Bob Paulson apologizes for 'egregious behaviour,' nudity at RCMP bomb school


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
These are the people protecting Canada and advising Americans on who is a threat and who isn't. Do you feel confident? Look up Maher Arar among other massive missteps which impacted American. This is just one agency, but it is supposed to be the leader.

Want even more absurd? The person tapped to investigate these RCMP trainers walking around naked and abusing those they were training was a guy named Matthews who had been in trouble in the past for watching porn at work! He is going to decide their wonder they are STILL employed while those abused left.

This is what happens when socialism and a caste system without accountability runs your country...

RCMP review slams 'unacceptable' leadership after harassment, misconduct at police college

Despite two previous investigations into disturbing behaviour at the school, this new inquiry has turned up new allegations, including "bullying, intimidation, harassment and new allegations of unwanted sexual touching."

According to the document, the first complaint was made on April 15, 2014, when one of the explosives instructors spoke to a manager about several instances where Staff Sgt. Bruno Solesme and Marco Calandrini, a civilian member of the RCMP — and also a former Canadian Forces Joint Task Force member — were nude at work during office hours.

The complaint also said Calandrini sent another instructor a photo of his bare buttocks.

White and his team learned that management decided not to immediately suspend Calandrini and Solesme because the complainant had gone on sick leave. That decision had repercussions.

"Their presence during the ongoing investigations served to raise the level of toxicity that existed at the explosives training unit (ETU). Witnesses alleged that they were bullied and intimidated by Staff Sgt. Solesme and Calandrini during this time."

The review team found that during that period in early 2014, the victims and witnesses were also not entirely forthcoming.

"Although they detailed acts of harassment, bullying and nudity, they did not reveal further allegations that would later surface, including allegations of sexual touching (…) due to embarrassment and fear of reprisals or being labelled as 'rats,'" says the report.

Lost pay, but kept jobs
In December 2014, an adjudication board docked Solesme and Calandrini pay of seven and five days, respectively, and ignored a recommendation from commanding officer Chesser that Calandrini receive professional counselling.

Yet around the same time, the RCMP launched a second investigation after another employee alleged Calandrini had subjected him to unwanted sexual touching.

The review found that during this new inquiry, "several new allegations of misconduct came to light" against Solesme, Calandrini and another instructor.

"Neither management, nor the commanding officer of national headquarters, ordered expanded or further investigations into these new allegations," reads the report.

As a result of this most recent review, however, all three are now subject to new and ongoing conduct investigations. CBC News has learned the third person is Sgt. Reagan Douglas, who was the RCMP's first female bomb technician.

Despite establishing that Calandrini had inappropriately touched his colleague on three separate occasions and receiving advice from a top human resources manager to fire the instructor, commanding officer Chesser decided to order the forfeiture of 15 days' pay.

That decision was never shared with the victim.

Sergeant returned, victims left

Meanwhile, in August 2015, a merger inside the RCMP meant Solesme returned back to the workplace where he had caused so much grief.

"Canadian Police College senior management did not communicate Staff Sgt. Solesme's return to the victims ahead of time and, when Staff Sgt. Solesme returned unannounced, the victims remaining in the unit immediately left on indefinite leave from the worksite," says the report.
Why the attack on the Mounties?

It's quite clear they are apologizing. That's on them, not me. Secondly, whether Toronto Police, Ontario Provincial Police or CSIS, Canada cannot be trusted. Policing in Canada presents a risk to our allies unfortunately, take it as fact

A few months ago the FBI warned the RCMP about a potential threat, risking their own sources and methods to save Canadian lives. Luckily they killed the guy as he was on his way to a mall to engage in mass murder. America is "rewarded" with dishonesty for their principles. The RCMP, London Police, CSIS, TPS all dropped the ball. Their lack of any accountability and clear judgement even at HR doesn't help.

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