Bloomberg God? "WE allow you to smoke"


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
"MAYOR BLOOMBERG: We're not telling them at all. We're telling them what science says is in their interest or what isn't in their interest. We allow you to smoke, we just don't let you smoke where other people have to breathe the smoke that you're exhaling or comes from your cigarette. The same thing with obesity, which, incidentally, is a public interest, because we're going to spend five billion dollars treating people with obesity in our hospitals in New York City alone this year.

GREGORY: Where's the line? Where's it too far for government to go?

MAYOR BLOOMBERG: I do not think that we should ban most things. I do think that there are certain times we should infringe on your freedomand that is, for example, if you're drinking we shouldn't let you drive, because you'll kill somebody else. If you're carrying a gun we shouldn't let you on an airplane. There's a lot of things that we do. If there's asbestos in the classroom we should remove the kids from the classroom until you clean the air. But in terms of smoking, if you want to smoke, I think you have a right to do so. I would protect that. If you want to own a gun, I certainly think that it's constitutionally protected. You certainly have a right to own a gun if you want. If you want to eat a lot and get fat, you have a right to do it, but our job in government is to inform..."

Bloomberg On Soda Ban: 'We're Not Banning Anything'

So Bloomberg is obviously WE. And he ALLOWS us to do things.

But he does think "WE" should infringe on some freedoms.

He is a fucking billionaire with power gone to his head and he is now playing God.
Beware fat people. Bloomberg allows you to eat but YOU are costing money with your FAT.
He's always been like this. He's a parasite of the highest order. I'll be sure to throw a 24oz soda party the day he's terminated from public office.
The slippery slope is often misused around here, but Mayor Bloomberg is an example of a legitimate use of the slipperly slope argument.

You are free to smoke tobacco, but you are not free to blow your smoke around in an enclosed space where other people are. Okay, fine.

But Bloomberg goes much further than that. Your drinking of an Extreme Big Gulp does not harm others no matter where you drink it, yet he uses the cigarette excuse to jump on the slippery slope with a big YEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAA, and become the worst kind of collectivist schmuck in American politics. Which is really saying something.

There are many politicians out there who have convinced themselves that they are a form of royalty, that they are here to rule us, that we are here to be led and controlled by them at their whim.

Unfortunately, there are many constituents who are also convinced that this is true.

Public servants. Public servants. Public servants. You're not special, folks.

The slippery slope is often misused around here, but Mayor Bloomberg is an example of a legitimate use of the slipperly slope argument.

You are free to smoke tobacco, but you are not free to blow your smoke around in an enclosed space where other people are. Okay, fine.

But Bloomberg goes much further than that. Your drinking of an Extreme Big Gulp does not harm others no matter where you drink it, yet he uses the cigarette excuse to jump on the slippery slope with a big YEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAA, and become the worst kind of collectivist schmuck in American politics. Which is really saying something.

The other angle to take is that if not having smoking in your business establishment is such a great idea, why not let the owners decide if they want to allow it or not? Nothing in the law for decades said a bar owner could not ban smoking in his bar.

The best thing with laws like this is that they are broken on a daily basis, because no one outside the nanny staters really cares. Go to any Irish bar in queens and after around 10 PM people are lighting up left and right.
Does he mean "we" as in "WE The People"? Government is nothing but a group of people that the rest of the people elected. Government people weren't born in office. They all had to wait until they were old enough to run for office. We all had the same chance to run that he did. ALL of our government people are nothing more than people that WE THE PEOPLE elected. Thats it. And what they are supposed to do is represent the people, and most people like the smoking bans. I dont particularly like them, but I also dont smoke.

As for Bloomberg, its Republican's fault. He was a left winger. And simply changed his coat. And the GOP bought it. ARe they that easy to dupe? Apparantly so.
The slippery slope is often misused around here, but Mayor Bloomberg is an example of a legitimate use of the slipperly slope argument.

You are free to smoke tobacco, but you are not free to blow your smoke around in an enclosed space where other people are. Okay, fine.

But Bloomberg goes much further than that. Your drinking of an Extreme Big Gulp does not harm others no matter where you drink it, yet he uses the cigarette excuse to jump on the slippery slope with a big YEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAA, and become the worst kind of collectivist schmuck in American politics. Which is really saying something.

The other angle to take is that if not having smoking in your business establishment is such a great idea, why not let the owners decide if they want to allow it or not? Nothing in the law for decades said a bar owner could not ban smoking in his bar.

The best thing with laws like this is that they are broken on a daily basis, because no one outside the nanny staters really cares. Go to any Irish bar in queens and after around 10 PM people are lighting up left and right.

In my area bar owners were the first to complain about the smoking bans, because it hurts business. My brother and I left a club once after paying the cover charge, because we found out they didn't allow smoking. The club got to keep our five dollars, but lost any money we would have spent on drinks and tipping their... *ahem* dancers.

I understand smoking is a terrible habit that I should quit. I am respectful around non-smokers, and don't light up most times. But if I do light up, and I'm not bothering anyone, leave me the hell alone.
I think eventually, most business owners would ban smoking on their own. Society is changing. More and more people are against smoking. So, while 1 person may light up, it may bother 1-2 people now. But in 10 years, it may bother 5-10 people. So the answer may be "If the people dont like it, leave or dont go to that business". Eventually, the numbers that are bothered by it will far outweigh the ones who are not, and business owners will see it makes good sense to ban smoking. But thats one I would let the owners decide.
The man is simply another example of the entitled elitist class of demigods that run government that honestly feels he and his kind know what is best and views everyone else as hopeless slobs unfit to make decisions for themselves.
I think eventually, most business owners would ban smoking on their own. Society is changing. More and more people are against smoking. So, while 1 person may light up, it may bother 1-2 people now. But in 10 years, it may bother 5-10 people. So the answer may be "If the people dont like it, leave or dont go to that business". Eventually, the numbers that are bothered by it will far outweigh the ones who are not, and business owners will see it makes good sense to ban smoking. But thats one I would let the owners decide.

What right does anyone have to tell another that one's conduct is unacceptable? Yes society is ever changing, look how tolerant we have become. If a person wants to kill themselves so be it, they have that God given right.
What about electronic cigarettes? They don't produce anything but mist. Let's just see what happens with them.

"we allow you"? That is such a god complex statement.

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