Blacks Are The Most Racist Group In America

It just all depends on the meaning that anything has or that it is being used for in the eyes of the user, and that is what the bottom line is on this kind of stuff. Take the N-word for example, and how it was changed to become more usable by those who wanted to use it in a better more (brotherly) way, and to get the word away from the stereotyping usage and demoralizing usage it was being used for, and to get rid of the sting that it carried with it, so they changed it to mean something else to them or amongst their groups:eusa_clap:.

The Southern flag also took on a more modern symbolism, that didnot carry with it anylonger for many, the old racist symbolism it once carried with it way in the past, but instead was changed to mean a redneck southern fried turkey style or southern culture, that is representitive of all southerners who use it in this way, and that for which includes the history of ones heritage in southern culture, southern cooking, nascar, hunting, barefootin, monster trucks, fishing and so on and so forth. The gays have their flag, the blacks have their flag, the American mexicans have been flying their flag here, the pirates have their flag:cool:, and so on and so forth, so I guess the southerners want their flag also.
First of all racism is not against the law-- but until the 95% of blacks that voted for the black guy becomes a number more like 40% of blacks, and say 50 to 60% vote for the other guy maybe white, could be anything but black will racism be a thing of the past.

You see in order for racism to be a thing of the past Skin color would have to be something people really feel indifference to and in a country with so many skin colors it will take at least a few hundred more years before it becomes reality.

The slave guilt thing will never be over even though the white world had a horrible war to end slavery and the white male who is so hated today is the group that ended slavery and gets no credit or thanks for it.
You see humans love to receive but are not to good at giving soooo the new political USA believes in taking, not to different from stealing and the group in charge right now are ok with stealing as long as it is from the white man.

Ummmm, racism is against the law when it materializes into an act that either abuses someone or discriminates against someone and etc.

The thing I worry about though, is these new racist vengence seeking blacks who get into power, making it utterly regretful that we had that war for them.....Right now in my state, you can walk into a Mcdonalds, and there are almost no American whites, chineese, arabs or people of these races or cultures working at these locations (only blacks in a large majority 98% range), now how is this happening now I ask ? If I have to I will film these location's (if legal) and put it up on this web in order to prove this fact. How is it that we had a war where we killed hundreds of thousands of whites (our own color) in such a war, and this in order to end slavery and bring forth fairness and equality in America for all, only to have reverse discrimination and single race hiring practices (affirmative action on steroids) now going on by a major corporation right in our faces, and without any whites challenging this type of thing or goings on in America ? Are the white people this stupid anymore in this nation I ask ? There is another company that sells and put's down carpet, in which is owned by a black man. He only hires blacks in this business, so how is this ok with white people ? This stuff is simply amazing to me or is it that the whites are figuring that their kids are to good for such jobs, and it best that they just stick to their X-box'es, smoking pot, inpregnating teen white girls now by the thousands, until finally off to jail or college in which will cost the government and their families hundreds of thousands of dollars before it is all said and done ?

I think that there should be a boycott of Mcdonalds by white people (seriously), until they do better than this or change such practices in which flies into the face of white people, for whom had sacrificed their lives and children for a generation or two or more, in order to help the black man woman and child to be liberated in America, and especially so by what has taken place in this nations bloody long history over the years.

If whites walk into a location that is engaing in reverse discrimination practices, and you as a white person see the very practices that you had once as a white race were demonized over, and even killed over, to be found once again in play by anyother race involved in such practices, then it should be reported to the EEOC immediately, and if that doesn't work then you should boycott the location immediately. Now a friend of mine said that the reason they are getting away with this, is because the civil rights laws and all that sort of stuff were exclusively for the blacks, and so the whites have no protections or rights under such laws, so this is what a company like Mcdonalds knows maybe, and it is why they are engaging in these practices like they are, and so is this true ? Whites have no protections under such laws or acts that were created and enforced by the federal government, because they had based these acts, rules and laws on a single race or color, and therefore they only apply in these ways up until this day ? Is it time maybe for someone to bring a lawsuit over these matters now ? Is it time for the white people to demand that the very things in which they were expected to do, also be held the same for others (of any other race), in order that they also be held accountable for in this nation when doing the same, where as they are to do and should always abide by the same rules/laws equally just as well, in which are found under such laws, rules and/or regulations ?

