Blond beauty patrols eastern Ukraine


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
She is a scary looking fighter :)



She could stop you dead in your tracks with her beauty — or her bullets.

A blond bombshell brandished an assault rifle while patrolling war-torn school grounds in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday.

The pro-Russia militant, decked out in sunglasses and jeans, looked more like an action film star than a neighborhood watch as she stepped over rubble in the industrial city of Donetsk, which has a population of more than 900,000.

The unidentified rebel kept a careful eye on the streets as she rode shotgun while another fighter — in more traditional combat garb — manned the wheel.

The patrol came after an airstrike against a four-story apartment building in Snizhne, about 12 miles from the Russian border. The bombardment reportedly killed at least 11 civilians.

But who's responsible for the death and destruction? The Ukrainian military suspects Russia and pro-Russian rebels, in turn, accused the Ukrainian military of the attack, according to The New York Times.

Kiev is preparing a blockade to seal off the border with Russia, where the rebels are thought to get their manpower and equipment. The U.S. accused Moscow of providing the pro-Russian separatists with tanks, rocket launchers and other military weapons.


Read more: Blond beauty patrols eastern Ukraine with pro-Russia rebels as tensions mount - NY Daily News

That is the kind of beautiful police officer this world needs.
No doubt she's fine. Ukranian wimmen are hot! Just check out Yulia Tymoshenko, Queen of Ukraine wanna' be:


Is that the proper way to hold an AK-47 while on Patrol?

And why does she have sandals on?

You can hold AK-47 any way you want. It is how you fire it what matters. Her flip-flops are fine too as long as she is not planning on making a hasty retreat. You have to keep in mind that she has her reputation to uphold. She cannot do that if she does not look cool.
Wouldn't surprise me if she's a Russian plant.

Using attractive plants is a good way of swelling your ranks. Not just on the ground, but generating public 'sympathy' overall. You see, it's true what women say: men are governed by their dicks. And men will go out of their way to satisfy their desires, me included. But I'm not as gullible as some, and I Know that an attractive face will lead a lot of men to subliminally support Russia's position if they detect the slightest possibility of getting inside a young lady like the one plan... sorry pictured.

Seriously, doesn't she look a bit too clean to be living on the front line. Any pictures of her actually firing her weapon - which also looks a bit too brand new - or just images of her wandering around derelict buildings?

On Facebook I'm friends with Olena Semenyaka, Right Sector's press officer. She is and looks like the real deal. The blonde in the OP looks like a plant.
Skinny little teens and 20 something young blonds in padded bras's are a dime a dozen in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. If that is your interpretation of a beautiful woman you should go there. You might get confused however when you see the actual beautiful women that are also in abundance.
Skinny little teens and 20 something young blonds in padded bras's are a dime a dozen in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. If that is your interpretation of a beautiful woman you should go there. You might get confused however when you see the actual beautiful women that are also in abundance.

Apparently, NY Daily News thinks she is beautiful.

As far as I am concerned, I like women of all color and ethnicity. They are all pretty to me.

God loves us all.

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