Boehner Huge failure

I can't blame Obama for wanting ONE thing out of the deal. You have to be able to work with the party that controls 2/3rds of the government. It isn't all you want 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Why on earth can't one penny in taxes be raised on the million dollar pay bracket or more per year? Boener was trying to make a deal that could pass in the tea party screws him.

You do know that the democrats control the white house and senate, right?
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1st post
If I was President Obama I'd be talking with Sec Panneta about pulling our troops our of Afiganistan and south korea. Secondly, I'd be seriously considering closing 2/3rds of the european and middle east bases. We're NOT A empire!

I'd move most of that funding over to protect our next generational defense systems that we will need to compete with China. We have to worry about bigger fish that are still very much communist. This is what I mean about defending our homeland in the long run. Who made us defender of the world?

We're going to have to rely on a large navy as Britain in wwII to keep a nation like China off our shores. In such a war the pacific is is our only friend.

Most people thought After wwI that war wouldn't happen again. Well, history is full of major wars.
I can't blame Obama for wanting ONE thing out of the deal. You have to be able to work with the party that controls 2/3rds of the government. It isn't all you want 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Why on earth can't one penny in taxes be raised on the million dollar pay bracket or more per year? Boener was trying to make a deal that could pass in the tea party screws him.

You do know that the democrats control the white house and senate, right?

This is an historic failure for Boehner and Cantor. He had to pull his plan B for god's sake.

Republicans are sunk.
I can't blame Obama for wanting ONE thing out of the deal. You have to be able to work with the party that controls 2/3rds of the government. It isn't all you want 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Why on earth can't one penny in taxes be raised on the million dollar pay bracket or more per year? Boener was trying to make a deal that could pass in the tea party screws him.

You do know that the democrats control the white house and senate, right?

This is an historic failure for Boehner and Cantor. He had to pull his plan B for god's sake.

Republicans are sunk.

Sheesh...Why is it that Democrats with their 66.6+ % federal political power are anticipating epic failure of their leadership and are desperate to assign blame to the minority party?

Democrats, winners that act like losers, YUP....:lol:.
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I can't blame Obama for wanting ONE thing out of the deal. You have to be able to work with the party that controls 2/3rds of the government. It isn't all you want 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Why on earth can't one penny in taxes be raised on the million dollar pay bracket or more per year? Boener was trying to make a deal that could pass in the tea party screws him.

You do know that the democrats control the white house and senate, right?

This is an historic failure for Boehner and Cantor. He had to pull his plan B for god's sake.

Republicans are sunk.

Sheesh...Why is it that Democrats with their 66.6+ % federal political power are anticipating epic failure of their leadership and are desperate to assign blame to the minority party?

Democrats, winners that act like losers, YUP....:lol:.

Obama isn't going to move on moving taxes for the rich. We're going off the cliff if we go down this road.
5th post
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

Pelosi was one of the best Speakers of our generation

Boehner is a failure
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

She did not lead, she forced the conservative and moderate Dem's to vote for anything she and far left like her wanted to pass. She did it with threats, like not giving them their funding for their political re-elections and taking them off of their political positions that they held. This how she got the Health Care bill passed.

At least Boehner gives them the freedom to choose how they vote, like it's suppose to be.
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

Of course she could. Democrats are sheep.

Just point them to the free gubmint stuff.
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

She did not lead, she forced the conservative and moderate Dem's to vote for anything she and far left like her wanted to pass. She did it with threats, like not giving them their funding for their political re-elections and taking them off of their political positions that they held. This how she got the Health Care bill passed.

At least Boehner gives them the freedom to choose how they vote, like it's suppose to be.

That is the way things get done in Washington

Boehner is timid
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

She did not lead, she forced the conservative and moderate Dem's to vote for anything she and far left like her wanted to pass. She did it with threats, like not giving them their funding for their political re-elections and taking them off of their political positions that they held. This how she got the Health Care bill passed.

At least Boehner gives them the freedom to choose how they vote, like it's suppose to be.


This was this month:

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker John Boehner's decision to take plum committee assignments away from four conservative Republican lawmakers after they bucked party leaders on key votes isn't going over well with advocacy groups that viewed them as role models.

