Boy leads protest over deported mother


Free: Mudholes Stomped
Jan 8, 2007
By ERICA WERNER, Associated Press Writer Wed Sep 12, 10:29 PM ET

WASHINGTON - An 8-year-old boy whose mother was deported to Mexico led a chanting crowd of about 150 pro-immigration activists through the halls of Congress on Wednesday. Capitol Police arrested two demonstrators for disorderly conduct.

Saul Arellano and other children carried a banner that read: "Born in the USA. Don't take our moms and dads away."

The boy's mother, Elvira Arellano, was deported last month after taking refuge in a Chicago church for a year.

In Tijuana, Mexico, across the border from San Diego, Elvira Arellano spoke about her son to several dozen demonstrators. Saul was scheduled to join her there Thursday.

"He is a boy who has been suffering because the U.S. government told his mother she couldn't stay in their country anymore because she was undocumented," she said.

In Washington, activists clashed with police outside the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, chanting and shouting for her to lead on immigration reform. Saul appeared to get enveloped in the shoving crowd.

Demonstrators taped two oversize letters to Pelosi's door — one in English and one in Spanish — warning her, "If Democrats expect our support in the next election, the Democrats must support us now."

Immigration reform legislation died in Congress this year and isn't expected to be revived anytime soon. Pelosi, D-Calif., was in Oregon on Wednesday for a forum on global warming.

The crowd went to Pelosi's office after a news conference where they prayed, denounced deportations and broke into chants of "Si, se puede!" or "Yes, we can!" Saul drew on a piece of paper and sometimes ducked behind a desk. Asked by a demonstrator whether he wanted to speak, he shook his head no.

The boy, wearing baggy jeans and a striped shirt and looking distracted, then joined other children at the front of an unruly procession through the halls and basements of two House office buildings. Behind him someone carried an icon of the Virgin of Guadalupe and two others held large flags, one Mexican and one Puerto Rican. At one point, a child hesitated to board an escalator, creating a bottleneck.

Protesters left the Cannon House Office Building after police threatened more arrests.

Elvira Arellano was in the U.S. illegally for several years before taking sanctuary at Chicago's Adalberto United Methodist Church, where she lived with her son for a year in defiance of a deportation order.

She left the church last month to speak to other immigrants around the country and was arrested in Los Angeles by immigration authorities. They deported her to Tijuana, where she has been promoting an overhaul to U.S. immigration laws.
"If Democrats expect our support in the next election, the Democrats must support us now."

"He is a boy who has been suffering because the U.S. government told his mother she couldn't stay in their country anymore because she was undocumented," she said.

She couldn't stay in the country because she broke the countires laws, on numerous occasions. The boy has been "suffering" because his mother chose to leave the boy behind. Her choice. She was given the option to take the boy with her, she chose not to. The boy is "suffering" not because the U.S. government was enforcing it's laws, but because of the choices his mother made.

I question the intelligence of anyone who fails to recognize these facts and instead blames the U.S. government.
She couldn't stay in the country because she broke the countires laws, on numerous occasions. The boy has been "suffering" because his mother chose to leave the boy behind. Her choice. She was given the option to take the boy woth her, she chose not to. The boy is "suffering" not because the U.S. government was enforcing it's laws, but because of the choices his mother made.

I question the intelligence of anyone who fails to recognize these facts and instead blames the U.S. government.

The law in the U.S. is that someone is entitled to apply for citizenship based on their child's birth here.

I'm not aware of what laws she broke... other than the coming here illegally, of course.
The law in the U.S. is that someone is entitled to apply for citizenship based on their child's birth here.

A U.S.-born child cannot sponsor his/her parents for legal immigration to the United States until he/she becomes an adult, and illegal immigrant parents do not gain any additional legal rights based solely on the fact that they have had a child born in the US.

I'm not aware of what laws she broke... other than the coming here illegally, of course.

Well let's see, to begin with she entered the U.S. illegally, twice. In 2002 she was arrested and convicted of Social Security Fraud, I believe that is a felony. She was using a false Social Security number to obtain employment and was sentenced to three years probation. She was ordered to appear before immigration authorities on August 15, 2006. Instead she took refuge in the Adalberto United Methodist church in Chicago to avoid arrest and deportation. I believe they call that "failure to appear." So that's at least four times she broke the laws in the U.S.
A U.S.-born child cannot sponsor his/her parents for legal immigration to the United States until he/she becomes an adult, and illegal immigrant parents do not gain any additional legal rights based solely on the fact that they have had a child born in the US.

I'd love to know your support for that statement, because my understanding is that one is entitled to apply for permanent residence if:

You are the spouse, parent, unmarried child under age 21, the unmarried son or daughter over age 21, the married son or daughter, or the brother or sister of a United States citizen and have a visa petition approved in your behalf.

