Bowe Bergdahl Still Won't Speak To His Parents

1. Douglas B. "Pete" Peterson.
2. I will not name, he was not a public figure.

My father served in Vietnam, as did my brother in law, and two older cousins.

Nor am I thrilled with Obama, I voted for McCain 2008. My daddy served in WWII at age 17, Vietnam in his 40s, your heroes, Ronnie Reagan, and George W. Bush stayed HOME. (I admire George HW Bush, Robert Dole, and Richard Nixon, they served.)

You voted for McCAIN in 2008? seems fewer and fewer voted for Obozo and yet he won in a landslide. I understand your embarrassment. My dad was 4th wave at Normandy and fought all the way to the Rhine. My uncle got as far as Saipan before a jap bullet found him. My tour in the RVN was '67-'68 during Tet. And like your family, mine has served in every war this nation has fought. My "heroes" RR and 43 both served but not in combat; which doesn't reflect on either man's time in the presidency. Neither pronounced the word corpsman as CORPSE MAN after two years in the Oval Office. Maybe Barry was too busy golfing and fundraising to spend much time knowing anything about the men fighting his wars.

No, Obama didn't serve, Bush II did see some danger, flying NG aircraft isn't a walk in the park (according to those I know in the Florida Guard), Reagan was in the cavalry, WWII was not horse intensive. Men like Dole & McCain I respect for their sacrifice, and their political sense. I of course admire Gen. Powell, read he & McCain do not get along. My father was on the Colorado when she was hit in WWII, went on to the Bon Homme Richard, Wright, and Independence, among others. My father thought little of Reagan, guess I picked it up from him.

Nixon, cursed by many, in retrospect, seems a fine President, except for his paranoia. I met Clinton for a brief handshake in the early days of campaign '92, didn't like him them, and never grew to like him.

Ford is the forgotten men who held us together after Watergate, he gave up his chance at being President for the good of the nation, pardoning Nixon was best for the country.

I was surprised Bush II won in 2000, and surprised Obama won in 2008, he seemed too young & inexperienced. Thus, though I am a Democrat, I do not toe any part line.

Fair enough. I also am a democrat....a REAGAN DEMOCRAT! :eek: Native Detroiter.....never joined the UAW but spent a summer on the assembly line and learned to appreciate union protection from having my hands torn off or getting a flying axle across the chops. Before the UAW, guys were maimed and killed every day in those plants. I'm disgusted our jobs have been offshored and outsourced and am no club assholes. I'm TEA PARTY...and ready to take our country back. :eusa_angel:
You voted for McCAIN in 2008? seems fewer and fewer voted for Obozo and yet he won in a landslide. I understand your embarrassment. My dad was 4th wave at Normandy and fought all the way to the Rhine. My uncle got as far as Saipan before a jap bullet found him. My tour in the RVN was '67-'68 during Tet. And like your family, mine has served in every war this nation has fought. My "heroes" RR and 43 both served but not in combat; which doesn't reflect on either man's time in the presidency. Neither pronounced the word corpsman as CORPSE MAN after two years in the Oval Office. Maybe Barry was too busy golfing and fundraising to spend much time knowing anything about the men fighting his wars.

No, Obama didn't serve, Bush II did see some danger, flying NG aircraft isn't a walk in the park (according to those I know in the Florida Guard), Reagan was in the cavalry, WWII was not horse intensive. Men like Dole & McCain I respect for their sacrifice, and their political sense. I of course admire Gen. Powell, read he & McCain do not get along. My father was on the Colorado when she was hit in WWII, went on to the Bon Homme Richard, Wright, and Independence, among others. My father thought little of Reagan, guess I picked it up from him.

Nixon, cursed by many, in retrospect, seems a fine President, except for his paranoia. I met Clinton for a brief handshake in the early days of campaign '92, didn't like him them, and never grew to like him.

Ford is the forgotten men who held us together after Watergate, he gave up his chance at being President for the good of the nation, pardoning Nixon was best for the country.

I was surprised Bush II won in 2000, and surprised Obama won in 2008, he seemed too young & inexperienced. Thus, though I am a Democrat, I do not toe any part line.

Fair enough. I also am a democrat....a REAGAN DEMOCRAT! :eek: Native Detroiter.....never joined the UAW but spent a summer on the assembly line and learned to appreciate union protection from having my hands torn off or getting a flying axle across the chops. Before the UAW, guys were maimed and killed every day in those plants. I'm disgusted our jobs have been offshored and outsourced and am no club assholes. I'm TEA PARTY...and ready to take our country back. :eusa_angel:

Then you agree with me, the Tea Party has -0- in common with the KKK. I respect your liberty to support the Tea Party, though I do not, the very existence of the movement has placed the subject of bloat in government in the spotlight, which is a positive development.
Nope, I know two Vietnam POWs personally. And I will respect the results of the military investigation, when complete.