Oh and there are other races of people that are preferentially hiring or keeping other races out of their work spaces too, in which we have noticed in some of their locations as owned as well. Hey keep alert for these sorts of things people, because to many have died to make America whole, and to dishonor their sacrifices in this way is a very bad thing I personally believe.

I hate it when blacks today act like they went through slavery, but I also hate it when whites today try to take credit for ending it. I appreciate the thousands of brave men(and them only) who risked and gave their lives, you use "we" as if you had anything to do with it.

Why is it that I always see whites bringing up slavery and rarely see a black ever bring it up. The Civil war was not fighting about slavery it was about the 2 sides fighting over what they wanted for the country(slavery just happened to be one of them). I find it very hard to believe that they had a problem fighting other whites who betrayed their own country.

Seeing that it was so long ago, I thought AA ended when it became unnecessary. I don't know why its still around today.:confused:
The most important thing we can do is discuss openly with each other. We must be a society that trust and respects each other....As we can't keep on having blacks rioting and calling whites racist for just holding our government officials acreditable.

The worse thing we could do is to shut up. If we're going to be a multiracial society. Well, we must act like a society.

First step is to debate the issues behind why we feel the way we do. Telling whites to shut up and take it feels the same way as telling a black to do the same.
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First of all racism is not against the law-- but until the 95% of blacks that voted for the black guy becomes a number more like 40% of blacks, and say 50 to 60% vote for the other guy maybe white, could be anything but black will racism be a thing of the past.

You see in order for racism to be a thing of the past Skin color would have to be something people really feel indifference to and in a country with so many skin colors it will take at least a few hundred more years before it becomes reality.

The slave guilt thing will never be over even though the white world had a horrible war to end slavery and the white male who is so hated today is the group that ended slavery and gets no credit or thanks for it.
You see humans love to receive but are not to good at giving soooo the new political USA believes in taking, not to different from stealing and the group in charge right now are ok with stealing as long as it is from the white man.

Ummmm, racism is against the law when it materializes into an act that either abuses someone or discriminates against someone and etc.

The thing I worry about though, is these new racist vengence seeking blacks who get into power, making it utterly regretful that we had that war for them.....Right now in my state, you can walk into a Mcdonalds, and there are almost no American whites, chineese, arabs or people of these races or cultures working at these locations (only blacks in a large majority 98% range), now how is this happening now I ask ? If I have to I will film these location's (if legal) and put it up on this web in order to prove this fact. How is it that we had a war where we killed hundreds of thousands of whites (our own color) in such a war, and this in order to end slavery and bring forth fairness and equality in America for all, only to have reverse discrimination and single race hiring practices (affirmative action on steroids) now going on by a major corporation right in our faces, and without any whites challenging this type of thing or goings on in America ? Are the white people this stupid anymore in this nation I ask ? There is another company that sells and put's down carpet, in which is owned by a black man. He only hires blacks in this business, so how is this ok with white people ? This stuff is simply amazing to me or is it that the whites are figuring that their kids are to good for such jobs, and it best that they just stick to their X-box'es, smoking pot, inpregnating teen white girls now by the thousands, until finally off to jail or college in which will cost the government and their families hundreds of thousands of dollars before it is all said and done ?

I think that there should be a boycott of Mcdonalds by white people (seriously), until they do better than this or change such practices in which flies into the face of white people, for whom had sacrificed their lives and children for a generation or two or more, in order to help the black man woman and child to be liberated in America, and especially so by what has taken place in this nations bloody long history over the years.

