Mountain Kingdom Of Bhutan Accuses Netanyahu Of Unspeakable Crimes Against Children

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May 6, 2014

Bhutan accuses Israeli PM Netanyahu of pedophilia and rape (The Thimphu Chronicle)

Ramallah: The External Intelligence Wing (EIW) of Bhutan has recently declassified a shocking report that could ruin Israel's reputation in an unprecedented manner. The scandalous content of this intelligence report, which was made public to the Bhutanese press, accuses Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being a pedophile, who committed numerous counts of rape on underage Palestinians.

The full horror of Netanyahu's depravity has been slow to emerge, with many Israelis and Palestinians fearing retaliation by those who continue to be loyal to the Prime Minister. But it was revealed due to the efforts of the EIW that gathered evidence about Netanyahu's pedophilia from contacts within Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The evidence collected show heartbreaking stories of Netanyahu’s victims and their relatives that reveal how hundreds of underage preteen and teenage Palestinian boys and girls, were beaten, raped and forced to become his sex slaves throughout his five year reign.

According to an Israeli Druze defector named Rashid Hadiya, who was Netanyahu's trusted servant and who defected to the Palestinian side, the Prime Minister's private mansion in Tel Aviv has a clandestine, underground complex, where Palestinian boys and girls are subject to degrading treatment at the hands of the Prime Minister. The victims were all kidnapped by the Israeli Defense Forces from Palestinian schools and villages and are kept prisoner for years in a specially designed dungeon.

"Netanyahu’s modus operandi is to order the IDF in the Palestinian Territories to conduct nightly raids on Palestinian homes to abduct boys and girls or to randomly arrest them in broad daylight on the street at checkpoints or in their schools under the pretext of countering the Palestinian insurgency. The kidnapped Palestinians are then brought to Israeli prisons located outside of the Palestinian Territories. There they are lined up for Netanyahu and his associates to inspect, while he silently scans the room seeking out attractive victims among them. Before leaving he would pat those he had ‘selected’ on the head. Within hours his private bodyguards would round up those chosen and transport them to his Tel Aviv residence." Hadiya said.

One teacher at a Ramallah school, who was willing to speak to a Palestinian journalist, recalls how the children were all very young. ‘Some were only nine years old. They would simply take the child they wanted. They had no conscience, no morals, not an iota of mercy even though they were a mere children.’ The teacher also feared for her own daughter who was attending the 6th grade in high-school. She told her mother how the community around the school live in fear when a visit from the IDF was announced. ‘The students he wanted would be rounded up and sent to him, whether they were male or female,’ she said in a recorded interview.

However, most Palestinians are afraid to speak openly about the ongoing crisis, fearing reprisals from the IDF. But one young Palestinian man, who managed to escape with Hadiya's help, was willing to talk about his ordeal in Netanyahu's sex dungeon. He wants to remain anonymous and admitted that he was repeatedly raped by the despot for over four years from the age of 12.

"After I was arrested by the IDF at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Hebron, I was blindfolded and transported by a military vehicle to a prison at an unknown location. There Netanyahu inspected me and the others after we were ordered to line up. He patted me on the head at the prison in an apparently paternal gesture, then a few hours later three soldiers arrived and handcuffed me. Subsequently, I was driven at high speed to Netanyahu's lair. Once there, I was stripped and shoved into Netanyahu’s room, to my horror he was lying naked on the bed. When I tried to run out, the soldiers outside grabbed me and flung me back on the bed. I was raped repeatedly during the four years I was held captive, eventually escaping with the help of Rashid Hadiya, a servant who earned the guards' and Netanyahu's trust. Fueled by cocaine and alcohol – and often Viagra – Netanyahu abused his victims horribly. I was one of them... He violated my body and pierced my soul with a dagger. That blade will never come out." the brave survivor said in a recorded interview made available to the EIW.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Bhutan has announced in a statement that Netanyahu would be brought to justice by the Royal Bhutan Army if he survives the Bhutanese conquest of Israel, but until then no effort will be spared to raise awareness in the international community and in the media about his pedophilia. This may polarize global public opinion on Israel once again. His credibility among the Israeli public could also be dented considerably but it is expected that the most ardent Zionists would dismiss the Bhutanese intelligence report as "Anti-Semitic propaganda akin to the blood-libel", while Arab and Islamic hatred against Israel may increase to all-new levels.
Just a small note, once you post an article you must provide the link, and not copy the entire article [copyright?] read the forum guideline/rules.

