Blacks are racists/haters/etc also

Because someone sees racism everywhere
Yes, especially when they internalize the beliefs and propaganda of white superiority over them, which is what has happened being in America.

What alleged "propaganda" of white superiority leads to blacks having such a massively high illegitimacy rate and all the negative effects that come with that?

You don't know? Just think of a child raised in America inundated with people on forums like this. Blacks are told African, the root of black people, never achieved anything of significance, relative to whites. Their root home land is call a Sh1T hole. Black cities in America are described often with the same language. They are told that their culture is inferior. You talk about blacks all the damn time with an inference of black inferiority. You leave out the implicit....."like whites" or "unlike whites" when you all are always talking about black statistics. Blacks having children out of wedlock ("unlike whites"). Blacks not getting an education (unlike whites). Blacks commit violent crimes (unlike whites). Blacks have low test scores (unlike whites). Its a constant drum beat of white superiority that sinks into the minds of blacks who live in a country full of whites who believe whites are naturally superior. Hence, when you think less of yourself you do more reckless and irresponsible things out of poor self worth and esteem. Its not rocket science. That video perfectly reflects what living under the doctrine of white supremacy does to the minds of not only black people....but it makes all people see blacks as inferior...

Blacks at this time ARE inferior. You just don't want anyone to notice it, or say it out loud, as though the problem will go away or won't exist if nobody talks about it any more.

We don't care or mind that people know we have inferior outcomes in many things.......AS LONG AS THEY ARE TOLD WHY!

Lack of education. Can anyone in Africa count past 20, other than the people with extra toes or fingers? :biggrin:

Yours is definitely a demonstration of weak well as poor humor. If you are going to caste others as unintelligent....I would hope you come across at intelligent.
perfect example just seconds ago --HERE on USMB---I read in the Obama Paintings thread
look at what otto wrote --typical racist white hater--he is so obsessed with hating whites he sees racism EVERYWHERE

Because someone sees racism everywhere
OR, the manifestations of different beliefs that blacks hold and act on, might result is worse outcomes for them, with little if any input from whites.

Such as thinking that starting a family without a primary breadwinner is a good idea.

For one example.

Yes, especially when they internalize the beliefs and propaganda of white superiority over them, which is what has happened being in America.

What alleged "propaganda" of white superiority leads to blacks having such a massively high illegitimacy rate and all the negative effects that come with that?

You don't know? Just think of a child raised in America inundated with people on forums like this. Blacks are told African, the root of black people, never achieved anything of significance, relative to whites. Their root home land is call a Sh1T hole. Black cities in America are described often with the same language. They are told that their culture is inferior. You talk about blacks all the damn time with an inference of black inferiority. You leave out the implicit....."like whites" or "unlike whites" when you all are always talking about black statistics. Blacks having children out of wedlock ("unlike whites"). Blacks not getting an education (unlike whites). Blacks commit violent crimes (unlike whites). Blacks have low test scores (unlike whites). Its a constant drum beat of white superiority that sinks into the minds of blacks who live in a country full of whites who believe whites are naturally superior. Hence, when you think less of yourself you do more reckless and irresponsible things out of poor self worth and esteem. Its not rocket science. That video perfectly reflects what living under the doctrine of white supremacy does to the minds of not only black people....but it makes all people see blacks as inferior...

Blacks at this time ARE inferior. You just don't want anyone to notice it, or say it out loud, as though the problem will go away or won't exist if nobody talks about it any more.

I think it makes white trash feel better about themselves to pretend that they're better than black people... or Mexicans... or women...

that's what losers do.

Whoa! Don't go too far there! EVERYONE is better than Mexicans. Even Women. :biggrin:
What alleged "propaganda" of white superiority leads to blacks having such a massively high illegitimacy rate and all the negative effects that come with that?

You don't know? Just think of a child raised in America inundated with people on forums like this. Blacks are told African, the root of black people, never achieved anything of significance, relative to whites. Their root home land is call a Sh1T hole. Black cities in America are described often with the same language. They are told that their culture is inferior. You talk about blacks all the damn time with an inference of black inferiority. You leave out the implicit....."like whites" or "unlike whites" when you all are always talking about black statistics. Blacks having children out of wedlock ("unlike whites"). Blacks not getting an education (unlike whites). Blacks commit violent crimes (unlike whites). Blacks have low test scores (unlike whites). Its a constant drum beat of white superiority that sinks into the minds of blacks who live in a country full of whites who believe whites are naturally superior. Hence, when you think less of yourself you do more reckless and irresponsible things out of poor self worth and esteem. Its not rocket science. That video perfectly reflects what living under the doctrine of white supremacy does to the minds of not only black people....but it makes all people see blacks as inferior...
Blacks at this time ARE inferior. You just don't want anyone to notice it, or say it out loud, as though the problem will go away or won't exist if nobody talks about it any more.