If whites walk into a location that is engaing in reverse discrimination practices, and you as a white person see the very practices that you had once as a white race were demonized over, and even killed over, to be found once again in play by anyother race involved in such practices, then it should be reported to the EEOC immediately, and if that doesn't work then you should boycott the location immediately. Now a friend of mine said that the reason they are getting away with this, is because the civil rights laws and all that sort of stuff were exclusively for the blacks, and so the whites have no protections or rights under such laws, so this is what a company like Mcdonalds knows maybe, and it is why they are engaging in these practices like they are, and so is this true ? Whites have no protections under such laws or acts that were created and enforced by the federal government, because they had based these acts, rules and laws on a single race or color, and therefore they only apply in these ways up until this day ? Is it time maybe for someone to bring a lawsuit over these matters now ? Is it time for the white people to demand that the very things in which they were expected to do, also be held the same for others (of any other race), in order that they also be held accountable for in this nation when doing the same, where as they are to do and should always abide by the same rules/laws equally just as well, in which are found under such laws, rules and/or regulations ?

Oh and there are other races of people that are preferentially hiring or keeping other races out of their work spaces too, in which we have noticed in some of their locations as owned as well. Hey keep alert for these sorts of things people, because to many have died to make America whole, and to dishonor their sacrifices in this way is a very bad thing I personally believe.

I hate it when blacks today act like they went through slavery, but I also hate it when whites today try to take credit for ending it. I appreciate the thousands of brave men(and them only) who risked and gave their lives, you use "we" as if you had anything to do with it.

Why is it that I always see whites bringing up slavery and rarely see a black ever bring it up. The Civil war was not fighting about slavery it was about the 2 sides fighting over what they wanted for the country(slavery just happened to be one of them). I find it very hard to believe that they had a problem fighting other whites who betrayed their own country.

Seeing that it was so long ago, I thought AA ended when it became unnecessary. I don't know why its still around today.:confused:
What do you mean " betrayed their own country " ?
The civil war was an American one. General Lee was an American general. The flag he flew was an American one.
The blacks did not free themselves. It was a white man who signed the emancipation proclamation - promulgated on the sacrifise of many more whites than blacks.
When I refer to " we" I mean we whites, and since I am white, and my decendants fought on both sides of the equation - it is a vicarious term.
It's a historical fact that the only race to even try to free other human beings were WHITE. From Britain ending the slave trade to Lincoln.

Yet, we're the evil ones that somehow owe blacks a living.

Somehow blacks don't consider that they had slavery and everyone else practiced it. O'never mind as that's not important...Hating and shaming whitey is what's important for their own little fucked up reasons.
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First of all racism is not against the law-- but until the 95% of blacks that voted for the black guy becomes a number more like 40% of blacks, and say 50 to 60% vote for the other guy maybe white, could be anything but black will racism be a thing of the past.

You see in order for racism to be a thing of the past Skin color would have to be something people really feel indifference to and in a country with so many skin colors it will take at least a few hundred more years before it becomes reality.

The slave guilt thing will never be over even though the white world had a horrible war to end slavery and the white male who is so hated today is the group that ended slavery and gets no credit or thanks for it.
You see humans love to receive but are not to good at giving soooo the new political USA believes in taking, not to different from stealing and the group in charge right now are ok with stealing as long as it is from the white man.

Ummmm, racism is against the law when it materializes into an act that either abuses someone or discriminates against someone and etc.

The thing I worry about though, is these new racist vengence seeking blacks who get into power, making it utterly regretful that we had that war for them.....Right now in my state, you can walk into a Mcdonalds, and there are almost no American whites, chineese, arabs or people of these races or cultures working at these locations (only blacks in a large majority 98% range), now how is this happening now I ask ? If I have to I will film these location's (if legal) and put it up on this web in order to prove this fact. How is it that we had a war where we killed hundreds of thousands of whites (our own color) in such a war, and this in order to end slavery and bring forth fairness and equality in America for all, only to have reverse discrimination and single race hiring practices (affirmative action on steroids) now going on by a major corporation right in our faces, and without any whites challenging this type of thing or goings on in America ? Are the white people this stupid anymore in this nation I ask ? There is another company that sells and put's down carpet, in which is owned by a black man. He only hires blacks in this business, so how is this ok with white people ? This stuff is simply amazing to me or is it that the whites are figuring that their kids are to good for such jobs, and it best that they just stick to their X-box'es, smoking pot, inpregnating teen white girls now by the thousands, until finally off to jail or college in which will cost the government and their families hundreds of thousands of dollars before it is all said and done ?

