BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women Who Went to Planned Parenthood Got an Abortion!!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
So Planned Parenthood says that that only three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services. Makes abortion seem pretty rare for Planned Parenthood doesn’t it?

Here is Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report from 2012 to 2013. This pie chart represents every single service Planned Parenthood performed during that year, and this slice of the pie represents the number of abortion services they provided in comparison to all the procedures they performed.

And this clearly shows that abortion services were only 3% of the total pie. Right?

So then why are pro-life groups claiming that this 3% number is misleading? What’s their problem?...... THEY FUCKING LIE TO GET HALF A BILLION IN TAXPAYER MONEY!!!!!!

Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?
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Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?

Didn't YOU hand out scumbags, and birth control pills? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?

Didn't YOU hand out scumbags, and birth control pills? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Let's see here V. when a pregnant woman goes to an abortion provider, what do they usually want, car insurance or,................................................wait for it, abortion?
Of course they got abortions. Why else would they go to the taxpayer funded organization that's known for killing unwanted babies?

Exactly right . Women who want to keep their babies go to a legitimate doctor not PP.
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?
That 6% must be some of the women you date. I think they go there for STD treatment.
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!

No, not at all. You can't get a PAP smear when you are pregnant. Breast exams aren't as accurate because the breasts are swollen. And no pregnant woman needs birth control.

No, they didn't lie. You have tried to slant the figures by only looking at the pregnant women who went to PP.
Lets look at that 94% number......

That means if 17 pregnant girls walk into a PP office today, only 1 of them walks,out still pregnant. Obviously most of those girls went in looking for an abortion but I would think that if they were providing any sort of realistic and unbiased information to these girls before the procedure that more than 1 in 17 of them might make a different decision.
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!

No, not at all. You can't get a PAP smear when you are pregnant. Breast exams aren't as accurate because the breasts are swollen. And no pregnant woman needs birth control.

No, they didn't lie. You have tried to slant the figures by only looking at the pregnant women who went to PP.

Correction. They will not give girls under 21 PAP smears. Older women yes.
Lets look at that 94% number......

That means if 17 pregnant girls walk into a PP office today, only 1 of them walks,out still pregnant. Obviously most of those girls went in looking for an abortion but I would think that if they were providing any sort of realistic and unbiased information to these girls before the procedure that more than 1 in 17 of them might make a different decision.

Exactly. Pregnant women wanting to keep their babies go to a real doctor not PP.
So Planned Parenthood says that that only three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services. Makes abortion seem pretty rare for Planned Parenthood doesn’t it?

Here is Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report from 2012 to 2013. This pie chart represents every single service Planned Parenthood performed during that year, and this slice of the pie represents the number of abortion services they provided in comparison to all the procedures they performed.

And this clearly shows that abortion services were only 3% of the total pie. Right?

So then why are pro-life groups claiming that this 3% number is misleading? What’s their problem?...... THEY FUCKING LIE TO GET HALF A BILLION IN TAXPAYER MONEY!!!!!!

Planned Parenthood has saved us from a Democratic Party Dictatorship of the Dependent.

I try to look at the bright side of everything.
Exactly. Pregnant women wanting to keep their babies go to a real doctor not PP.

Yes; however one would think that IF PP was giving thewe women the full information on the procedure they're seeking, alternative options, etc... that more than 6% of them would at least decide they wanted more time to think about it, get scared of the procedure, or decide to leave without having the procedure done. That makes me very interested about whether or not PP is actually providing these women with the full spectrum of information they should have prior to making that decision, or if they're just sitting there smiling at the idea of collecting the fees for performing another abortion every time one of these women walk through the door.

I've never been inside a PP facility. I almost lost my job the better part of a decade ago for refusing to do work on a project for PP. I dont' see a need for their services, especially the way that I have seen them "advertised" over time. I just hope these women understand what they're getting themselves into when they make that decision, and something tells me that PP isn't giving them the whole story.
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?

Didn't YOU hand out scumbags, and birth control pills? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Let's see here V. when a pregnant woman goes to an abortion provider, what do they usually want, car insurance or,................................................wait for it, abortion?

And abortion is legal. Poor V seems to keep forgetting that.
One in five women in the U.S. has visited a Planned Parenthood health center at least once in her life.

Planned Parenthood health centers focus on prevention: 80 percent of our clients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood services help prevent approximately 516,000 unintended pregnancies each year.

Planned Parenthood provides nearly 400,000 Pap tests and nearly 500,000 breast exams each year, critical services in detecting cancer.

Planned Parenthood provides nearly 4.5 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including 700,00 HIV tests.

Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.

Planned Parenthood at a Glance


I don't believe Republicans will give up on the opportunity to screw over this many Americans in one fell swoop.

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