
Wake up call , dude. Ethno states are developing. Quickly. As browns from the West force negros to the deep south , Whites flood mid state America. The proof is in the demographics. Disgustingly aggressive latrinos have driven california coloreds to repatriate the deep south. Check out Jackson , MS for a prime example of new africa. Atlanta being the deemed negroid capital. When blax speak honestly with me they see the demographic shift. Some are creating their own destiny as we babble. Trump , far from being Nationalist of any kind is drastically shilling to save the country sans a Nation. So , this civil war becomes the new race war. Fiscal, social , psycological for the most part non violent. Thank God. However , albeit a covert war.
You can sense them almost weeping as they post, so angry that Obama and Clinton won't push their precious race war.

Dear mamooth are you REALLY this blind to the two-way "race" war going on?
the "race" is the "political race" war -- to attack one party to promote the other.

OBAMA (and later CLINTON) got criticized for "demonizing"
* wealthy conservatives for "not paying their fair share" -- judged and punished
not for any proven crime or corruption, but on the basis of CLASS by perceived wealth which is not a crime to be punished
CLEARLY Obama was pushing the narrative of the "party of the poor versus the rich," which is DIVISIVE NOT UNIFYING

* "rightwing extremists" as more of a terrorist threat than Jihadist terrorists
which liberal Democrats have played down, while playing up the other cases that suit their political agenda
1. NOTE 1: when the shooting of Republicans targeted in DC was done by a Bernie supporter, notice there was not this huge uproar about a white shooter -- THUS it shows it is a political race war going on, it's by PARTY and PARTY AGENDA
2. NOTE 2: when a Somali immigrant police officer shot and killed a white woman who was not armed but called for help,
notice there was no uproar about police abuse of excessive force.
Again, the shooter being a black minority didn't fit the left agenda of dominant white male, so the story didn't help politically

* NRA members which Clinton named as her number one ENEMY
NOTE: On this point, I will give Obama credit for making a public statement about the 2nd amendment
and gun culture being a tradition in this country that has deep meaning for people, and to respect that.
He did try to make a bridge statement of tolerance and understanding of differences in beliefs with gun rights.

But BOTH Obama and Clinton push things like govt health care and liberal use of govt to regulate social services
and programs that are against beliefs of Conservatives who believe in communities providing these locally
for maximum self-sufficiency and accountability instead of overburdening federal govt with all these responsibilities.

The whole leftwing agenda becomes DIVISIVE where it
excludes, demeans, judges and penalizes conservative beliefs of Constitutionalists and Christians
who have equal right to support NEUTRAL govt and not be FORCED to fund political beliefs that violate their own.

So we have a two-way street, not one way mamooth
* Class war by demonizing and blaming Republicans as the party of the rich where wealth should not be punished as a crime (any more than poor people should be assumed and judged to be criminal and blamed either - it's a two way street)
* political race war, war against conservative Americans"as the enemy" while downplaying Islamic Jihadist terrorists
* religious war, attacking Christians for not believing in gay marriage or homosexuality as "natural"
which are both BELIEFS people have a right to hold or "demand proof of before changing their minds"
and NEITHER should be punished by govt in favor of LEFTWING BELIEFS in gay marriage or homosexuality as natural

mamooth can you see on these 3 points,
the left politicians equally feed the divide?

Where do you see Obama and Clinton EMBRACING and INCLUDING
people they deemed to be their political enemies?

This is what I mean by it's a two-way street.

If you only blame one side, then you make the same mistake.

mamooth please don't tell me you can't see any of this
BLM seems to have run out of steam... or crack.
BLM is for KILLING white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

blacks are more racist and hateful

Dear harmonica
What I noticed about BLM: the women tend to be more compassionate toward victims; while the VOCAL men tend to be the retributive troublemaker types. I've also seen the more mature men on both sides address the opposition using civil and rational arguments WITHOUT yelling or making physical threats of violence. So that leaves just the angry thug or criminally unstable types involved in all the crappy attitudes and dangerous rioting vandalism and ambush attacks.

If BLM was just the women and mothers affected by violence, it might be different!!!

How much is really "male testosterone" competing for pecking order / turf wars (using race as a media front and bait).

What if this is more about sexist dominance of men wanting to down the other man's tribe?
And it's just ABUSING the race issue to mask the real hostility and raise political cane in the media
BLM is for KILLING white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

blacks are more racist and hateful
From the article:

She also says, “White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all,” as another protester responds “reparations!”

Where's the solution?

Total segregation? Repatriation?

Will anything other than total separation of the races, black/white, solve the never-ending problems?
BLM is for KILLING white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

blacks are more racist and hateful
From the article:

She also says, “White people, give your fucking money, your fucking house, your fucking property, we need it fucking all,” as another protester responds “reparations!”

Where's the solution?

Total segregation? Repatriation?

Will anything other than total separation of the races, black/white, solve the never-ending problems?
well, considering the police are doing their jobs and nothing wrong in most of these cases, the blacks will have to realize that
now that they've shown how they really are by the protesting/rioting/looting/burning--on top of the crime they commit--I think you are on to a good point .....what will it take?
it will take a long time for one ....

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