Botswana may lift elephant hunting ban and turn culled animals into pet food


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Conservationists have expressed "huge disappointment" after the government of Botswana's said it would consider lifting a ban on hunting elephants and turning culled beasts into meat.

The recommendations were made in a report presented to president Mokgweetsi Masisi late on Thursday.

Botswana has around 130,000 elephants, the largest population in the world, and has long been hailed as a safe refuge for the species amid an Africa-wide poaching crisis.

But some Botswanan MPs argue the population is out of control and presents a danger to the lives and livelihoods of small scale farmers.

Mr Masisi ordered a committee to review the 2014 ban on hunting introduced by his predecessor, Ian Khama, when he came to power last year.
Botswana may lift elephant hunting ban and turn culled animals into pet food

This is going to be interesting.
makes sense to me , elephants are a nuisance if there are too many elephants and they interfere with farming . And the good cuts of meat from the elephant 'crop' or resource can be 'et' by humans while the inferior cuts of meat can go to the dogs and cats . Then the 'ivory' can be sold to Americans that want Grips / stocks for their nicely Blued Colt .45 ACP Pistols . --------------------- GO TRUm --- , er i mean Go Mogstweetsi .

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