Boston Marathon Bombing

Mr Bastajian adds: "We started grabbing tourniquets and started tying legs. A lot of people amputated... At least 25-30 people have at least one leg missing, or an ankle missing, or two legs missing.''

That's a lot of leg injuries.

A device (or devices) on the ground?

A device that sprays out shrapnel horizontally?

If so, it was carefully planned to cause the most injury to persons.

Something that blew shrapnel equally in all directions (including upward), would mostly injure only the people within a few feet of it. But if it's designed to spray only horizontally, that can get people fifty or a hundred feet away. And in that location at that time, you're talking hundreds of people.

This was no tax protest.
So many experts in such a short time! Why don't you people wait for the official reports on this before writing your story lines? I for one, do not care one tinker's damn what you THINK might have happened.
Whomever said to text family in Boston...I just saw on the news they are recommending the same thing. TEXT your loved ones. Don't try to call.

Just a heads up.
Mr Bastajian adds: "We started grabbing tourniquets and started tying legs. A lot of people amputated... At least 25-30 people have at least one leg missing, or an ankle missing, or two legs missing.''

That's a lot of leg injuries.

A device (or devices) on the ground?

A device that sprays out shrapnel horizontally?

If so, it was carefully planned to cause the most injury to persons.

Something that blew shrapnel equally in all directions (including upward), would mostly injure only the people within a few feet of it. But if it's designed to spray only horizontally, that can get people fifty or a hundred feet away. And in that location at that time, you're talking hundreds of people.

This was no tax protest.

Look up MLK jr parade bomb Spokane Washington, then get back to me.
Whomever said to text family in Boston...I just saw on the news they are recommending the same thing. TEXT your loved ones. Don't try to call.

Just a heads up.

Yea, just found out via fb my cousin who runs marathons all the time didn't go, but she asks for pprayers for her friends that did.
I'm surprised Disney World hasn't been hit any location, actually. Talk about a big target. I am thinking it is more difficult to get bombs IN the parks. But a marathon? Very open to the public. Sigh. The whole thing sucks. And finding who did it..well...with the train directly underneath, those responsible are long gone by now.

My wife and I went to Disney last Thurs and Fri and I was thinking the same thing.
We had to leave our weapons in the car as they aren't allowed in the parks.
I felt so vulnerable, couldn't wait to leave.
You're a sick fucker. Get help.
FAA grounded airlines at Boston & other cities.

Cell Service Deactivated to prevent more bomb detonations.

A 3rd explosion has occurred at the JFK library.

Other unexploded bombs have been found.

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