Sure ya do....and you'll "respect" the whitewash because you're an in love with the mutt you'd let him smack your head if he smiled at you first. :cuckoo:

I'm with you on the whitewash aspect. As of today, not one of his platoon mates have been interviewed. You would think they would be the first you would interview.
Can you withhold judgement on Bergdahl until the Mag. Gen. completes his investigation? I thought he was crazy, but he was put back to work, he did look much thinner in the Taliban photos. Obama cannot decide for Dahl, and everyone will have to accept his decision.

Nope. He hasn't interviewed a single one of Bergdahl's platoon members. One would think they'd be the first his boys spoke to. Four of them heard the radio chatter that said he was in the ville looking to "contact taliban". That's all I need to know after hearing he's sent his belongings home and left his weapon and gear behind.

He said this to his father before he went over the hill:

I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting. [...] [Three good sergeants had been forced to move to another company] [...] and one of the biggest shit bags is being put in charge of the team. [...] [My battalion commander was] a conceited old fool. [...] In the US army you are cut down for being honest... but if you are a conceited brown nosing shit bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank... The system is wrong. I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools. ... The US army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at.

A number of MIA from the RVN theatre deserted into Cholon, the chinese port section of Saigon. When Charles overran that area in the beginning of Tet, a number of that number was dealing in the black market and lost their lives asleep in their cheap hotels. More MIA simply never made it back to the bird due to various actions their platoon mates couldn't accept. Rape, shoot a family's work buffalo, or get drunk out on patrol could get you left behind.

Our LRRP teams had a simple rule for any reporter with enough hair on his ass to want to join us on an op. If you speak above a whisper, smoke, straggle, stumble, or make a noise leading to our discovery, we'll cut your throat. No exceptions. That was ample discouragement. Aussie SAS took their people out with them on occasion without incident. But the SAS moved so slowly through the bush that local cadre probably thought they were lost and no threat. :lol:
Can you withhold judgement on Bergdahl until the Mag. Gen. completes his investigation? I thought he was crazy, but he was put back to work, he did look much thinner in the Taliban photos. Obama cannot decide for Dahl, and everyone will have to accept his decision.

Nope. He hasn't interviewed a single one of Bergdahl's platoon members. One would think they'd be the first his boys spoke to. Four of them heard the radio chatter that said he was in the ville looking to "contact taliban". That's all I need to know after hearing he's sent his belongings home and left his weapon and gear behind.

He said this to his father before he went over the hill:

I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting. [...] [Three good sergeants had been forced to move to another company] [...] and one of the biggest shit bags is being put in charge of the team. [...] [My battalion commander was] a conceited old fool. [...] In the US army you are cut down for being honest... but if you are a conceited brown nosing shit bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank... The system is wrong. I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools. ... The US army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at.

A number of MIA from the RVN theatre deserted into Cholon, the chinese port section of Saigon. When Charles overran that area in the beginning of Tet, a number of that number was dealing in the black market and lost their lives asleep in their cheap hotels. More MIA simply never made it back to the bird due to various actions their platoon mates couldn't accept. Rape, shoot a family's work buffalo, or get drunk out on patrol could get you left behind.

Our LRRP teams had a simple rule for any reporter with enough hair on his ass to want to join us on an op. If you speak above a whisper, smoke, straggle, stumble, or make a noise leading to our discovery, we'll cut your throat. No exceptions. That was ample discouragement. Aussie SAS took their people out with them on occasion without incident. But the SAS moved so slowly through the bush that local cadre probably thought they were lost and no threat. :lol:

Mag. Gen. Dahl must have the evidence from those in his platoon to arrive at a just conclusion; he may have others closer to them deposing them.
Mag. Gen. Dahl must have the evidence from those in his platoon to arrive at a just conclusion; he may have others closer to them deposing them.

Nope...the Regime has already decided they're "swiftboaters" for appearing on Fox.

And no 2-star is going to risk his career by going against the wishes of his CIC with another 30 months in office (if we can't impeach him sooner). Google the number of generals Barry has axed for little or no cause other than some minor insubordination. It will be a report in nicely bound multiple copies that they don't dare get caught doing before the November mid-terms. By then it will be "old news" and quickly forgotten. Bergdahl will quietly be allowed to leave the Army with a nice wad of cash to open his own mosque or whatever. :doubt:
Mag. Gen. Dahl must have the evidence from those in his platoon to arrive at a just conclusion; he may have others closer to them deposing them.

Nope...the Regime has already decided they're "swiftboaters" for appearing on Fox.

