Boehner uses procedural move to block Obama Recess Appointments

Summer time for Congress, the rest of August on vacation....yet, hes still thinking on his feet, some little parting chin music for Obama to end the session….:clap2:

After the House of Representatives passed the bill to extend the debt limit, it adjourned for the summer, but not before Republicans took advantage of a procedural move that will help block President Obama from making recess appointments during the upcoming break.
While the House will be adjourned, it will continue to hold so-called “pro forma” sessions throughout August.

Though it’s the Senate that must confirm presidential appointments, under the U.S. Constitution, it cannot adjourn for more than three days without the approval of the House. Therefore, the House has maintained the ability to prevent the Senate from going into full recess, effectively blocking Obama from making recess appointments.

House procedural move will help block Obama recess appointments during August break | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Just so he doesn't do any recess appointments, they're not taking recess?


no they are on recess, think of it like leaving a voice mail recording on a phone in the house clerks office saying we are in session but no one is there....its a rule gimmick.
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Summer time for Congress, the rest of August on vacation....yet, hes still thinking on his feet, some little parting chin music for Obama to end the session….:clap2:

After the House of Representatives passed the bill to extend the debt limit, it adjourned for the summer, but not before Republicans took advantage of a procedural move that will help block President Obama from making recess appointments during the upcoming break.
While the House will be adjourned, it will continue to hold so-called “pro forma” sessions throughout August.

Though it’s the Senate that must confirm presidential appointments, under the U.S. Constitution, it cannot adjourn for more than three days without the approval of the House. Therefore, the House has maintained the ability to prevent the Senate from going into full recess, effectively blocking Obama from making recess appointments.

House procedural move will help block Obama recess appointments during August break | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Boehner needs to do something to appease the right, his tenure as Speaker seems tenuous at best. Of course this bit of creative obstuctionism won't aid a bit in resolving the unemployment problem facing the nation and his leadership in a do-nothing House of Representatives isn't a legacy for him to be proud.

One less Commie Bastard in the White House.

When was the last time Obama held a meeting with his faux cabinet?

One less Commie Bastard? Using the Red Scare is so Reactionary; it has become laughable.
Boehner needs to do something to appease the right, his tenure as Speaker seems tenuous at best. Of course this bit of creative obstuctionism won't aid a bit in resolving the unemployment problem facing the nation and his leadership in a do-nothing House of Representatives isn't a legacy for him to be proud.

Youre not going to take issue with Boehner following the precedent set by Nancy's house are you?

Not at all, it's not as if Boehner has the abilities or creativity of Madam Pelosi; he strives to be relevant but fails. Of course it was Reid who imposed the procedural move in the Senate, but facts never seem to get in the way of attacking the minority leader. Boenner presides over a do-nothing House of Representatives which he has lead since January and to date no job bllls have been debated. WHY?

It's one canard after another, one straw man after another, one more extended vacation after another and no effort to find a solution to the most pressing issue facing our county: jobs, jobs, jobs.

PS, Try reading your own link

My link? And yes the senate did do as you say. But didnt we just read it starts with the house. Thanks a whole bunch.

Daily Kos: Update: Harry Reid Blocks Recess Appointments

You might like what the VP had to say.

The Sleuth - Biden Slams Sam Fox Recess Appointment
What goes around, comes around. A janitor jousting legalisms with a Constitutional lawyer.

If you are of the opinion that the joke we have serving as President is a Constitutional lawyer, then you lack the ability to comprehend the actual meaning of words.

In any event, the proof is in the pudding. No recess appointments....

Youre not going to take issue with Boehner following the precedent set by Nancy's house are you?

Not at all, it's not as if Boehner has the abilities or creativity of Madam Pelosi; he strives to be relevant but fails. Of course it was Reid who imposed the procedural move in the Senate, but facts never seem to get in the way of attacking the minority leader. Boenner presides over a do-nothing House of Representatives which he has lead since January and to date no job bllls have been debated. WHY?

It's one canard after another, one straw man after another, one more extended vacation after another and no effort to find a solution to the most pressing issue facing our county: jobs, jobs, jobs.

PS, Try reading your own link

My link? And yes the senate did do as you say. But didnt we just read it starts with the house. Thanks a whole bunch.

Daily Kos: Update: Harry Reid Blocks Recess Appointments

You might like what the VP had to say.

The Sleuth - Biden Slams Sam Fox Recess Appointment

Sorry, my mistake. The link was posted by Trajan. The effect remains the same.
Summer time for Congress, the rest of August on vacation....yet, hes still thinking on his feet, some little parting chin music for Obama to end the session….:clap2:

After the House of Representatives passed the bill to extend the debt limit, it adjourned for the summer, but not before Republicans took advantage of a procedural move that will help block President Obama from making recess appointments during the upcoming break.
While the House will be adjourned, it will continue to hold so-called “pro forma” sessions throughout August.

Though it’s the Senate that must confirm presidential appointments, under the U.S. Constitution, it cannot adjourn for more than three days without the approval of the House. Therefore, the House has maintained the ability to prevent the Senate from going into full recess, effectively blocking Obama from making recess appointments.