I think that there should be a boycott of Mcdonalds by white people (seriously), until they do better than this or change such practices in which flies into the face of white people, for whom had sacrificed their lives and children for a generation or two or more, in order to help the black man woman and child to be liberated in America, and especially so by what has taken place in this nations bloody long history over the years.

If whites walk into a location that is engaing in reverse discrimination practices, and you as a white person see the very practices that you had once as a white race were demonized over, and even killed over, to be found once again in play by anyother race involved in such practices, then it should be reported to the EEOC immediately, and if that doesn't work then you should boycott the location immediately. Now a friend of mine said that the reason they are getting away with this, is because the civil rights laws and all that sort of stuff were exclusively for the blacks, and so the whites have no protections or rights under such laws, so this is what a company like Mcdonalds knows maybe, and it is why they are engaging in these practices like they are, and so is this true ? Whites have no protections under such laws or acts that were created and enforced by the federal government, because they had based these acts, rules and laws on a single race or color, and therefore they only apply in these ways up until this day ? Is it time maybe for someone to bring a lawsuit over these matters now ? Is it time for the white people to demand that the very things in which they were expected to do, also be held the same for others (of any other race), in order that they also be held accountable for in this nation when doing the same, where as they are to do and should always abide by the same rules/laws equally just as well, in which are found under such laws, rules and/or regulations ?

Oh and there are other races of people that are preferentially hiring or keeping other races out of their work spaces too, in which we have noticed in some of their locations as owned as well. Hey keep alert for these sorts of things people, because to many have died to make America whole, and to dishonor their sacrifices in this way is a very bad thing I personally believe.

I hate it when blacks today act like they went through slavery, but I also hate it when whites today try to take credit for ending it. I appreciate the thousands of brave men(and them only) who risked and gave their lives, you use "we" as if you had anything to do with it.

Why is it that I always see whites bringing up slavery and rarely see a black ever bring it up. The Civil war was not fighting about slavery it was about the 2 sides fighting over what they wanted for the country(slavery just happened to be one of them). I find it very hard to believe that they had a problem fighting other whites who betrayed their own country.

Seeing that it was so long ago, I thought AA ended when it became unnecessary. I don't know why its still around today.:confused:
HUH ? So I used "we" as if I was inferring that I had anything directly to do with it eh ? "We" means our race being involved in that war as a "race" back then, and not me directly being involved, so is that an inappropriate metaphor to use when speaking about the past civil war, and yes slavery was a part of that war in which was being fought over in order to end that slavery sure (glad you recognize that fact), so did I offend your audience with my words, and so are you trying to do a little damage control maybe for your audience ?
Ummmm, racism is against the law when it materializes into an act that either abuses someone or discriminates against someone and etc.

The thing I worry about though, is these new racist vengence seeking blacks who get into power, making it utterly regretful that we had that war for them.....Right now in my state, you can walk into a Mcdonalds, and there are almost no American whites, chineese, arabs or people of these races or cultures working at these locations (only blacks in a large majority 98% range), now how is this happening now I ask ? If I have to I will film these location's (if legal) and put it up on this web in order to prove this fact. How is it that we had a war where we killed hundreds of thousands of whites (our own color) in such a war, and this in order to end slavery and bring forth fairness and equality in America for all, only to have reverse discrimination and single race hiring practices (affirmative action on steroids) now going on by a major corporation right in our faces, and without any whites challenging this type of thing or goings on in America ? Are the white people this stupid anymore in this nation I ask ? There is another company that sells and put's down carpet, in which is owned by a black man. He only hires blacks in this business, so how is this ok with white people ? This stuff is simply amazing to me or is it that the whites are figuring that their kids are to good for such jobs, and it best that they just stick to their X-box'es, smoking pot, inpregnating teen white girls now by the thousands, until finally off to jail or college in which will cost the government and their families hundreds of thousands of dollars before it is all said and done ?

