History Beckons...


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
It is fairly obvious that Egypt will erupt further and the Military will be toppled and cleansed. A victory for Democracy, America has called for Mursi's release…Had the military allowed the Islamists to rule they would have likely be booted out of office because they could not feed the people.

Democracy runs on its stomach.

Israel, should support all efforts towards self-rule by the masses even if they are Islamists…Islam as a religion is not opposed to Israel’s existence…the very fact that the 29 member Arab League offers Peace and Recognition may be Israel’s best offer for a real peace and growing people power Democracies. Democracies will become more stable.

Israel should not miss this Historic opportunity!
So wrong as usual. Israel should totally stay out of Egypt's internal affairs. And let us Americans do the same while rooting for both sides to win in their massacres of each other, until there are none. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

It is fairly obvious that Egypt will erupt further and the Military will be toppled and cleansed. A victory for Democracy, America has called for Mursi's release…Had the military allowed the Islamists to rule they would have likely be booted out of office because they could not feed the people.

Democracy runs on its stomach.

Israel, should support all efforts towards self-rule by the masses even if they are Islamists…Islam as a religion is not opposed to Israel’s existence…the very fact that the 29 member Arab League offers Peace and Recognition may be Israel’s best offer for a real peace and growing people power Democracies. Democracies will become more stable.

Israel should not miss this Historic opportunity!
It is fairly obvious that Egypt will erupt further and the Military will be toppled and cleansed. A victory for Democracy, America has called for Mursi's release…Had the military allowed the Islamists to rule they would have likely be booted out of office because they could not feed the people.

Democracy runs on its stomach.

Israel, should support all efforts towards self-rule by the masses even if they are Islamists…Islam as a religion is not opposed to Israel’s existence…the very fact that the 29 member Arab League offers Peace and Recognition may be Israel’s best offer for a real peace and growing people power Democracies. Democracies will become more stable.

Israel should not miss this Historic opportunity!
Nah, the Egyptian people realized that Morsi is turning their country into yet another Islamic theocracy like Iran, run by clerics and backwards ass savages with no knowledge or education, especially when it came to running a country and working economy. They took to the streets and the military, which is basically a separate branch of the govt., intervened.

One can only hope that the other nations in the region can take note of this.
It is fairly obvious that Egypt will erupt further and the Military will be toppled and cleansed. A victory for Democracy, America has called for Mursi's release…Had the military allowed the Islamists to rule they would have likely be booted out of office because they could not feed the people.

Democracy runs on its stomach.

Israel, should support all efforts towards self-rule by the masses even if they are Islamists…Islam as a religion is not opposed to Israel’s existence…the very fact that the 29 member Arab League offers Peace and Recognition may be Israel’s best offer for a real peace and growing people power Democracies. Democracies will become more stable.

Israel should not miss this Historic opportunity!

Yep...the Arab League offers peace...for a piece of land here and a piece of land there.
It is fairly obvious that Egypt will erupt further and the Military will be toppled and cleansed. A victory for Democracy, America has called for Mursi's release…Had the military allowed the Islamists to rule they would have likely be booted out of office because they could not feed the people.

Democracy runs on its stomach.

Israel, should support all efforts towards self-rule by the masses even if they are Islamists…Islam as a religion is not opposed to Israel’s existence…the very fact that the 29 member Arab League offers Peace and Recognition may be Israel’s best offer for a real peace and growing people power Democracies. Democracies will become more stable.

Israel should not miss this Historic opportunity!

"Islamists" do not represent mainstream nor normative Islam - and they are opposed to the existance of Jews, Christians, Baha'i, Hindus, Druse, other non-Islamist Muslims, and anyone else on the planet.....

Your heart may be in the right place here, but your comprehension is so totally lacking I can't overlook that void. In fact, I can no longer view you as a serious 'contender' for useful suggestions or observations here.........
Without addressing your usual duplicity of trying to sound prissy while fabricating horseshit, claiming that Islamist are a minority while they win all popular democratic elections...

It is your undocumented comprehension that is lacking because the elections thus far that have been free , and have been Islamic victories not because the people hate Israel, or Jews, but because of the injustice perpetrated by the right wing whacks on them with Dictators and kings...
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Philsy, if you're addressing me: nowhere did I claim the Islamists and their 'supporters' were a minority.

Please look up the words 'normative' and 'mainstream'.

Since you're wrong on this again, I see no need to change my decision. OUT.
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"Islamists" do not represent mainstream nor normative Islam

You are one right wing delusional poster.
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What do you have against Muslim terrorists massacring each other in their own countries?

