Bobby Jindal and Carly Fiorina could very well be a winning ticket!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
The more I hear Carly Fiorina express her views, the more I believe she may be deserving of our consideration. I am beginning to think that Jindal and Fiorina would destroy any two Democrats running for president and vice president.

While Jindal would take any democrat to the wood shed in a debate, Carly Fiorina would, and I mean this literally, would castrate Hillary Clinton in a debate.


If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon an Obama, welfare, food stamp, section 8 housing, college loan check, and now free Obamacare along with FREE BACON, we can blackmail them for their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s productive population enslaved to pay the bills ____ Our Democrat Party's Free Cheese Democracy, designed to establish a federal plantation which redistributes wealth that wage earners, business and investors have worked to create.

An anchor baby and a bankruptcy specialist and neither can speak in complete sentences.

Perfect RW ticket.
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Bobby Jindal is about as close to insane as one can get without having the actual papers to prove it.

Carly Fiorina is the most overrated ex-CEO in the history of American business.

Oh and btw neither Jindal nor Fiorina look like they're going to have the poll support to make the 10 candidate cut for those first debates,
which, barring a miracle, is likely to be the kiss of death for those who miss the cut.
Bobby Jindal is about as close to insane as one can get without having the actual papers to prove it.

Carly Fiorina is the most overrated ex-CEO in the history of American business.

Oh and btw neither Jindal nor Fiorina look like they're going to have the poll support to make the 10 candidate cut for those first debates,
which, barring a miracle, is likely to be the kiss of death for those who miss the cut.
You goddamn racist. :slap:
The great glacier of the Republican Establishment is slowly moving down the mountain, with Jeb Bush riding on top and all the other candidates scrambling to avoid being crushed.
Bobby Jindal is about as close to insane as one can get without having the actual papers to prove it.

Carly Fiorina is the most overrated ex-CEO in the history of American business.

Oh and btw neither Jindal nor Fiorina look like they're going to have the poll support to make the 10 candidate cut for those first debates,
which, barring a miracle, is likely to be the kiss of death for those who miss the cut.
You goddamn racist. :slap:

What? Carly Fiorina looks like a cave woman, but she's a white cave woman.
Bobby Jindal is about as close to insane as one can get without having the actual papers to prove it.

Carly Fiorina is the most overrated ex-CEO in the history of American business.

Oh and btw neither Jindal nor Fiorina look like they're going to have the poll support to make the 10 candidate cut for those first debates,
which, barring a miracle, is likely to be the kiss of death for those who miss the cut.
You goddamn racist. :slap:

What? Carly Fiorina looks like a cave woman, but she's a white cave woman.
Ah, so you hate minorities AND women. :slap:
I like Jindal. Not too white, not too black.

I think Jindal has a sincere love for America and its founding principles.


To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their WTO, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.

The more I hear Carly Fiorina express her views, the more I believe she may be deserving of our consideration. I am beginning to think that Jindal and Fiorina would destroy any two Democrats running for president and vice president.

While Jindal would take any democrat to the wood shed in a debate, Carly Fiorina would, and I mean this literally, would castrate Hillary Clinton in a debate.


If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon an Obama, welfare, food stamp, section 8 housing, college loan check, and now free Obamacare along with FREE BACON, we can blackmail them for their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s productive population enslaved to pay the bills ____ Our Democrat Party's Free Cheese Democracy, designed to establish a federal plantation which redistributes wealth that wage earners, business and investors have worked to create.
In what universe?
Jindal is uniformly lacking in charisma. Fiorina has zero political experience beyond losing her race in California. She fucked up massively at Hewlett Packard. Her only selling point is as a counter to Hillary Clinton.
Phooey on both of them.
That said if for some reason they were the nominees they would still be better than Hillary Clinton and whatever non-entity she chooses fro VP.
Bobby Jindal is about as close to insane as one can get without having the actual papers to prove it.

Carly Fiorina is the most overrated ex-CEO in the history of American business.

Oh and btw neither Jindal nor Fiorina look like they're going to have the poll support to make the 10 candidate cut for those first debates,
which, barring a miracle, is likely to be the kiss of death for those who miss the cut.
You goddamn racist. :slap:

What? Carly Fiorina looks like a cave woman, but she's a white cave woman.
Ah, so you hate minorities AND women. :slap:

I hate everybody, especially people who haven't figured that out yet.

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