I think that there should be a boycott of Mcdonalds by white people (seriously), until they do better than this or change such practices in which flies into the face of white people, for whom had sacrificed their lives and children for a generation or two or more, in order to help the black man woman and child to be liberated in America, and especially so by what has taken place in this nations bloody long history over the years.

If whites walk into a location that is engaing in reverse discrimination practices, and you as a white person see the very practices that you had once as a white race were demonized over, and even killed over, to be found once again in play by anyother race involved in such practices, then it should be reported to the EEOC immediately, and if that doesn't work then you should boycott the location immediately. Now a friend of mine said that the reason they are getting away with this, is because the civil rights laws and all that sort of stuff were exclusively for the blacks, and so the whites have no protections or rights under such laws, so this is what a company like Mcdonalds knows maybe, and it is why they are engaging in these practices like they are, and so is this true ? Whites have no protections under such laws or acts that were created and enforced by the federal government, because they had based these acts, rules and laws on a single race or color, and therefore they only apply in these ways up until this day ? Is it time maybe for someone to bring a lawsuit over these matters now ? Is it time for the white people to demand that the very things in which they were expected to do, also be held the same for others (of any other race), in order that they also be held accountable for in this nation when doing the same, where as they are to do and should always abide by the same rules/laws equally just as well, in which are found under such laws, rules and/or regulations ?

Oh and there are other races of people that are preferentially hiring or keeping other races out of their work spaces too, in which we have noticed in some of their locations as owned as well. Hey keep alert for these sorts of things people, because to many have died to make America whole, and to dishonor their sacrifices in this way is a very bad thing I personally believe.

I hate it when blacks today act like they went through slavery, but I also hate it when whites today try to take credit for ending it. I appreciate the thousands of brave men(and them only) who risked and gave their lives, you use "we" as if you had anything to do with it.

Why is it that I always see whites bringing up slavery and rarely see a black ever bring it up. The Civil war was not fighting about slavery it was about the 2 sides fighting over what they wanted for the country(slavery just happened to be one of them). I find it very hard to believe that they had a problem fighting other whites who betrayed their own country.

Seeing that it was so long ago, I thought AA ended when it became unnecessary. I don't know why its still around today.:confused:
What do you mean " betrayed their own country " ?
The civil war was an American one. General Lee was an American general. The flag he flew was an American one.
The blacks did not free themselves. It was a white man who signed the emancipation proclamation - promulgated on the sacrifise of many more whites than blacks.
When I refer to " we" I mean we whites, and since I am white, and my decendants fought on both sides of the equation - it is a vicarious term.

That's like saying whites as a race should take blame for many other mistakes in history and I don't mean slavery, things other whites started. Who do you expect to sign the emancipation proclamation, since when did slaves anywhere have authority/power to sign anything or free themselves. I never saw the logic in any race taking credit of any kind from the achievements and hard-work of those in the past. This is not "the" American flag, this is rebellion toward it.


  • $ConfederateFlag.png
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WHY is it that everyone on this thread doesn't mention the fact that Obama IS HALF WHITE?
He's from both sides of the track...the best (or worse) of both worlds?
Most blacks think of Obama as BLACK. That's all that comes into their minds and how much more free stuff he will give them...

I think that's kind of sad.

Well, is sad. my own personal experience, born and raised on the south side of a fairly big city (only two and a half hours from Chicago), the black folk were not only racist towards whites...they were racist against mixed boys and girls who had white mamas and black baby daddy's as well. What was even worse, if a black girl from my neighborhood hooked up with a white guy and they had a baby? That girl was shunned worse than a black boy with a white baby mama.

