Russia reports drone attacks on three oblasts


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
So Ukraine launched drone strikes on Smolensk, Orjol, Tula, and the port of Ust-Luga on the Baltic Sea - where a serious fire broke out.
Look for yourself on the map - where is Ukraine and where is Ust-Luga.
I would like to draw your esteemed readers' attention to this "nuance": when Russian missiles, airplanes, or drones just take off into the air, there are open warnings in Ukrainian publishers: "Russian drones (airplanes, missiles) are in the air, heading for such and such Ukrainian cities, everyone take cover!"
That is, they are tracking launches and directions.
In Russia, you don't hear about anything like that. Drones are "detected" when they detect themselves - by striking targets (or near targets).
Hundreds of kilometers over Russian territory, including overflight over the border strip, can be overcome without any problems. No one not only shoots them down, but does not even see them (or pretends not to notice them?...). No warnings to the population are ever heard of.
It's not safe to post warnings. You could be prosecuted and go to prison for 25 years
It should be understood that the problem for Russia is not the breakthrough of individual Ukrainian drones hundreds of miles inside Russia, but the fact that such breakthroughs are becoming the norm, routine, something everyday. This is the beginning - more and more will come next.
This will not threaten Ukraine in any way - absolutely.
Well, Russian missiles or drones will destroy (in retaliation) some water pumping station or stoker on the outskirts of Zhmerinka, and some pensioner will be killed or wounded. It is clear that this will not affect the defense capability of Ukrainian troops in any way, but it will add bonuses to Ukraine in the eyes of the world community - as a country fighting against immoral savages shelling purely peaceful objects. Plus, such "strikes" by Russia are very helpful and facilitate the work of Ukrainian propaganda.
No, I don't mean to say that the Russians are incapable of launching pinpoint, targeted strikes against serious targets. Not at all! They are very good at aiming and good at calculating the direction of their strikes.
Therefore, Russian missiles, drones, bombers, and saboteurs will NEVER strike the "decision-making centers" in Ukraine, really important strategic facilities, or any elite suburbs of Kiev.
The native Koncha-Zaspa can sleep well - and dream and turn green in the midst of spring.
Not a single hair will fall from its head - not just Zelensky's (it's ridiculous to even talk about it!), but in general, not even the most worthless deputy of the Rada.
Bottom Line
Russians still supporting Putin are fools.
The criminal dwarf( or the bunch of Putin doubles with Patrushev as boss) do anything possible to destroy Russia for ever

Russia reported a drone attack on Tula, Smolensk and Orel oblasts on the evening of 20 January and during the early morning of 21 January

Peripheral distractions that have zero effect on the front line action .
Just desperation tactics fron the insane Zelensky .
Kyiv is being torn to pieces on the front line and will buy any good news at any price .
Every time Kyiv makes a strike, Moscow returns twenty times the damage .
It is pathetic .
I question whether those Drones so far into Russia are even coming from Ukraine, i think they could be coming from the Nazi infested Baltics in other words Nato Countries.

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