Blacks question Trump outreach delivered to white audiences


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Outreach? Like refusing an invitation to speak at the NAACP convention or going into minority neighborhoods, look at his photo ops from louisiana

Black Republicans cheer Donald Trump for a newfound outreach to African-Americans, but say the GOP presidential nominee must take his message beyond arenas filled with white supporters and venture into the inner cities.

Many rank-and-file black voters, meanwhile, dismiss the overtures as another racially charged pitch from a campaign aimed exclusively at whites, from Trump's emphasis on "law and order" to his withering critiques of President Barack Obama, the nation's first black chief executive. It was Trump in 2011 who fiercely challenged Obama's U.S. birth.

"Any minority who would vote for him is crazy, ought to have their head examined," said Ike Jenkins, an 81-year-old retired business owner in the predominantly black suburb of East Cleveland.

Foluke Bennett, a 43-year-old from Philadelphia, went further, labeling the GOP standard-bearer's remarks as "racist," pointing, among other things, to his referencing African-Americans as "the blacks."

it's a well-known electoral conundrum: The United States population grows less white with each election cycle, so to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton, the New York billionaire must attract more non-white voters or run up an advantage with white voters to a level no candidate has reached since Ronald Reagan's 1984 landslide.

Obama won 93 percent of black voters in 2012 and 95 percent in 2008, according to exit polls. This year, polls suggest Trump could fare even worse than the Republicans who lost to Obama.

Blacks question Trump outreach delivered to white audiences ::
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According to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking poll, Trump is receiving the support of just 8 percent of black voters — a number that has fluctuated between 6 and 10 percent in the poll since May.

And the most recent NBC News/WSJ/Marist polls in Ohio and Pennsylvania had Trump with just one percent of black support in each of the battleground states.

His own running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, laughed out loud at Trump's contention that he would win 95 percent of the black vote in a theoretical re-election bid in 2020. That "optimistic" view is "pure Donald Trump," Pence said when asked why he was laughing.

Six reasons why black voters are rejecting Trump
Perfectly understandable, especially until and unless he's speaking to the various black organizations.

However, unlike the rest of the GOP, at least he's tackling the subject. I guess this has to start somewhere.

The party has to stop avoiding what it has to do. It can't just keep denying what needs to be done.
So Clinton is going to create thousands of jobs by raising the taxes on corporations and adding new regulations on how they manufacture and do business? Are you Liberals really that stupid? Apparently you are.
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dumph still only has tops 40's% and with uneducated whites at that

He cannot win with a shrinking demographic alone


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