"Islamists" do not represent mainstream nor normative Islam

You are one right wing delusional poster.
What do you have against Muslim terrorists massacring each other in their own countries?

"Islamists" do not represent mainstream nor normative Islam

You are one right wing delusional poster.

Revolutions are fine with me...Like American freedom was won with blood. Velvet Revolutions are not in store in the ME raped by Kings, Sheiks and Dictators acting as puppets for the Western Powers to exploit the areas oil wealth...

When the dust settles the new Democracies will be the engines that reclaim the wealth for the people...

Is Israel ready to meet the future as a friend or a foe? The Arab League offer today or stronger neighbors in the future?

That's what revolutions do for economic and military health… its Israel’s call.
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Get serious. "When the dust settles" some Islamic terrorist regime will win out & rule the masses until some other Islamic terrorist regime will defeat them & rule the masses. And these are the people you want Israel to make peace with? Far better Israel completely divorce themselves from all the Muslim terrorists & continues concentrating on making even more worldly contributions to humanity.

What do you have against Muslim terrorists massacring each other in their own countries?

"Islamists" do not represent mainstream nor normative Islam

You are one right wing delusional poster.

Revolutions are fine with me...Like America freedom was won with blood. Velvet Revolutions are not in store in the ME raped by Kings, Sheiks and Dictators acting as puppets for the Western Powers to exploit the areas oil wealth...

When the dust settles the new Democracies will be the engines that reclaim the wealth for the people...

Is Israel ready to meet the future as a friend or a foe? The Arab League offer today or stronger neighbors in the future?

That's what revolutions do for economic and military health… its Israel’s call.
Get serious. "When the dust settles" some Islamic terrorist regime will win out & rule the masses until some other Islamic terrorist regime will defeat them & rule the masses. And these are the people you want Israel to make peace with? Far better Israel completely divorce themselves from all the Muslim terrorists & continues concentrating on making even more worldly contributions to humanity.

What do you have against Muslim terrorists massacring each other in their own countries?

Revolutions are fine with me...Like America freedom was won with blood. Velvet Revolutions are not in store in the ME raped by Kings, Sheiks and Dictators acting as puppets for the Western Powers to exploit the areas oil wealth...

When the dust settles the new Democracies will be the engines that reclaim the wealth for the people...

Is Israel ready to meet the future as a friend or a foe? The Arab League offer today or stronger neighbors in the future?

That's what revolutions do for economic and military health… its Israel’s call.
MJ, keep calling all Muslims terrorist, while it is Israel cited by the UN on a regular basis for brutality towards the Palestinians and her neighbors. World polls save AIPAC influenced America rate Israel behind North Korea and Iran in favorability.

There are 400 million Arabs and 1.4 billion Muslims surrounding Israel, to seek war by not signing a peace close to the UN mandate will keep the bulls eye on Israel...Jihadists from nuclear Pakistan are coming to Syria to fight with the Sunnis...when the dust settles they will influence events in the ME and at home.

MJ your Jingoisms are inappropriate because they are national suicide for Israel's future. Put your virulent hate of Muslims in abeyance and work for peace and co-existence.

She cannot prevail against these numbers in the long run without a signed peace.
Get serious. "When the dust settles" some Islamic terrorist regime will win out & rule the masses until some other Islamic terrorist regime will defeat them & rule the masses. And these are the people you want Israel to make peace with? Far better Israel completely divorce themselves from all the Muslim terrorists & continues concentrating on making even more worldly contributions to humanity.

Revolutions are fine with me...Like America freedom was won with blood. Velvet Revolutions are not in store in the ME raped by Kings, Sheiks and Dictators acting as puppets for the Western Powers to exploit the areas oil wealth...

When the dust settles the new Democracies will be the engines that reclaim the wealth for the people...

Is Israel ready to meet the future as a friend or a foe? The Arab League offer today or stronger neighbors in the future?

That's what revolutions do for economic and military health… its Israel’s call.
MJ, keep calling all Muslims terrorist, while it is Israel cited by the UN on a regular basis for brutality towards the Palestinians and her neighbors. World polls save AIPAC influenced America rate Israel behind North Korea and Iran in favorability.

There are 400 million Arabs and 1.4 billion Muslims surrounding Israel, to seek war by not signing a peace close to the UN mandate will keep the bulls eye on Israel...Jihadists from nuclear Pakistan are coming to Syria to fight with the Sunnis...when the dust settles they will influence events in the ME and at home.