Well let's see, to begin with she entered the U.S. illegally, twice. In 2002 she was arrested and convicted of Social Security Fraud, I believe that is a felony. She was using a false Social Security number to obtain employment and was sentenced to three years probation. She was ordered to appear before immigration authorities on August 15, 2006. Instead she took refuge in the Adalberto United Methodist church in Chicago to avoid arrest and deportation. I believe they call that "failure to appear." So that's at least four times she broke the laws in the U.S.

So she's guilty of wanting to live and work in this country... doesn't quite count, I think. Nor do her "crimes" particularly concern me.

We don't separate mothers and children...or we didn't used to.
I'd love to know your support for that statement, because my understanding is that one is entitled to apply for permanent residence if:

You are the spouse, parent, unmarried child under age 21, the unmarried son or daughter over age 21, the married son or daughter, or the brother or sister of a United States citizen and have a visa petition approved in your behalf.

From your own link:


There may be other reasons that you are eligible for adjustment to permanent resident status. Please see USCIS Form I-485 for more complete information.

You may be ineligible for adjustment to permanent resident status if:

You entered the U.S. while you were in transit to another country without obtaining a visa.

You entered the U.S. while you were a nonimmigrant crewman.

You were not admitted or paroled into the United States after being inspected by a U.S. Immigration inspector.

You are employed in the United States without USCIS authorization or you are no longer legally in the country (except through no fault of your own or for some technical reason). This rule does not apply to you if:

You are the immediate relative of a U.S. citizen (parent, spouse, or unmarried child under 21 years old).

Certain foreign medical graduates, international organization employees and family members.

So she's guilty of wanting to live and work in this country... doesn't quite count, I think. Nor do her "crimes" particularly concern me.

No, she is guilty of entering the United States illegally, illegally obtaining and using a Social Security number, a felony, and she is guilty of failure to appear for the INS hearing.

We don't separate mothers and children...or we didn't used to.

You're absolutely right, we don't. She was given the option of taking her son with her, she chose not to do so. It was HER choice to leave her son behind. She is the reason they are seperated.
I'd love to know your support for that statement, because my understanding is that one is entitled to apply for permanent residence if:

You are the spouse, parent, unmarried child under age 21, the unmarried son or daughter over age 21, the married son or daughter, or the brother or sister of a United States citizen and have a visa petition approved in your behalf.

So she's guilty of wanting to live and work in this country... doesn't quite count, I think. Nor do her "crimes" particularly concern me.

We don't separate mothers and children...or we didn't used to.

social security fraud doesn't concern you?
You're absolutely right, we don't. She was given the option of taking her son with her, she chose not to do so. It was HER choice to leave her son behind. She is the reason they are seperated.

i thought liberals were pro choice.....:rofl:
She never entered the country with a legal visa. She committed at least one Felony. She refused to appear at her hearing.

All 3 are primary reasons for her not receiving permanent Status. Read your own cited rule. It states clearly the "family" member must be in the US ( or on the way) with a valid legal approved Visa.

Further check immigration laws, I am pretty damn sure any felony bars you from permanent Status if you are not already IN that status and if you are can be used to deport you.

Just some minor technicalities I am sure.
So she's guilty of wanting to live and work in this country... doesn't quite count, I think. Nor do her "crimes" particularly concern me.

We don't separate mothers and children...or we didn't used to.

Nice spin. Could you be any more obtuse? You said you weren't aware of what laws she broke. hj supplied you with four that are on the books. Do those just not count because you don't like then or what? Can you not foresee the chaos we would have if we didn't have immigration laws. What is it exactley that you want fixed about our immigration policy for these poor people?

Much as you'd like us to be, the U.S. isn't the bad guy here. I thought it was hilarious that the protesters wanted 'immigration reform'. What exacltey do they mean by that? Open borders? Bending over backwards for anyone that wants entrance into our country?
Deport his ass to China. Don't ask why, don't care why. He'll learn to appreciate his ability to express his disdain for this matter then. :B
Nice spin. Could you be any more obtuse? You said you weren't aware of what laws she broke. hj supplied you with four that are on the books. Do those just not count because you don't like then or what? Can you not foresee the chaos we would have if we didn't have immigration laws. What is it exactley that you want fixed about our immigration policy for these poor people?

Much as you'd like us to be, the U.S. isn't the bad guy here. I thought it was hilarious that the protesters wanted 'immigration reform'. What exacltey do they mean by that? Open borders? Bending over backwards for anyone that wants entrance into our country?

Obtuse? I'm thinking that would be you. But nice spin for "we don't want brown people here"...