Bhutan accuses Israeli PM Netanyahu of pedophilia and rape
So they do.
Point is, accusation is one thing, evidence is the main part of the accusation, I would like to see that.
Bhutan are known pro-Palestinian and anti-Israelis, so whatever interest they have, I guess they won't risk their reputation/affairs with Israel over nothing, so again, where is the evidence?
Bhutan accuses Israeli PM Netanyahu of pedophilia and rape (The Thimphu Chronicle)

A link to the source, please. I've searched online and nothing at all comes up for this article or for your source's name.
Bhutan accuses Israeli PM Netanyahu of pedophilia and rape (The Thimphu Chronicle)

A link to the source, please. I've searched online and nothing at all comes up for this article or for your source's name.

Odd, I can't find this article checking through 6 search engines...I do believe it's a lie perpetrated on us by a muslim terrorist best!

look at Bibi's eyes. Are those the eyes of an innocent man? He's clearly hiding a dark secret. The rest of the world will soon be aware with dire consequences for the zionist entity.
Just a small note, once you post an article you must provide the link, and not copy the entire article [copyright?] read the forum guideline/rules.

Bhutan accuses Israeli PM Netanyahu of pedophilia and rape
So they do.
Point is, accusation is one thing, evidence is the main part of the accusation, I would like to see that.
Bhutan are known pro-Palestinian and anti-Israelis, so whatever interest they have, I guess they won't risk their reputation/affairs with Israel over nothing, so again, where is the evidence?

And yes Danny... You ALWAYS provide evidence following on from your insane accusations don't you!

Oh, no, actually... YOU DON'T!
Did you know this about your prophet, and unlike the Bibi story, is supposedly true written about in that cult best seller the "KORAN"?

And if you think that this is some kind of 'defense' against these accusations...

Well, you are no better than the scum who abuse children!
Did you know this about your prophet, and unlike the Bibi story, is supposedly true written about in that cult best seller the "KORAN"?

And if you think that this is some kind of 'defense' against these accusations...

Well, you are no better than the scum who abuse children!

Watch out, you're talking about your prophet now!

Bhutan accuses Israeli PM Netanyahu of pedophilia and rape (The Thimphu Chronicle)

Ramallah: The External Intelligence Wing (EIW) of Bhutan has recently declassified a shocking report that could ruin Israel's reputation in an unprecedented manner. The scandalous content of this intelligence report, which was made public to the Bhutanese press, accuses Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being a pedophile, who committed numerous counts of rape on underage Palestinians.

The full horror of Netanyahu's depravity has been slow to emerge, with many Israelis and Palestinians fearing retaliation by those who continue to be loyal to the Prime Minister. But it was revealed due to the efforts of the EIW that gathered evidence about Netanyahu's pedophilia from contacts within Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The evidence collected show heartbreaking stories of Netanyahu’s victims and their relatives that reveal how hundreds of underage preteen and teenage Palestinian boys and girls, were beaten, raped and forced to become his sex slaves throughout his five year reign.

According to an Israeli Druze defector named Rashid Hadiya, who was Netanyahu's trusted servant and who defected to the Palestinian side, the Prime Minister's private mansion in Tel Aviv has a clandestine, underground complex, where Palestinian boys and girls are subject to degrading treatment at the hands of the Prime Minister. The victims were all kidnapped by the Israeli Defense Forces from Palestinian schools and villages and are kept prisoner for years in a specially designed dungeon.

"Netanyahu’s modus operandi is to order the IDF in the Palestinian Territories to conduct nightly raids on Palestinian homes to abduct boys and girls or to randomly arrest them in broad daylight on the street at checkpoints or in their schools under the pretext of countering the Palestinian insurgency. The kidnapped Palestinians are then brought to Israeli prisons located outside of the Palestinian Territories. There they are lined up for Netanyahu and his associates to inspect, while he silently scans the room seeking out attractive victims among them. Before leaving he would pat those he had ‘selected’ on the head. Within hours his private bodyguards would round up those chosen and transport them to his Tel Aviv residence." Hadiya said.