I will say, that as the years have doesn't seem that important now, and white baby mama's are more accepted now because of the President being HALF WHITE.

I am not sure what one is supposed to put down for 'race' when asked of a bi-racial person. I was told that it was the mother's race, whether she was white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.
So, if that is indeed true, then the President is technically 'white'...

I, myself have a WHITE mother and a MEXICAN father...I was told it was the fathers race I had to 'take' all my life I put down Hispanic...yet I do looked 'mixed' with fair skin and a 'tint', and I have black hair and brown eyes...truthfully I could pass for any 'race' except for asian, but my eyes are almond shaped and do slant up just a bit, in pix I could pass for asian...but not in RL.
Yet, I digress...sorry...
My point, is that Obama's mama is a WHITE woman with a WHITE family which Obama was raised around...he speaks of his grandmother and his mother often...I know how that goes because of my own mother being white...we grew up around BOTH sides of our families...the white side and the 'colored' side.

So those voters out there that voted for Obama because of his race? They also voted for his WHITE side.
I hate it when blacks today act like they went through slavery, but I also hate it when whites today try to take credit for ending it. I appreciate the thousands of brave men(and them only) who risked and gave their lives, you use "we" as if you had anything to do with it.

Why is it that I always see whites bringing up slavery and rarely see a black ever bring it up. The Civil war was not fighting about slavery it was about the 2 sides fighting over what they wanted for the country(slavery just happened to be one of them). I find it very hard to believe that they had a problem fighting other whites who betrayed their own country.

Seeing that it was so long ago, I thought AA ended when it became unnecessary. I don't know why its still around today.:confused:
What do you mean " betrayed their own country " ?
The civil war was an American one. General Lee was an American general. The flag he flew was an American one.
The blacks did not free themselves. It was a white man who signed the emancipation proclamation - promulgated on the sacrifise of many more whites than blacks.
When I refer to " we" I mean we whites, and since I am white, and my decendants fought on both sides of the equation - it is a vicarious term.

That's like saying whites as a race should take blame for many other mistakes in history and I don't mean slavery, things other whites started. Who do you expect to sign the emancipation proclamation, since when did slaves anywhere have authority/power to sign anything or free themselves. I never saw the logic in any race taking credit of any kind from the achievements and hard-work of those in the past. This is not "the" American flag, this is rebellion toward it.
I do feel the ignominy of slavery, the association - not responsibility!
My point is that blacks blame whites for slavery, but don't credit the sacrafice whites gave to end it.
When you are connected to the past by blood, there is a since of congruentcy with it at the soul level; the association - not responsibility!
The rebel flag cast many of perspective, it is 100% American!
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Most blacks think of Obama as BLACK. That's all that comes into their minds and how much more free stuff he will give them...

I think that's kind of sad.

Well, is sad. my own personal experience, born and raised on the south side of a fairly big city (only two and a half hours from Chicago), the black folk were not only racist towards whites...they were racist against mixed boys and girls who had white mamas and black baby daddy's as well. What was even worse, if a black girl from my neighborhood hooked up with a white guy and they had a baby? That girl was shunned worse than a black boy with a white baby mama.

I will say, that as the years have doesn't seem that important now, and white baby mama's are more accepted now because of the President being HALF WHITE.

I am not sure what one is supposed to put down for 'race' when asked of a bi-racial person. I was told that it was the mother's race, whether she was white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.
So, if that is indeed true, then the President is technically 'white'...

I, myself have a WHITE mother and a MEXICAN father...I was told it was the fathers race I had to 'take' all my life I put down Hispanic...yet I do looked 'mixed' with fair skin and a 'tint', and I have black hair and brown eyes...truthfully I could pass for any 'race' except for asian, but my eyes are almond shaped and do slant up just a bit, in pix I could pass for asian...but not in RL.
Yet, I digress...sorry...
My point, is that Obama's mama is a WHITE woman with a WHITE family which Obama was raised around...he speaks of his grandmother and his mother often...I know how that goes because of my own mother being white...we grew up around BOTH sides of our families...the white side and the 'colored' side.