And this was yesterday:

What’s a Speaker whose credibility is on the line to do? Just what you’d expect:

Joshua Green@JoshuaGreen
Good R source: "Right now there are btween 30-40 R no votes. But I'm told ppl being threatened with everything under the sun..." [1/2]
20 Dec 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Joshua Green@JoshuaGreen
"-- gavels, chairs on committees etc. By the time the arm twisting is done tonight, I think Plan B passes barely." [2/2]
20 Dec 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

They’re voting on this thing tonight instead of in the afternoon to give Boehner, Cantor, and McCarthy time to twist arms and make threats. What happens if it doesn’t work, though? Will they still hold the vote and risk humiliation, on the theory that even a no vote might put some pressure on Obama to up his offer on spending cuts in order to push more conservatives into the yes column on a grander compromise with the White House? Or will they yank the bill, which would arguably be even more embarrassing?

They both play the same game. Pelosi was just much better at it.
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

She did not lead, she forced the conservative and moderate Dem's to vote for anything she and far left like her wanted to pass. She did it with threats, like not giving them their funding for their political re-elections and taking them off of their political positions that they held. This how she got the Health Care bill passed.

At least Boehner gives them the freedom to choose how they vote, like it's suppose to be.


What exactly do you think leadership is?
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

She did not lead, she forced the conservative and moderate Dem's to vote for anything she and far left like her wanted to pass. She did it with threats, like not giving them their funding for their political re-elections and taking them off of their political positions that they held. This how she got the Health Care bill passed.

At least Boehner gives them the freedom to choose how they vote, like it's suppose to be.


What exactly do you think leadership is?

Any leader, of anything, should know that there are 3 kinds of followers:

1. Those who will follow naturally.

2. Those who can be convinced to follow and,

3. Those who need a boot up their ass.
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

She did not lead, she forced the conservative and moderate Dem's to vote for anything she and far left like her wanted to pass. She did it with threats, like not giving them their funding for their political re-elections and taking them off of their political positions that they held. This how she got the Health Care bill passed.

At least Boehner gives them the freedom to choose how they vote, like it's suppose to be.

That is the way things get done in Washington

Boehner is timid

No it isn't.
Not till the far left of the Democratic party took over in 2009, was the Moderate and Conservatives not allowed to vote for the people they represent.
This is why so many Democrats left the party. They saw that the Dem's no longer represent conservatives or moderates.
Remember how the right blasted Nancy Pelosi for everything she did while Speaker of the House?

Well...maybe that was all true, but she COULD get her own party to pass anything she wanted. She DID lead the House, instead of the House leading her.

In comparison to Pelosi, Boehner looks like a wimp.

She did not lead, she forced the conservative and moderate Dem's to vote for anything she and far left like her wanted to pass. She did it with threats, like not giving them their funding for their political re-elections and taking them off of their political positions that they held. This how she got the Health Care bill passed.

At least Boehner gives them the freedom to choose how they vote, like it's suppose to be.


What exactly do you think leadership is?

Threats is not being a leader, it's called being a dictator.
15th post
She did not lead, she forced the conservative and moderate Dem's to vote for anything she and far left like her wanted to pass. She did it with threats, like not giving them their funding for their political re-elections and taking them off of their political positions that they held. This how she got the Health Care bill passed.

At least Boehner gives them the freedom to choose how they vote, like it's suppose to be.

That is the way things get done in Washington

Boehner is timid

No it isn't.
Not till the far left of the Democratic party took over in 2009, was the Moderate and Conservatives not allowed to vote for the people they represent.
This is why so many Democrats left the party. They saw that the Dem's no longer represent conservatives or moderates.

Good Lord! Have you studied NO history AT ALL?

A good place to start would be the career of Sam Rayburn, who served as Speaker of the House for 17 years, a record which still stands. Learn how HE managed the House and how he came to be relied upon by both parties to deliver the goods.

Then, go back in our history further and you can find a dozen more just like him, all the way back to the 1st Congress. Arm twisting, back-slapping and butt-kicking in politics didn't just start 3 years ago!
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Good Lord! Have you studied NO history AT ALL?

A good place to start would be the career of Sam Rayburn, who served as Speaker of the House for 17 years, a record which still stands. Learn how HE managed the House and how he came to be relied upon by both parties to deliver the goods.

Then, go back in our history further and you can find a dozen more just like him, all the way back to the 1st Congress. Arm twisting, back-slapping and butt-kicking in politics didn't just start 3 years ago!

I am occasionally surprised by the number of people choosing to spend their leisure time on political message boards who are completely unfamiliar with American politics.
I am occasionally surprised by the number of people choosing to spend their leisure time on political message boards who are completely unfamiliar with American politics.

Well...they listen to Rush and Glenn. That makes them experts.

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