And no 2-star is going to risk his career by going against the wishes of his CIC with another 30 months in office (if we can't impeach him sooner). Google the number of generals Barry has axed for little or no cause other than some minor insubordination. It will be a report in nicely bound multiple copies that they don't dare get caught doing before the November mid-terms. By then it will be "old news" and quickly forgotten. Bergdahl will quietly be allowed to leave the Army with a nice wad of cash to open his own mosque or whatever. :doubt:

The photo ops, if that is all this trade was about, are over. Should Dahl care more about his career than the UCMJ, he needs to go. I'll support impeachment if the Magor General finds against Bergdahl & Obama axes him.
A tiny bit of news that's leaked out past Obozo's stonewalling, tells us Bergdahl has somehow quickly recovered from his "life threatening illness" and is back on active duty. But wait.....isn't he looking at a possible court-martial for desertion? ;)

Barry (closet homo) who "doesn't do photo ops" sure did this one, with his hands all over Bergdahl's mother Jani. Could this be one of the reasons Bowe has disowned her? Has Moochelle seen this pic? Did Barry need a trip to the dentist if she did? Inquiring minds want to know....well, maybe not.


Of course he's not being charged but instead looking at $250K in back pay and another $100K for having been a P.O.W. And his new job is as a desk clerk. That's to pacify those wondering if he's around weaponry. No, but active-duty troop have to range-qualify once a year so he will at some point have a FULLY LOADED AUTOMATIC WEAPON in his hands. :eek:

The leftists reading this just got some pucker-factor out of their ruined homo bung holes. :lol: And remember, ol Bowe converted to Islam while in captivity....will more "workplace violence" be the next chapter in this sordid tale? :eusa_shifty:

The whole episode was of course, intended to change the headlines from the litany of Obozo's scandals. But WHOA, this turned into another fiasco when his platoon mates revealed he indeed deserted and 6 lost their lives searching for his pathetic ass. So Barry can hardly allow Bergdahl to be court-martialed after 5 ranking talibani dirtbags were traded for him. The Regime immediately referred to these guys as liars and "swiftboaters".


But back to mom and pop...surely they missed their son and did everything in their power to get him back. Bob even learned Pashtu and grew his beard...might have converted to Islam too...who knows? :dunno: Is Bob a little weird? Some teenage girls down the road from him claims he stalked and peeked in their windows. Maybe Jani was messing around with some negro in town....she sure seemed all MILFy with Barry the Fairy.


BTW, Bergdahl told Specialist Jason Fry, before their deployment to Afghanistan, "If this deployment is lame, I'm just going to walk off into the mountains of Pakistan."[1]

What isn't widely known is that Bergdahl spent time in a buddhist monastery and later lasted only 26 days in the Coast Guard in 2006. He's never owned a car.

So why won't Bowe speak to his parents? Who knows? Maybe when he could have used some sound advice from his father before he deserted, he got this reply to his email:


Dear Bowe, In matters of life and death, and especially at war, it is never safe to ignore ones' conscience. Ethics demands obedience to our conscience. It is best to also have a systematic oral defense of what our conscience demands. Stand with like minded men when possible. dad.[1]:4
Oh no! A black man touched a white woman!

And you dopes wonder why people think you're racist.

Dishonest Twat.


JakeStarkey;9447958]cast for the rest of his days.

Traintime is merely old and cold, no longer bold and young. I agree, Peach, the investigation is what to respect, not Train's timetable.

Vets who jump on other vets without knowing the story, and traintime is off schedule, indeed, should simply be mocked.

Ah, good ol Jake who claimed to have trained me at Nha Trang then later admitted he wasn't 5th SFG.

Keep the hell away from me you lying turd.

Not what I said. I said you would have been trained in country for the LRRP, which was true,and since you did not know that, I know you were lying.

Nothing you can do about getting caught, little one.

Step along, troop, step along.
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Nope, I know two Vietnam POWs personally. And I will respect the results of the military investigation, when complete.

Sure ya do....and you'll "respect" the whitewash because you're an in love with the mutt you'd let him smack your head if he smiled at you first. :cuckoo:

I'm with you on the whitewash aspect. As of today, not one of his platoon mates have been interviewed. You would think they would be the first you would interview.

I agree..I don't much will come of this.They will say he suffered enough and he
had a brain fart or something when he deserted.
Sure ya do....and you'll "respect" the whitewash because you're an in love with the mutt you'd let him smack your head if he smiled at you first. :cuckoo:

I'm with you on the whitewash aspect. As of today, not one of his platoon mates have been interviewed. You would think they would be the first you would interview.

I agree..I don't much will come of this.They will say he suffered enough and he
had a brain fart or something when he deserted.

Its one man, Magor General Dahl. Why is everyone from the President to Dahl said to be covering up for Bergdahl by the way?
Because the far right simply hate that they are wrong so often and that most Americans think they are shit birds.
Because the far right simply hate that they are wrong so often and that most Americans think they are shit birds.