One teacher at a Ramallah school, who was willing to speak to a Palestinian journalist, recalls how the children were all very young. ‘Some were only nine years old. They would simply take the child they wanted. They had no conscience, no morals, not an iota of mercy even though they were a mere children.’ The teacher also feared for her own daughter who was attending the 6th grade in high-school. She told her mother how the community around the school live in fear when a visit from the IDF was announced. ‘The students he wanted would be rounded up and sent to him, whether they were male or female,’ she said in a recorded interview.

However, most Palestinians are afraid to speak openly about the ongoing crisis, fearing reprisals from the IDF. But one young Palestinian man, who managed to escape with Hadiya's help, was willing to talk about his ordeal in Netanyahu's sex dungeon. He wants to remain anonymous and admitted that he was repeatedly raped by the despot for over four years from the age of 12.

"After I was arrested by the IDF at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Hebron, I was blindfolded and transported by a military vehicle to a prison at an unknown location. There Netanyahu inspected me and the others after we were ordered to line up. He patted me on the head at the prison in an apparently paternal gesture, then a few hours later three soldiers arrived and handcuffed me. Subsequently, I was driven at high speed to Netanyahu's lair. Once there, I was stripped and shoved into Netanyahu’s room, to my horror he was lying naked on the bed. When I tried to run out, the soldiers outside grabbed me and flung me back on the bed. I was raped repeatedly during the four years I was held captive, eventually escaping with the help of Rashid Hadiya, a servant who earned the guards' and Netanyahu's trust. Fueled by cocaine and alcohol – and often Viagra – Netanyahu abused his victims horribly. I was one of them... He violated my body and pierced my soul with a dagger. That blade will never come out." the brave survivor said in a recorded interview made available to the EIW.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Bhutan has announced in a statement that Netanyahu would be brought to justice by the Royal Bhutan Army if he survives the Bhutanese conquest of Israel, but until then no effort will be spared to raise awareness in the international community and in the media about his pedophilia. This may polarize global public opinion on Israel once again. His credibility among the Israeli public could also be dented considerably but it is expected that the most ardent Zionists would dismiss the Bhutanese intelligence report as "Anti-Semitic propaganda akin to the blood-libel", while Arab and Islamic hatred against Israel may increase to all-new levels.

LOL! Too funny. Where do they come up with this stuff? Biut hey, I sure would agree that Netanyahu has done a terrible injustice to the Palestinians. What kind of person makes peasce offerings to them, builds a security fence & grants them their own land to keep them in Israel. Face it you Zionists, he keeps them in bondage. Not once has he even tried to help free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Want peace from Palestinians? That jerk Netanyahu has to go.

Bhutan accuses Israeli PM Netanyahu of pedophilia and rape (The Thimphu Chronicle)

Ramallah: The External Intelligence Wing (EIW) of Bhutan has recently declassified a shocking report that could ruin Israel's reputation in an unprecedented manner. The scandalous content of this intelligence report, which was made public to the Bhutanese press, accuses Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being a pedophile, who committed numerous counts of rape on underage Palestinians.

The full horror of Netanyahu's depravity has been slow to emerge, with many Israelis and Palestinians fearing retaliation by those who continue to be loyal to the Prime Minister. But it was revealed due to the efforts of the EIW that gathered evidence about Netanyahu's pedophilia from contacts within Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The evidence collected show heartbreaking stories of Netanyahu’s victims and their relatives that reveal how hundreds of underage preteen and teenage Palestinian boys and girls, were beaten, raped and forced to become his sex slaves throughout his five year reign.

According to an Israeli Druze defector named Rashid Hadiya, who was Netanyahu's trusted servant and who defected to the Palestinian side, the Prime Minister's private mansion in Tel Aviv has a clandestine, underground complex, where Palestinian boys and girls are subject to degrading treatment at the hands of the Prime Minister. The victims were all kidnapped by the Israeli Defense Forces from Palestinian schools and villages and are kept prisoner for years in a specially designed dungeon.

"Netanyahu’s modus operandi is to order the IDF in the Palestinian Territories to conduct nightly raids on Palestinian homes to abduct boys and girls or to randomly arrest them in broad daylight on the street at checkpoints or in their schools under the pretext of countering the Palestinian insurgency. The kidnapped Palestinians are then brought to Israeli prisons located outside of the Palestinian Territories. There they are lined up for Netanyahu and his associates to inspect, while he silently scans the room seeking out attractive victims among them. Before leaving he would pat those he had ‘selected’ on the head. Within hours his private bodyguards would round up those chosen and transport them to his Tel Aviv residence." Hadiya said.

