Bloomberg God? "WE allow you to smoke"

This man is fucking crazy. The only ones crazier are those who continue to live there. I left in the Nineties and have not looked back.
Look what "science" says about birth control pills yet "We" wants to hand them out free.

"Scientific evidence suggests using birth control pills for longer periods of time increases your risk of some cancers, such as cervical cancer and liver cancer."

"The effect of birth control pills on breast cancer risk; some studies do show a link between pill use and breast cancer. Key factors seem to be how many years you take the pill and how recently you last used the pill. In one study, use of birth control pills led to a higher risk of premenopausal breast cancer in women who took the pill for four or more years before having a baby."

Oh Bloomberg should ban these. Because of science and his job of educating people.
Beware fat people. Bloomberg allows you to eat but YOU are costing money with your FAT.

ummm.....obesity and the illness' associated w/ it (heart disease, diabetes, etc...) are one of the leading causes of hospital admissions. Guess what one of the biggest drags on a city's budget is? Preventable hospital admissions. You live in NYC?
I wonder which is worse, second hand cigarette smoke at 20 feet or thousands of NYC cabs running 24/7? Just ask'n.
The slippery slope is often misused around here, but Mayor Bloomberg is an example of a legitimate use of the slipperly slope argument.

You are free to smoke tobacco, but you are not free to blow your smoke around in an enclosed space where other people are. Okay, fine.

But Bloomberg goes much further than that. Your drinking of an Extreme Big Gulp does not harm others no matter where you drink it, yet he uses the cigarette excuse to jump on the slippery slope with a big YEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAA, and become the worst kind of collectivist schmuck in American politics. Which is really saying something.

He's looking for answers to big problems but he's going about it all wrong. Obesity is a monster problem and it comes with a monster price tag to taxpayers. The problem is that his solution won't change any of that. If he really wanted to go the route of the soda ban, he should have just looked to impose a soda tax on larger sized drinks. But even that isn't the real answer to the obesity problem. The answer is in education and getting people, especially kids, active.
Wonder if Bloomberg is going to continue to allow fat people to go out in public?

Watch blooming idiot to put into place a exercise program and limits on what people can eat. Obama may do this too. :eusa_whistle:

Actually, an exercise program is exactly what I have discussed and support. We have an obesity epidemic, and it starts with our kids. The problem with fat kids is not so much how much they eat but how little they exercise. What we really need is mandatory gym class for all students 1-12, every single day of the week.

Active kids tend to do better in school academically, so it really would be a win/win situation.

Active kids do better overall in school | Portland
I think eventually, most business owners would ban smoking on their own. Society is changing. More and more people are against smoking. So, while 1 person may light up, it may bother 1-2 people now. But in 10 years, it may bother 5-10 people. So the answer may be "If the people dont like it, leave or dont go to that business". Eventually, the numbers that are bothered by it will far outweigh the ones who are not, and business owners will see it makes good sense to ban smoking. But thats one I would let the owners decide.

It should have been left up to owners of businesses to do that or not. If they choose to ban smoking, it's their call. No one should have made the decision for them. People used to know that there was smoking in certain places and had the choice whether or not to enter. If the bar owner felt customers were staying away due to smoking, things would change without interference by government. I don't think it was hurting business, but many complained after the law was passed that there were fewer customers and those who did come didn't stay as long.

Did this happen overnight, or has he always been like this?


Getting to be Mayor of one of the largest cities in the world for 3 terms has started to turn him into a dictator.

When a politician starts talking like this...

I do not think that we should ban most things. I do think that there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom's time to kick em out of office and never put that person in a position of power ever again.

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