Do show me where I said that there should be ANYTHING fixed about our immigration system. The law is what it is and people are eligible for permanent residence when they have a child born here.

End of story.... we don't separate mothers and children... nor do we deport citizens.
Obtuse? I'm thinking that would be you. But nice spin for "we don't want brown people here"...

Do show me where I said that there should be ANYTHING fixed about our immigration system. The law is what it is and people are eligible for permanent residence when they have a child born here.

End of story.... we don't separate mothers and children... nor do we deport citizens.

Your own quoted section of the law STATES the person MUST be in the country LEGALLY. I know just a minor technicality. As is her FELONY conviction and her refusal to appear when ordered to a Immigration hearing. Minor points and all.
Families have a right to stay together. In this case, if the boy wants to be with his mom, Mexico will welcome him.

In the meanwhile, if the boy and his family think that his staying in the US is more important than his being with his mother, then, that is their choice, also.

Emotional cries for sympathy are always distasteful, as they skew the facts and equate to nothing more than smokescreens.

In this case, the fact that the mother chose to come to this country illegally and then, leave her son here alone, is the most immoral aspect of the story.
nice font!

I think that if the mother and son want to be together then he should either go to Mexico or live real close to the Mexican border. I'm all for the humanitarianism behind allowing immigrants into America. But this boat isn't unsinkable. We must reserve control over who comes in and out. She broke the law by skipping out when her visa expired and had a kid in the US thinking that it would be her instant green card. I think that there is a problem when our benevolence as a nation (allowing third worlders in, allowing kids born here to be citizens) is abused by those seeking to skirt the legal requirments and then try to illicit an emotional responce instead of a legal one. If this boy and his mother want to be together no one is stopping that from happening. No one is stopping these people from making modern upgrades to their own nation either. It's not America's fault that Mexico sucks. There is no other law that I can break and then flaunt in the media and then get off the hook by telling the judge some contrived sob story. Likewise, what other country is going to allow me to break in illegally and then allow me to stay just because I spawned an anchor baby? I'm not a fan of being blackmailed for a vote over this issue. Someone might eventually suggest deportation with a DNA database where anyone caught illegally in the US gets automatically denied any type of re-entry. I don't want my boat to sink just because someone on another boat doesn't want to patch their own broken hull.

on another note, It is time to revamp social security cards. I can reproduce a valid looking SS card with a scanner and a bubble jet printer. so can they. I want to see our system of employment verification rely on debit card-like technology rather than reproducable federal ID and an i-9 form that wont catch anything for 6 months. Half the problem would be solved if some savvy politician thrust some modern tech into this issue. If I could get indication of work eligibility status immediatly instead of 6 months then perhaps we could also crack down on the Identity Fraud too. I've literally seen people come in and apply in the morning with one number, be told that I can see that it is a fake, and come back in the afternoon with another number; also a fake. debit card readers and magnetic strips woudl go a LONG LONG LONG way. If you are secretly a politician with clout and reading this then do it. now. Your next term will be guarenteed.
The law in the U.S. is that someone is entitled to apply for citizenship based on their child's birth here.

I'm not aware of what laws she broke... other than the coming here illegally, of course.

She was deported once before then re-entered. This is a felony to re-enter after deportation. Those who return after deportation are charged under Section 1326 of the Federal Criminal (note, this is a crime) Code. They can actually spend time in prison for this, instead they just deported her again.

In San Diego they streamlined the process and 1326 cases, if the defendant waives indictment, etc. (all the normal waivers for a plea bargain) they get a set time that is less than the maximum.
Right, this is a mess of the mother's creation. I have no sympathy for her. If she wants to be with her son, that is something she can accomplish in Mexico.
Obtuse? I'm thinking that would be you. But nice spin for "we don't want brown people here"...

Do show me where I said that there should be ANYTHING fixed about our immigration system. The law is what it is and people are eligible for permanent residence when they have a child born here.

End of story.... we don't separate mothers and children... nor do we deport citizens.

We deport non-citizens, which she is. I would say that since you don't really care about the laws she broke and that it was down right mean of us to follow the law in terms of the issues between her and her son clearly indicate you have a problem with the current system.

You want to make this a racism issue go ahead. That's the easy route. I am well aware that we need people to do the jobs we won't. So far they fit the bill and I have no problem with them comeing here to do it. Come here to do it undocumented and illegally causes major problems however. Not just for us but for them as well.

And where did this BS that we don't seperate mother's a children come from? We do it all the time, more often than not to people that are citizens for child abuse and/or neglect. Can you not see why the law is what it is? Try and follow a logical train of thought for a minute here? What do you think would happen if we simply granted citizenship to every woman who popped out a kid this side of the Mexico boarder?

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