Bradley Manning's Typical Day


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Manning's lawyer David E. Coombs provides the following account of his client's daily routine:

"PFC Manning is currently being held in maximum custody.

"Since arriving at the Quantico Confinement Facility in July of 2010, he has been held under Prevention of Injury (POI) watch.

"His cell is approximately six feet wide and twelve feet in length.

"The cell has a bed, a drinking fountain, and a toilet.

"The guards at the confinement facility are professional. At no time have they tried to bully, harass, or embarrass PFC Manning.

"Given the nature of their job, however, they do not engage in conversation with PFC Manning.

"At 5:00 a.m. he is woken up (on weekends, he is allowed to sleep until 7:00 a.m.).

"Under the rules for the confinement facility, he is not allowed to sleep at anytime between 5:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

"If he attempts to sleep during those hours, he will be made to sit up or stand by the guards.

"He is allowed to watch television during the day.

"The television stations are limited to the basic local stations. His access to the television ranges from 1 to 3 hours on weekdays to 3 to 6 hours on weekends...

"He is allowed to have any combination of up to 15 books and magazines..."

A Typical Day
Poor Pvt. Manning. If Prevention of Injury confinement is not in his best interest then let him have a razor blade and other personal items ... or turn him out into general population ... and see what happens. He'd either kill himself or be killed by other inmates.

I have no sympathy for the guy.
It's far better than he deserves.

Just sayin'.
I think there are others that assisted the little "fairy", and they should be in there with him.

I hope he rots there.

I also think this will play into the whole DADT thing, b/c he is gay, and was "harrassed" by other recruits according some news report I had seen a week or so ago. (cant remember who it was, but she was saying he had been picked on b/c he was gay) So therefore he was just "acting out".

Are we supposed to shed a tear or something. He brought this on himself. Screw him. But if it's any consolation to the Manning, Assange lovers who spurt off and hang on their every word, the lovely citizens of Berkely just voted Manning a national hero.
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I think there are others that assisted the little "fairy", and they should be in there with him.

I hope he rots there.

I also think this will play into the whole DADT thing, b/c he is gay, and was "harrassed" by other recruits according some news report I had seen a week or so ago. (cant remember who it was, but she was saying he had been picked on b/c he was gay) So therefore he was just "acting out".


All of these seem like nothing more than smoke and mirrors to avoid discussing the obvious: our government sucks at keeping secrets and Bradley Manning had a tantrum because he felt identity was more important than service, and he’s also a traitor.

Manning posted online about his unhappiness at having to fetch coffee for his superior officers. Because no other person working their way up the ladder has had to undertake such a humiliating and discriminatory gopher task ever in the history of the workplace or military, I can see how this would motivate him to steal classified information and leak it to a guy looking for a follow up hit to last summer’s “Is That An RPG Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?” </sarcasm>

Stories abound on whether Manning’s frustration at the military stemmed from his being an entitled brat or sexuality and anger at DADT. Don’t you think if the subject of a story railed on about gay issues and dissatisfaction with the military that it might be valid to ask without assuming whether or not his crime was related to DADT? For instance, his Facebook description reads:
“Take me for who I am, or face the consequences!”



Yep...get pissed off and sell out your country becuase you don't like it.
So you think resistance to wars of aggression that were sold to the US public as "defensive" and "necessary" is somehow a bigger crime than those who lied the country into those wars and those who get rich from mass murder?

Some of you are throwing the word "traitor" at Manning.

What do you call Dick Cheney?

Poor Pvt. Manning. If Prevention of Injury confinement is not in his best interest then let him have a razor blade and other personal items ... or turn him out into general population ... and see what happens. He'd either kill himself or be killed by other inmates.

I have no sympathy for the guy.
Shouldn't we wait until after his trial to resort to suicide or homicide solutions?

If somewhere in the remaining stash of cables a smoking gun emerges that proves Bush and Cheney and Rummy lied about our reasons for going to war, would that alter your view of what Manning is accused of doing?
So you think resistance to wars of aggression that were sold to the US public as "defensive" and "necessary" is somehow a bigger crime than those who lied the country into those wars and those who get rich from mass murder?

Some of you are throwing the word "traitor" at Manning.

What do you call Dick Cheney?


Cheney stole information from the US Government and passed it to a gossip columnist? Who knew?

You're a fucking idiot. Thank God, I'll never need a bottom feeder like you for a lawyer.
It's far better than he deserves.

Just sayin'.
If it was an act of conscience on Manning's part that led him to turn over 200,000 classified documents detailing the careless killing of innocent civilians, does he deserve to spend more time in prison than the politicians who lied the US into war?

What makes Manning more of a traitor than Dick Cheney?
I think there are others that assisted the little "fairy", and they should be in there with him.

I hope he rots there.

I also think this will play into the whole DADT thing, b/c he is gay, and was "harrassed" by other recruits according some news report I had seen a week or so ago. (cant remember who it was, but she was saying he had been picked on b/c he was gay) So therefore he was just "acting out".


All of these seem like nothing more than smoke and mirrors to avoid discussing the obvious: our government sucks at keeping secrets and Bradley Manning had a tantrum because he felt identity was more important than service, and he’s also a traitor.

Manning posted online about his unhappiness at having to fetch coffee for his superior officers. Because no other person working their way up the ladder has had to undertake such a humiliating and discriminatory gopher task ever in the history of the workplace or military, I can see how this would motivate him to steal classified information and leak it to a guy looking for a follow up hit to last summer’s “Is That An RPG Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?” </sarcasm>

Stories abound on whether Manning’s frustration at the military stemmed from his being an entitled brat or sexuality and anger at DADT. Don’t you think if the subject of a story railed on about gay issues and dissatisfaction with the military that it might be valid to ask without assuming whether or not his crime was related to DADT? For instance, his Facebook description reads:
“Take me for who I am, or face the consequences!”



Yep...get pissed off and sell out your country becuase you don't like it.

As I've said before.... one has to wonder whether he actually sees the US as 'his country'... He grew up in Wales. He hates his father, who happens to be US Military. He hates his ex-bf... who happens to be US Military..... Seems to me that little Mr Manning has issues with men... and the US Military.

He's a fucking loser who deserves to spend his days rotting in solitude.
So you think resistance to wars of aggression that were sold to the US public as "defensive" and "necessary" is somehow a bigger crime than those who lied the country into those wars and those who get rich from mass murder?

Some of you are throwing the word "traitor" at Manning.

What do you call Dick Cheney?


Cheney stole information from the US Government and passed it to a gossip columnist? Who knew?

You're a fucking idiot. Thank God, I'll never need a bottom feeder like you for a lawyer.
Dick Cheney's lies have cost thousands of innocent lives, at least.

You don't need lawyers

You need a good deprogrammer.
The penalty for treason is and should be death. He made his choice, now he can live with it. For a while.
All I can say for PFC Manning?


Son? You fucked yourself. Deal with it.
Had there been an internet in the 80s and a Russian equivalent of Manning leaked 200,000 classified Soviet cables detailing the Red Army's war crimes, would you feel any differently?

Leaking is leaking no matter the vehicle nor timeframe.


I was privvy to lots of it...NEVER let it out...nor will I ever.

I signed an agreement of Honor...

Ball, Court, yours
So you think resistance to wars of aggression that were sold to the US public as "defensive" and "necessary" is somehow a bigger crime than those who lied the country into those wars and those who get rich from mass murder?

Some of you are throwing the word "traitor" at Manning.

What do you call Dick Cheney?


I call him "Dick Cheney". Is this a trick question? lol

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