Boehner Huge failure

The GOP is deeply fractured right now, with too many reps who won't compromise cuz they're afraid the TPers will vote 'em out if they do in the next primary election. Doesn't help that many on the left aren't willing to compromise either, on entitlement reform and spending cuts. So, we have a mexican standoff, who's going to blink? Nobody is right now, we'll see what happens after we go over the cliff and the market drops and the people at home start paying higher taxes. Right or wrong, the pubs will get most of the blame thanks to a biased media. Will anybody bend then? Dunno, I ain't overly optimistic.

I pretty much agree with most of what you say. Although "the media" didn't invent the GOP obstinance. I share the opinion of most that the GOP bears about 60 to 65% of the blame. Stonewalling began as a political ploy to derail the Obama administration. Now it's an albatross around all our necks.

just MHO.

It can be split right down the middle for blame. Although the media has and will blame the pubs for going over the cliff. There is a Bill sitting on Reid's desk that he could amend, pass and send it back to the house, but he's not.
The GOP is deeply fractured right now, with too many reps who won't compromise cuz they're afraid the TPers will vote 'em out if they do in the next primary election. Doesn't help that many on the left aren't willing to compromise either, on entitlement reform and spending cuts. So, we have a mexican standoff, who's going to blink? Nobody is right now, we'll see what happens after we go over the cliff and the market drops and the people at home start paying higher taxes. Right or wrong, the pubs will get most of the blame thanks to a biased media. Will anybody bend then? Dunno, I ain't overly optimistic.

a mexican standoff is a good that the Rs slapped down Boehner's idiot blinking....

Pubs will get the most blame no matter what they do.....

Rs need to stand solidly against any idiotic tax hikes that will only hurt the economy and not much else....

if BO wants to lower taxes later on the screaming middle class......fine......he can become an honorary Republican.....:badgrin:
"let BO take us over the cliff"

Good luck selling THAT spin.

from what i can see that is EXACTLY what he intends to do anyway.....

"he" isn't the one who took his marbles and went home. He's been moving (from $250,000 to $400,000. The GOP moved from $1 million to "forget it, we're going home.")

Obamas opening negotiating position was massive tax hikes and no spending cuts. Geithner delivered the message to Congress personaly.This stuff is not rocket science, Obama is choosing the cliff.
from what i can see that is EXACTLY what he intends to do anyway.....

"he" isn't the one who took his marbles and went home. He's been moving (from $250,000 to $400,000. The GOP moved from $1 million to "forget it, we're going home.")

Obamas opening negotiating position was massive tax hikes and no spending cuts. Geithner delivered the message to Congress personaly.This stuff is not rocket science, Obama is choosing the cliff.

Obama has moved off his starting position. Has the GOP?
"he" isn't the one who took his marbles and went home. He's been moving (from $250,000 to $400,000. The GOP moved from $1 million to "forget it, we're going home.")

Obamas opening negotiating position was massive tax hikes and no spending cuts. Geithner delivered the message to Congress personaly.This stuff is not rocket science, Obama is choosing the cliff.

Obama has moved off his starting position. Has the GOP?

Show me Obamas spending cuts.
"he" isn't the one who took his marbles and went home. He's been moving (from $250,000 to $400,000. The GOP moved from $1 million to "forget it, we're going home.")

Obamas opening negotiating position was massive tax hikes and no spending cuts. Geithner delivered the message to Congress personaly.This stuff is not rocket science, Obama is choosing the cliff.

Obama has moved off his starting position. Has the GOP?
Yes...Boner caved in to raising taxes, as long as he got to preserve the republican holy sacrament of continued Pentagon spending.

Oboingo wants sequester and increased taxes on everyone to kick in.
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Obamas opening negotiating position was massive tax hikes and no spending cuts. Geithner delivered the message to Congress personaly.This stuff is not rocket science, Obama is choosing the cliff.

Obama has moved off his starting position. Has the GOP?
Yes...Boner caved in to raising taxes, as long as he got to preserve the republican holy sacrament of continued Pentagon spending.

