my time on it.

When I was younger, with shallower emotions and limited intellect? Yeah, what those dramas do now, I could be entertained by. But meh, even the A-Team and that hokey show, The Visitors was cool But if I am going to waste time being entertained by something cheesy, it has to be really cheesy, I definitely prefer either a movie or a sit-com. These hack dramas just seem so intellectual trite, cliche' and shallow to me. The establishment subliminal propaganda messages they have package in them? Or the subversive social engineering agendas they are pushing? Just bore me TBH.

. . . I have to be honest. .. I only finished BB because I was running out of viewing choices at that particular time on Netflix. (I no longer sub to any streaming service, they are all rip-offs) I have no way to watch Sopranos for free, and there is certainly NO WAY I am paying for something like that. :lol:
I have no way to watch Sopranos for free, and there is certainly NO WAY I am paying for something like that. :lol:

Do you have a public library nearby? Most of them carry DVD's of TV series and movies now; I never paid for any I've watched, except for a few I liked and made a couple of donations for just to get the last seasons in house. I'm going to buy the first two seasons of BB for mine, they aren't that expensive now years after it first ran, and I still come out ahead with the last seasons being free to view and already here. I'm a big fan of public libraries in general and keep an eye on the city's funding and am a member of the volunteer support group that raises funds and lobbies for its programs.
Do you have a public library nearby? Most of them carry DVD's of TV series and movies now; I never paid for any I've watched, except for a few I liked and made a couple of donations for just to get the last seasons in house. I'm going to buy the first two seasons of BB for mine, they aren't that expensive now years after it first ran, and I still come out ahead with the last seasons being free to view and already here. I'm a big fan of public libraries in general and keep an eye on the city's funding and am a member of the volunteer support group that raises funds and lobbies for its programs.
I'll look into that, thanks.
I watched a couple episodes of Sopranos then stopped. It did not exactly grab me by the boo-boo. Of course, I am not a big tv watcher anyway, except for news, baseball, and porn (in that order).

Now, Breaking Bad is, in my opinion, was the best show to ever air. I started watching due to all the hype and it sucked me into it.
I watched a couple episodes of Sopranos then stopped. It did not exactly grab me by the boo-boo. Of course, I am not a big tv watcher anyway, except for news, baseball, and porn (in that order).

Now, Breaking Bad is, in my opinion, was the best show to ever air. I started watching due to all the hype and it sucked me into it.

Better call Saul Is good too
They were both good to very good most of the time.

OK, you can close the thrread now.
The last episode of sopranos sucked. BB’s finally was epic.

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