One teacher at a Ramallah school, who was willing to speak to a Palestinian journalist, recalls how the children were all very young. ‘Some were only nine years old. They would simply take the child they wanted. They had no conscience, no morals, not an iota of mercy even though they were a mere children.’ The teacher also feared for her own daughter who was attending the 6th grade in high-school. She told her mother how the community around the school live in fear when a visit from the IDF was announced. ‘The students he wanted would be rounded up and sent to him, whether they were male or female,’ she said in a recorded interview.

However, most Palestinians are afraid to speak openly about the ongoing crisis, fearing reprisals from the IDF. But one young Palestinian man, who managed to escape with Hadiya's help, was willing to talk about his ordeal in Netanyahu's sex dungeon. He wants to remain anonymous and admitted that he was repeatedly raped by the despot for over four years from the age of 12.

"After I was arrested by the IDF at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Hebron, I was blindfolded and transported by a military vehicle to a prison at an unknown location. There Netanyahu inspected me and the others after we were ordered to line up. He patted me on the head at the prison in an apparently paternal gesture, then a few hours later three soldiers arrived and handcuffed me. Subsequently, I was driven at high speed to Netanyahu's lair. Once there, I was stripped and shoved into Netanyahu’s room, to my horror he was lying naked on the bed. When I tried to run out, the soldiers outside grabbed me and flung me back on the bed. I was raped repeatedly during the four years I was held captive, eventually escaping with the help of Rashid Hadiya, a servant who earned the guards' and Netanyahu's trust. Fueled by cocaine and alcohol – and often Viagra – Netanyahu abused his victims horribly. I was one of them... He violated my body and pierced my soul with a dagger. That blade will never come out." the brave survivor said in a recorded interview made available to the EIW.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Bhutan has announced in a statement that Netanyahu would be brought to justice by the Royal Bhutan Army if he survives the Bhutanese conquest of Israel, but until then no effort will be spared to raise awareness in the international community and in the media about his pedophilia. This may polarize global public opinion on Israel once again. His credibility among the Israeli public could also be dented considerably but it is expected that the most ardent Zionists would dismiss the Bhutanese intelligence report as "Anti-Semitic propaganda akin to the blood-libel", while Arab and Islamic hatred against Israel may increase to all-new levels.

LOL! Too funny. Where do they come up with this stuff? Biut hey, I sure would agree that Netanyahu has done a terrible injustice to the Palestinians. What kind of person makes peasce offerings to them, builds a security fence & grants them their own land to keep them in Israel. Face it you Zionists, he keeps them in bondage. Not once has he even tried to help free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Want peace from Palestinians? That jerk Netanyahu has to go.

Bhutan accuses Israeli PM Netanyahu of pedophilia and rape (The Thimphu Chronicle)

Ramallah: The External Intelligence Wing (EIW) of Bhutan has recently declassified a shocking report that could ruin Israel's reputation in an unprecedented manner. The scandalous content of this intelligence report, which was made public to the Bhutanese press, accuses Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being a pedophile, who committed numerous counts of rape on underage Palestinians.

The full horror of Netanyahu's depravity has been slow to emerge, with many Israelis and Palestinians fearing retaliation by those who continue to be loyal to the Prime Minister. But it was revealed due to the efforts of the EIW that gathered evidence about Netanyahu's pedophilia from contacts within Israel and the Palestinian Territories. The evidence collected show heartbreaking stories of Netanyahu’s victims and their relatives that reveal how hundreds of underage preteen and teenage Palestinian boys and girls, were beaten, raped and forced to become his sex slaves throughout his five year reign.

According to an Israeli Druze defector named Rashid Hadiya, who was Netanyahu's trusted servant and who defected to the Palestinian side, the Prime Minister's private mansion in Tel Aviv has a clandestine, underground complex, where Palestinian boys and girls are subject to degrading treatment at the hands of the Prime Minister. The victims were all kidnapped by the Israeli Defense Forces from Palestinian schools and villages and are kept prisoner for years in a specially designed dungeon.

