Blue Cross Phone Solicitations for "A Beneficial Health Program"

George Costanza

A Friendly Liberal
Mar 10, 2009
Los Angeles area.
Several times a month, at least, we get a phone call from Blue Cross, wanting us to sign up for a program whereby a "trained health professional" will call us at regular intervals to inquire about our health and to counsel us with regard to any potential health hazards that might be evident. They say this is a free service.

Anyone else getting this? If so, let's talk . . .

First of all, my wife and myself LIVE at doctor's offices. We don't need a "trained health professional" looking out over our health situation. I tell them that every time they call. Undeterred, the calls keep coming with annoying regularity.

Why? What's in it for Blue Cross? Certainly it can't be that Blue Cross has discovered that preventative medicine can save them money. If they felt that way, we wouldn't have to be taking them to court to get an MRI or some other preventative procedure.

I think I know what it is. I think the people who are doing the calling get some kind of financial reward for every Blue Cross member they sign up for this program.

Anyone else being bothered by this and/or have any thoughts?
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The harassment I got from Humana was the thing that made me dump them during the change window. I have received one call from BC/BS, but I got a letter from BC/BS some before the first call. The letter indicated participation was voluntary and would not affect premiums or coverage.

Rest assured these services are not free. My understanding from doing some research is that Medicare will cover SOME of the costs, but it appears the "patients" are socked for the cost of anything not covered by Medicare.

A government website indicates that at least ONE physical examination per year is going to be a requirement under ObamaCare but that physical can be conducted by your primary physician. Here's the catch that makes absolutely no sense to me whatever: during this yearly exam you can only discuss with your physician the issues discovered in the exam. If you have any other issues to discuss with your physician, you will need to make another appointment to discuss it. In other words, if your visit is coded as a yearly exam and you've been having massive headaches for the last month - you need to make another appointment to discuss the headaches. That's my understanding from what I read.

Have you noticed lately that your physician inputs information into the computer at the time of your exam? "A new program, so I'm told." My own personal opinion is that physicians are now required to supply Medicare(?) or somebody else the results of your exam and you get a copy of whatever is contained in that report.

I see my physician twice a year at her direction. I've been taking a preventative heart drug for a good number of years and she will only issue a renewal scrip for 6 months to stay on top of things. If it wasn't for that, I'd be seeing her once a year. Long term use of some drugs can start causing side effect issues.

This Obamacare shit is going to be a bitch if it isn't stopped and it's going to cost way, way more than was presented to the American public.
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This Obamacare shit is going to be a bitch if it isn't stopped and it's going to cost way, way more than was presented to the American public.

What is your basis for that opinion? And WHO is going to pay more - people who already have health insurance or fat cat employers who haven't been providing any for their employees?
Yeah, George, I got a call from Blue Cross like that. I don't think I talked to them, I think they left a message on my machine.

They can go to hell. I suppose they think this makes them look good, like they really care about us and are watching out for our health.

But the best thing for my health would be a lower deductible so I feel like I can go to the doctor when I need to. My deductible is currently $4000, but if I choose a lower deductible I can't afford my share of the premiums (my employer pays most of the premium, but even just my share is quite a bit). That's what I want from Blue Cross...AFFORDABLE healthcare insurance.

I haven't had as many calls as you have, though, George. Maybe a couple.

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