Brave israeli soldiers arrest a 5 year old palestinian boy

Israel is the Zionist State and Israel unlawfully arrested a 5 year old Palestinian child. And Israels very own human rights group founded by members of the Knesset, BTSELEM, disclosed the arrest and confirmed its illegality.
Israel is the Zionist State and Israel unlawfully arrested a 5 year old Palestinian child. And Israels very own human rights group founded by members of the Knesset, BTSELEM, disclosed the arrest and confirmed its illegality.

Above in an example of "isa-respector" filth For isa-respectors---the
word 'zion' in its various permutations is used to mean jews----In fact the
basic text for isa-respectors is "THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION"------an isa-
respector contrivance which focuses on the libel isa respectors have used
for more than a thousand years in their massive gencides-----to wit---their
claim that JOOOOS seek to "take over the world" I read the isa-
respector literature as a child-------my all time fave bit of the filth ---
quite similar to the filth above-----asserted that ZIP codes are a
jewish machination ---designed to "control " "gentiles" is actually
an acronym Z ionists I n P ower. <<< a fine example of the
Isa-respecting mindset

As to "knesset members" Israel has an interesting system ----
it facilitates representation of just about any view point------ANY
person-----even if psychotic-----who manages to get enough votes----
can be one of 120 Knesset members. In the USA----using the
Israeli system------Elvis Presley could easily have become a Knesset
member----BILLY GRAHAM could probably have controlled 30 seats.

As to B'tselim ----it is an interest group-----no more authoritative
than is the NRA or PETA -----or the AUDOBAN society in the
USA ------it has no authority to "confirm" legality or lack thereof----

Children are arrested in the USA every day-----we call it
TAKEN INTO CUSTODY-----(by legal force) A five year
old who throws rocks at moving vehicles is either a nascent
sociopath------or the victim of extreme parental neglect.

Neuroscientists are still working on just what creates
sociopathy in children-------but the "signs" are known---
children who engage in violent behavior------whether
against people or animals------RING BELLS in the minds of
all decent people. Another interesting sign involves ---
attachments to "DOLLS" ----whether "stuffed animals"
or "baby-dolls"-------a LOVING and SYMPATHETIC
attachment to such figures is ---------A GOOD SIGN--albeit
soft. THere is some evidence that sociopathy-----can
be inborn------the general rule re personality developement
is ----"nature and nurture"------a five year old rock flinger is
probably a victim re "NURTURE"
We aren't dealing with a 'Zionist' HR abuse in this instance, either. Who knew that someone with a canine avatar would label it a 'human rights violation' when adults intervened to prevent a child from continuing to attack a dog?

And dragging in 'Mullah TV', too! They have no credibility, who's going to bother with their propaganda BS?

"The Israeli army made a mistake when soldiers detained a five-year-old Palestinian boy last week in Hebron, the head of the IDF Central Command said on Wednesday.

Video footage recorded last week by Israeli human rights group B'Tselem field researchers show the boy, Wa'adi Maswada, being detained by soldiers in Hebron after he allegedly threw a rock at a settler's car.

The age of legal responsibility in the occupied territories, as in Israel, is 12. IDF officials note, however, that soldiers occasionally face children who throw rocks and firebombs.

"We made a mistake during the event, both in detaining the boy and detaining his father," GOC Central Command Maj. Gen. Nitzan Alon told commanders during an operational assessment conducted in the command. Alon added that the commanders should clarify to their soldiers what are the limitations when detaining children."
the article Jos cited makes no sense----"age of legal responsibility" has nothing to do with a decision to
take a child into custody or to do with arresting a
negligent parent

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