"Netanyahu’s modus operandi is to order the IDF in the Palestinian Territories to conduct nightly raids on Palestinian homes to abduct boys and girls or to randomly arrest them in broad daylight on the street at checkpoints or in their schools under the pretext of countering the Palestinian insurgency. The kidnapped Palestinians are then brought to Israeli prisons located outside of the Palestinian Territories. There they are lined up for Netanyahu and his associates to inspect, while he silently scans the room seeking out attractive victims among them. Before leaving he would pat those he had ‘selected’ on the head. Within hours his private bodyguards would round up those chosen and transport them to his Tel Aviv residence." Hadiya said.

One teacher at a Ramallah school, who was willing to speak to a Palestinian journalist, recalls how the children were all very young. ‘Some were only nine years old. They would simply take the child they wanted. They had no conscience, no morals, not an iota of mercy even though they were a mere children.’ The teacher also feared for her own daughter who was attending the 6th grade in high-school. She told her mother how the community around the school live in fear when a visit from the IDF was announced. ‘The students he wanted would be rounded up and sent to him, whether they were male or female,’ she said in a recorded interview.

However, most Palestinians are afraid to speak openly about the ongoing crisis, fearing reprisals from the IDF. But one young Palestinian man, who managed to escape with Hadiya's help, was willing to talk about his ordeal in Netanyahu's sex dungeon. He wants to remain anonymous and admitted that he was repeatedly raped by the despot for over four years from the age of 12.

"After I was arrested by the IDF at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Hebron, I was blindfolded and transported by a military vehicle to a prison at an unknown location. There Netanyahu inspected me and the others after we were ordered to line up. He patted me on the head at the prison in an apparently paternal gesture, then a few hours later three soldiers arrived and handcuffed me. Subsequently, I was driven at high speed to Netanyahu's lair. Once there, I was stripped and shoved into Netanyahu’s room, to my horror he was lying naked on the bed. When I tried to run out, the soldiers outside grabbed me and flung me back on the bed. I was raped repeatedly during the four years I was held captive, eventually escaping with the help of Rashid Hadiya, a servant who earned the guards' and Netanyahu's trust. Fueled by cocaine and alcohol – and often Viagra – Netanyahu abused his victims horribly. I was one of them... He violated my body and pierced my soul with a dagger. That blade will never come out." the brave survivor said in a recorded interview made available to the EIW.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Bhutan has announced in a statement that Netanyahu would be brought to justice by the Royal Bhutan Army if he survives the Bhutanese conquest of Israel, but until then no effort will be spared to raise awareness in the international community and in the media about his pedophilia. This may polarize global public opinion on Israel once again. His credibility among the Israeli public could also be dented considerably but it is expected that the most ardent Zionists would dismiss the Bhutanese intelligence report as "Anti-Semitic propaganda akin to the blood-libel", while Arab and Islamic hatred against Israel may increase to all-new levels.

LOL! Too funny. Where do they come up with this stuff? Biut hey, I sure would agree that Netanyahu has done a terrible injustice to the Palestinians. What kind of person makes peasce offerings to them, builds a security fence & grants them their own land to keep them in Israel. Face it you Zionists, he keeps them in bondage. Not once has he even tried to help free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Want peace from Palestinians? That jerk Netanyahu has to go.

Netanyahu shsould be tried & convicted for war crimes against his own citizens for his treatment of the Palestinians. Israel needs a leader who will treat the Palestinians with the same surrounding Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians were so well accustomed to & so well deserve. LET THERE B E PEACE ALREADY!
The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Bhutan has announced in a statement that Netanyahu would be brought to justice by the Royal Bhutan Army if he survives the Bhutanese conquest of Israel,
look at Bibi's eyes. Are those the eyes of an innocent man? He's clearly hiding a dark secret. The rest of the world will soon be aware with dire consequences for the zionist entity.
Blah, blah, blah, phukking blah...
His dark eyes are reflecting the misery of having to defend his people against the bombardment of attacks against his country. He is beyond sick over it all, but has the leadership qualities to do what he must to protect Israel.
Bhutan accuses Israeli PM Netanyahu of pedophilia and rape (The Thimphu Chronicle)

A link to the source, please. I've searched online and nothing at all comes up for this article or for your source's name.

Odd, I can't find this article checking through 6 search engines...I do believe it's a lie perpetrated on us by a muslim terrorist best!


I'd drop that one from my repertoire if I were you.

Anti-Muslim Blogoshpere Runs Amuck Forced to Eat Crow
Thread closed pending establishment of a credible link to the article posted in the opening post.

O/P or anyone with better search skills than I can send it to me in a private message and I'll take a look.
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