MJ your Jingoisms are inappropriate because they are national suicide for Israel's future. Put your virulent hate of Muslims in abeyance and work for peace and co-existence.

She cannot prevail against these numbers in the long run without a signed peace.
Again with the broken record BS about the Muslim quantity overcoming Israeli quality. Just how long do you want to mentally masturbate to this delusion?
It is fairly obvious that Egypt will erupt further and the Military will be toppled and cleansed. A victory for Democracy, America has called for Mursi's release…Had the military allowed the Islamists to rule they would have likely be booted out of office because they could not feed the people.

Democracy runs on its stomach.

Israel, should support all efforts towards self-rule by the masses even if they are Islamists…Islam as a religion is not opposed to Israel’s existence…the very fact that the 29 member Arab League offers Peace and Recognition may be Israel’s best offer for a real peace and growing people power Democracies. Democracies will become more stable.

Israel should not miss this Historic opportunity!

Why should we "suopport" anyone?

It's not our issue.

We have seen what happens when Obama showed "support". It ended up with him making a fool out of himself.

Thanks, but no thanks.

We have enough mud to deal with with our own social differences and internal issues. Last thing we need is to take sided when it comes to the Arab revolution.
So wrong as usual. Israel should totally stay out of Egypt's internal affairs. And let us Americans do the same while rooting for both sides to win in their massacres of each other, until there are none. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Like I have said before, THE ONLY PEACE YOU WISH FOR THE MUSLIMS OF THE MIDDLEEAST IS THE PEACE OF THE GRAVE !!! You really should be ashamed to ever use the word peace !!!
So wrong as usual. Israel should totally stay out of Egypt's internal affairs. And let us Americans do the same while rooting for both sides to win in their massacres of each other, until there are none. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Like I have said before, THE ONLY PEACE YOU WISH FOR THE MUSLIMS OF THE MIDDLEEAST IS THE PEACE OF THE GRAVE !!! You really should be ashamed to ever use the word peace !!!

All of Palestine without the Palestinians.

That is Israel's version of peace.
Phil, now you KNOW that's inaccurate.

And while you're presuming to judge Israel for ALLEGEDLY defining itself to not include any Muslims or Christians (which of course is a huge LIE!) - where is your condemnation for the actions of so many Arab League nations in overnight defiing themselves as not including any Jews? NO, not the Iraqi Jews - who'd been there for 2600 years! Nor the Egyptian, nor the Syrian.....

While you decline to acknowledge the fact of the international Arab League conspiracy to rob their Jewish citizenry of everything and kick them out, why should any Jew regard your every word on the topic as anything but biased?

And while the AL states themselves refuse to acknowledge their own crimes against humanity - why would any Jew ever trust their 'offers'?

Speaking of those who wish for others 'the peace of the grave'.......the AL members conspired time and again to give Jews exactly such 'peace'.

Go ahead and whine that 'this has nothing to do with the Palestinians' - but that's BS. Because the same kind and compassionate AL conspirators who beggared and ejected over 950,000 of their citizens for being Jewish are the ones whose 'plan' you imagine those same Jews should now *trust* ........
It is fairly obvious that Egypt will erupt further and the Military will be toppled and cleansed. A victory for Democracy, America has called for Mursi's release…Had the military allowed the Islamists to rule they would have likely be booted out of office because they could not feed the people.

Democracy runs on its stomach.

Israel, should support all efforts towards self-rule by the masses even if they are Islamists…Islam as a religion is not opposed to Israel’s existence…the very fact that the 29 member Arab League offers Peace and Recognition may be Israel’s best offer for a real peace and growing people power Democracies. Democracies will become more stable.

Israel should not miss this Historic opportunity!

Why should we "suopport" anyone?

It's not our issue.

We have seen what happens when Obama showed "support". It ended up with him making a fool out of himself.

Thanks, but no thanks.

We have enough mud to deal with with our own social differences and internal issues. Last thing we need is to take sided when it comes to the Arab revolution.
Surely you must see that supporting Democracies by a Democratic State is in each others interests. Democratic Republics are less likely to start a war and are more stable...
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"Surely you must see that supporting Democracies by a Democratic State is in each others interests. Democratic Republics are less likely to start a war and are more stable... "

That's true - but where in the Arab world is such a thing as a 'Democratic Republic' - or at least a State which guarantees and protects the civil rights of its citizens on a level similar to, say, the US?

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