Oboingo wants sequester and increased taxes on everyone to kick in.

so he's the one who asked the GOP to take their marbles and go home?

Everyone one is entitled to whatever oddball opinion they choose.
Just don't blame the rest of us for pointing out how it diverges from facts and reality.

And don't be surprised when you loose seats in the house and senate (as well as throw away the White House) when it should have been a cakewalk.
Obama has moved off his starting position. Has the GOP?
Yes...Boner caved in to raising taxes, as long as he got to preserve the republican holy sacrament of continued Pentagon spending.

Oboingo wants sequester and increased taxes on everyone to kick in.

so he's the one who asked the GOP to take their marbles and go home?

Everyone one is entitled to whatever oddball opinion they choose.
Just don't blame the rest of us for pointing out how it diverges from facts and reality.

And don't be surprised when you loose seats in the house and senate (as well as throw away the White House) when it should have been a cakewalk.
No, he's one who had his craven gutless cave-in, which wasn't going to even get brought up in the Senate even if it did pass, shot to pieces by members of his own party.

And you wouldn't know reality if it kicked you in the nuts.
Letting the tax cuts expire on those making more than $1 mil a year is a "gutless cave in" ????

Yeah - reality is your strong suit

And he yanked that - wasn't going to be near enough anyway. The free ride is over. Everyone is going to have to pay - even the millionaires - booooo hoooo
Letting the tax cuts expire on those making more than $1 mil a year is a "gutless cave in" ????

Yeah - reality is your strong suit

And he yanked that - wasn't going to be near enough anyway. The free ride is over. Everyone is going to have to pay - even the millionaires - booooo hoooo
The tax rates for all will expire....It's what your Boiking wants and he's going to get it.
hammering the middle class bourgeois is a fundamental objective of all Marxists in their revolutionary proletarian struggles....

what other reason does BO have for raising taxes......?
Ahhh same ol same ol
Ignore anything that contradicts your meme

Obama moved his position closer to Boehner's. Boehner responded by going home.

I don't blame you guys for trying to spin it otherwise. What else do you have?

But only you echo-chamber residents are buying it. (and I'm guessing most of you aren't buying it - you're just stuck with a pig. No amount of lipstick will turn it into anything other than a pig. But you gotta try at least, huh?)
Ahhh same ol same ol
Ignore anything that contradicts your meme

Obama moved his position closer to Boehner's. Boehner responded by going home.

I don't blame you guys for trying to spin it otherwise. What else do you have?

But only you echo-chamber residents are buying it. (and I'm guessing most of you aren't buying it - you're just stuck with a pig. No amount of lipstick will turn it into anything other than a pig. But you gotta try at least, huh?)

When confronted with reality,some libs cry and quit.
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Ahhh same ol same ol
Ignore anything that contradicts your meme

Obama moved his position closer to Boehner's. Boehner responded by going home.

I don't blame you guys for trying to spin it otherwise. What else do you have?

But only you echo-chamber residents are buying it. (and I'm guessing most of you aren't buying it - you're just stuck with a pig. No amount of lipstick will turn it into anything other than a pig. But you gotta try at least, huh?)

Rs don't believe in raising taxes for good reason....especially in a down "compromising" on this is just plain STUPID.....

why does BO want to raise them....???

what will raising taxes accomplish.....other than hurt the economy...?
Ahhh same ol same ol
Ignore anything that contradicts your meme

Obama moved his position closer to Boehner's. Boehner responded by going home.

I don't blame you guys for trying to spin it otherwise. What else do you have?

But only you echo-chamber residents are buying it. (and I'm guessing most of you aren't buying it - you're just stuck with a pig. No amount of lipstick will turn it into anything other than a pig. But you gotta try at least, huh?)

When confronted with reality,some libs cry and quit.

Kinda like the Boehner boys did?
So is it good for one group of extremists to do it and bad for another group of extremists to do it?
The Tea Party is on it's way to becoming a footnote in history books.

An annoying one at that.

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