Insulting those that disagree with you does not encourage discussion; I asked an actual question. Some of those in his platoon do accuse him, one was more reasonable:

Gerald Sutton, one of the members of Bowe Bergdahl‘s platoon, was rather hesitant to repeat claims by others who served with them about a link between Bergdahl’s disappearance and increased attacks on their base, telling Jake Tapper that’s a pretty serious allegation to make without all the evidence to back it up. Evan Buetow, Bergdahl’s team leader, and Justin Gerleve, his squad leader, both told Tapper this week that they noticed an increase in attacks on their base after Bergdahl reportedly deserted.

Sutton said that neither he nor the other soldiers in the platoon he’s spoken with have any knowledge of prior instances when Bergdahl walked off-base, as one report said, and none of them have knowledge of a supposed note Bergdahl left behind beforehand.

Tapper then asked him about the idea that attacks on the base increased after Bergdahl left. Sutton was hesitant to make any kind of direct connection.

“As a unit stays in-country for a longer period of time, the placement of IEDs always changes. So that could just be a part of it… it could be a number of different things, and to say that it was Bergdahl alone, that he’s the main factor, that’s kind of a powerful statement and we need some serious evidence to back that up.”

this photo of Bergdahl shows he was starved, or refused to eat while captive:

Bowe Bergdahl's platoon didn't like him. That doesn't mean he's a traitor. - The Week one ended up charged with crimes after leaving the Army.
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I am not insulting anyone, Peach, and I am correctly identifying how most of America thinks about the far right: they are correct to do so.

Yes, I agree that we should support the investigation to do the right thing.
JakeStarkey;9447958]cast for the rest of his days.

Traintime is merely old and cold, no longer bold and young. I agree, Peach, the investigation is what to respect, not Train's timetable.

Vets who jump on other vets without knowing the story, and traintime is off schedule, indeed, should simply be mocked.

Ah, good ol Jake who claimed to have trained me at Nha Trang then later admitted he wasn't 5th SFG.

Keep the hell away from me you lying turd.

Not what I said. I said you would have been trained in country for the LRRP, which was true,and since you did not know that, I know you were lying.

Nothing you can do about getting caught, little one.

Step along, troop, step along.

You claimed YOU trained me at MACV RECONDO Nha Trang ya yellow lying piece of shit. I questioned you about being SF and you ran same as this time. I was already 11F40 Echo Recon, had been on several ops, so all I needed at RECONDO was small unit tactics. I doubt you ever served in US Armed sure as hell were never in the RVN. It's really too bad I can't remind you of that in person.
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Maybe he's pissed at them for trying to get him back.
Maybe he wanted to stay there.

He grew up in rural Idaho and never really fit in with American culture....his parents are a couple of oddballs so maybe he blames them for being born. Can't believe life with the Haqqani tribe was much fun.....they were laughing at him when SF was leading him away to the bird. If he does avoid prison, he's gotten a chance few others have....I'd have him on suicide watch until they tell him to get the hell out of Sam Houston.
And you dopes wonder why people think you're racist.

All I wonder is why idiots like you can't figure out how to reply to a post without pasting the entire thing in each time.....lazy enough to be a democRAT I'm sure. As to being a "racist" in your crossed-eyes, I wear that like a badge of cretins have so defused that word in 6 years, that's it's now high comedy. :badgrin:
Awesome. Get the GOP to officially change their name to the GROP.
Ah, good ol Jake who claimed to have trained me at Nha Trang then later admitted he wasn't 5th SFG.

Keep the hell away from me you lying turd.

Not what I said. I said you would have been trained in country for the LRRP, which was true,and since you did not know that, I know you were lying.

Nothing you can do about getting caught, little one.

Step along, troop, step along.

You claimed YOU trained me at MACV RECONDO Nha Trang ya yellow lying piece of shit. I questioned you about being SF and you ran same as this time. I was already 11F40 Echo Recon, had been on several ops, so all I needed at RECONDO was small unit tactics. I doubt you ever served in US Armed sure as hell were never in the RVN. It's really too bad I can't remind you of that in person.

You are lying. I said you were trained in country if you were a LRRP, which you argued about and then gave up. Yes, regardless of any other training anywhere else in the world, you received your LRRP training in country. Your threat is meaningless. Move along, troop.
And you dopes wonder why people think you're racist.

All I wonder is why idiots like you can't figure out how to reply to a post without pasting the entire thing in each time.....lazy enough to be a democRAT I'm sure. As to being a "racist" in your crossed-eyes, I wear that like a badge of cretins have so defused that word in 6 years, that's it's now high comedy. :badgrin:
Awesome. Get the GOP to officially change their name to the GROP.

Miserable **** is Miserably Cunty. :thup:



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