House procedural move will help block Obama recess appointments during August break | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Boehner needs to do something to appease the right, his tenure as Speaker seems tenuous at best. Of course this bit of creative obstuctionism won't aid a bit in resolving the unemployment problem facing the nation and his leadership in a do-nothing House of Representatives isn't a legacy for him to be proud.
Do nothings would be obamturd and the dimwit reid. Yhe House actually did something but you dimwits refuse to admit the truth. Idiots.
Summer time for Congress, the rest of August on vacation....yet, hes still thinking on his feet, some little parting chin music for Obama to end the session….:clap2:

After the House of Representatives passed the bill to extend the debt limit, it adjourned for the summer, but not before Republicans took advantage of a procedural move that will help block President Obama from making recess appointments during the upcoming break.
While the House will be adjourned, it will continue to hold so-called “pro forma” sessions throughout August.

Though it’s the Senate that must confirm presidential appointments, under the U.S. Constitution, it cannot adjourn for more than three days without the approval of the House. Therefore, the House has maintained the ability to prevent the Senate from going into full recess, effectively blocking Obama from making recess appointments.

House procedural move will help block Obama recess appointments during August break | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Boehner needs to do something to appease the right, his tenure as Speaker seems tenuous at best. Of course this bit of creative obstuctionism won't aid a bit in resolving the unemployment problem facing the nation and his leadership in a do-nothing House of Representatives isn't a legacy for him to be proud.
Do nothings would be obamturd and the dimwit reid. Yhe House actually did something but you dimwits refuse to admit the truth. Idiots.

How can I refute such a profound and well stated argument. I applaud you Sir, you are a unique and powerful voice for the conservative cause.
Did you squawk when the previous house did it?

Did what?

Bush got his appointments through very quickly. Same with the Judges. And he complained like a stuck pig when there was the slightest questioning about the assholes he put in as heads of some very important agencies.

Like FEMA.

And it cost nearly 2000 American lives in Louisiana.

Nancy did the same thing, so suddenly your memory is shot. Very telling!


Nancy cost lives?

I mean..conservatives are directly involved in killing Americans. No doubt about it. And I am not just talking sending them to war..because both parties do that.

I am talking about a Conservative like Jan Brewer..who cut formerly approved funding for medical procedures resulting in the deaths of two people.

Or Appointing Michael Brown as head of incompetent with no experience whatsoever in Disasters or Disaster Recovery. He screwed up so badly that some of the Hospitals were Euthanizing people...

Bush pretty much got his way. And his way led to a disastrous economy and the deaths of many Americans.
Boehner needs to do something to appease the right, his tenure as Speaker seems tenuous at best. Of course this bit of creative obstuctionism won't aid a bit in resolving the unemployment problem facing the nation and his leadership in a do-nothing House of Representatives isn't a legacy for him to be proud.

One less Commie Bastard in the White House.

When was the last time Obama held a meeting with his faux cabinet?

One less Commie Bastard? Using the Red Scare is so Reactionary; it has become laughable.

Nazis generally fall back on the old Communist canard.
Not at all, it's not as if Boehner has the abilities or creativity of Madam Pelosi; he strives to be relevant but fails. Of course it was Reid who imposed the procedural move in the Senate, but facts never seem to get in the way of attacking the minority leader. Boenner presides over a do-nothing House of Representatives which he has lead since January and to date no job bllls have been debated. WHY?

It's one canard after another, one straw man after another, one more extended vacation after another and no effort to find a solution to the most pressing issue facing our county: jobs, jobs, jobs.

PS, Try reading your own link

My link? And yes the senate did do as you say. But didnt we just read it starts with the house. Thanks a whole bunch.

Daily Kos: Update: Harry Reid Blocks Recess Appointments

You might like what the VP had to say.

The Sleuth - Biden Slams Sam Fox Recess Appointment

Sorry, my mistake. The link was posted by Trajan. The effect remains the same.

I admit I erred in naming pelosi, But the hypocrisy stands. AGREE OR DISAGREE?
Nazis generally fall back on the old Communist canard.
Nazis and commies are from the same cloth, just different ways of getting to same results, control of the people.

Naw..they aren't.

Nazis were the muscle of the Christian move to eradicate Jews from Europe.

Commies? Not so much.

Riiiiight :cuckoo:
These posts are where you show that your a wingnut, Jake. Just thought you should know for future reference. :eusa_angel:
What goes around, comes around. A janitor jousting legalisms with a Constitutional lawyer.

A self proclaimed Constitutional lawyer... Show me something he has written that proves his right to that claim.

"Self Proclaimed"? What the fuck does that mean?

He passed the bar. He has a license to practice law. He graduated from Columbia and Harvard. With degrees and honors.

Where do you people come up with this bullshit.

I've never seen any proof that he even went to college...i've googled it several ways. Do you have at least a picture of any of his degrees, or a reliable site to prove it?
Yet another fine example of Conservative tactics to nullify majority rule.

Good one, folks.

Excuse me?

Please explain, using small words since they are all you can manage, how the House blocking 1 person from making government appointments without putting them to a vote is in any way, shape, or form, nullifying majority rule.

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