So those voters out there that voted for Obama because of his race? They also voted for his WHITE side.
When a person is part black, he is degnegnated black probably because of racist whites of the past - tradition! If you look at African Americans ( I hate that incorrect term ) they don't look like the true African negro. That is because they are mostley mixed. Tiger Woods is also considered black - though he is 1/2, asian. Blacks embrace mixed black indivisuals as black, because they don't consider them to be white, and can proclaim their achevements as their own.
Whites don't want to identify with other races, because they think that they are the cat's ass, and their right - not on the indivisual level, but as an aggregate.
To simplify: if you have some white milk, and you add a little chocalate syrup, what do you have? No matter how much or how little you add - you don't have white milk anymore!
I don't know why so many voted for Obama, I guess they didn't grow up in the Amreica I love, but it will be along time before a non mixed black ever gets in!
Most blacks think of Obama as BLACK. That's all that comes into their minds and how much more free stuff he will give them...

I think that's kind of sad.

Well, is sad. my own personal experience, born and raised on the south side of a fairly big city (only two and a half hours from Chicago), the black folk were not only racist towards whites...they were racist against mixed boys and girls who had white mamas and black baby daddy's as well. What was even worse, if a black girl from my neighborhood hooked up with a white guy and they had a baby? That girl was shunned worse than a black boy with a white baby mama.

I will say, that as the years have doesn't seem that important now, and white baby mama's are more accepted now because of the President being HALF WHITE.

I am not sure what one is supposed to put down for 'race' when asked of a bi-racial person. I was told that it was the mother's race, whether she was white, black, hispanic, asian, etc.
So, if that is indeed true, then the President is technically 'white'...

I, myself have a WHITE mother and a MEXICAN father...I was told it was the fathers race I had to 'take' all my life I put down Hispanic...yet I do looked 'mixed' with fair skin and a 'tint', and I have black hair and brown eyes...truthfully I could pass for any 'race' except for asian, but my eyes are almond shaped and do slant up just a bit, in pix I could pass for asian...but not in RL.
Yet, I digress...sorry...
My point, is that Obama's mama is a WHITE woman with a WHITE family which Obama was raised around...he speaks of his grandmother and his mother often...I know how that goes because of my own mother being white...we grew up around BOTH sides of our families...the white side and the 'colored' side.

So those voters out there that voted for Obama because of his race? They also voted for his WHITE side.
You Spoiler..LOL
WHY is it that everyone on this thread doesn't mention the fact that Obama IS HALF WHITE?
He's from both sides of the track...the best (or worse) of both worlds?
Doesn't matter about color, all that matters is about his character and who influenced his character over the years, and/or for whom molded it in life. Now this is all people should be mindful of with Obama, and they should not be concernend about his color unless he is found to be a racist underneath his skin, and therefore uses his skin color for racist reasons or racist activities, but it should always be more about his actions that surrounds his character only, and never his skin color.

This is what matters most to Americans..
I'm just popping in because whoa geeze I'll make some people stroke out here because I'm looking for a black and tan bitch hahahaha its a dog you left wingers lol. But that's what I am doing these days.

You left wingers are nuts though. I've been watching the board as I've been trying to get my new baby.

WHY is it that everyone on this thread doesn't mention the fact that Obama IS HALF WHITE?
He's from both sides of the track...the best (or worse) of both worlds?
Doesn't matter about color, all that matters is about his character and who influenced his character over the years, and/or for whom molded it in life. Now this is all people should be mindful of with Obama, and they should not be concernend about his color unless he is found to be a racist underneath his skin, and therefore uses his skin color for racist reasons or racist activities, but it should always be more about his actions that surrounds his character only, and never his skin color.

This is what matters most to Americans..

Americans don't even know that his main mentor was a pedophile sex crazy dude.

They just don't care. All the blacks care about is getting the free phone apparently.
I still never figured Latinos. Being that welfare oriented. They aren't that way up here. I don't understand this at all.

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