We don't care or mind that people know we have inferior outcomes in many things.......AS LONG AS THEY ARE TOLD WHY!
Lack of education. Can anyone in Africa count past 20, other than the people with extra toes or fingers? :biggrin:

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.
Yes, Africans who can get out of Africa can do very well. I don't feel that blacks, IN GENERAL, are inferior because of race only, it's the lack of education, and Africa and Africans are a very good example of that. The black culture doesn't have a long and successful history with education. That's why their race at this time is inferior to Asians and Whites. The potential is probably there...
You don't know? Just think of a child raised in America inundated with people on forums like this. Blacks are told African, the root of black people, never achieved anything of significance, relative to whites. Their root home land is call a Sh1T hole. Black cities in America are described often with the same language. They are told that their culture is inferior. You talk about blacks all the damn time with an inference of black inferiority. You leave out the implicit....."like whites" or "unlike whites" when you all are always talking about black statistics. Blacks having children out of wedlock ("unlike whites"). Blacks not getting an education (unlike whites). Blacks commit violent crimes (unlike whites). Blacks have low test scores (unlike whites). Its a constant drum beat of white superiority that sinks into the minds of blacks who live in a country full of whites who believe whites are naturally superior. Hence, when you think less of yourself you do more reckless and irresponsible things out of poor self worth and esteem. Its not rocket science. That video perfectly reflects what living under the doctrine of white supremacy does to the minds of not only black people....but it makes all people see blacks as inferior...
Blacks at this time ARE inferior. You just don't want anyone to notice it, or say it out loud, as though the problem will go away or won't exist if nobody talks about it any more.

We don't care or mind that people know we have inferior outcomes in many things.......AS LONG AS THEY ARE TOLD WHY!
Lack of education. Can anyone in Africa count past 20, other than the people with extra toes or fingers? :biggrin:

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.
Yes, Africans who can get out of Africa can do very well. I don't feel that blacks, IN GENERAL, are inferior because of race only, it's the lack of education, and Africa and Africans are a very good example of that. The black culture doesn't have a long and successful history with education. That's why their race at this time is inferior to Asians and Whites. The potential is probably there...

Blacks thank you for not believing they are inferior ONLY Because of their race. Implicit is that you believe that it is PARTLY due to race. Sorry chum, that is still believing that blacks are inferior. That is what makes you RACIST....and it is racism that has created inferior conditions for blacks. You are an oppressor of black people.
Blacks at this time ARE inferior. You just don't want anyone to notice it, or say it out loud, as though the problem will go away or won't exist if nobody talks about it any more.

We don't care or mind that people know we have inferior outcomes in many things.......AS LONG AS THEY ARE TOLD WHY!
Lack of education. Can anyone in Africa count past 20, other than the people with extra toes or fingers? :biggrin:

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.
Yes, Africans who can get out of Africa can do very well. I don't feel that blacks, IN GENERAL, are inferior because of race only, it's the lack of education, and Africa and Africans are a very good example of that. The black culture doesn't have a long and successful history with education. That's why their race at this time is inferior to Asians and Whites. The potential is probably there...

Blacks thank you for not believing they are inferior ONLY Because of their race. Implicit is that you believe that it is PARTLY due to race. Sorry chum, that is still believing that blacks are inferior. That is what makes you RACIST....and it is racism that has created inferior conditions for blacks. You are an oppressor of black people.
Partly due to their race is because Black culture doesn't value education as it should. It has nothing to do with "they are dumber because they have black skin". I believe blacks can raise their game up to the level of whites and asians, no problem, some already have, just to show you that it's possible through education. But hey, if that makes me a racist, I'm so not surprised, blacks don't like to hear the truth that they need to work harder.
We don't care or mind that people know we have inferior outcomes in many things.......AS LONG AS THEY ARE TOLD WHY!
Lack of education. Can anyone in Africa count past 20, other than the people with extra toes or fingers? :biggrin:

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.
Yes, Africans who can get out of Africa can do very well. I don't feel that blacks, IN GENERAL, are inferior because of race only, it's the lack of education, and Africa and Africans are a very good example of that. The black culture doesn't have a long and successful history with education. That's why their race at this time is inferior to Asians and Whites. The potential is probably there...

Blacks thank you for not believing they are inferior ONLY Because of their race. Implicit is that you believe that it is PARTLY due to race. Sorry chum, that is still believing that blacks are inferior. That is what makes you RACIST....and it is racism that has created inferior conditions for blacks. You are an oppressor of black people.
Partly due to their race is because Black culture doesn't value education as it should. It has nothing to do with "they are dumber because they have black skin". I believe blacks can raise their game up to the level of whites and asians, no problem, some already have, just to show you that it's possible through education. But hey, if that makes me a racist, I'm so not surprised, blacks don't like to hear the truth that they need to work harder.

How did "black culture" come about? And why would there be separate cultures in the same nation after 300 years? Is not isolation/segregation an incubator of difference? Kind of like language, dialect or vernacular?

If you have a British accent and move to the US eventually you will lose that accent and your children will likely have the local accent and not British accent. However, if you isolate/segregate all British people into British communities it becomes harder for them to pick up the accent of the community that is attempting to keep them out.

Whites intransigence to integrate with blacks providentially and academically helps to preserve separate culture. That said, you have no interest in reality...
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Lack of education. Can anyone in Africa count past 20, other than the people with extra toes or fingers? :biggrin:

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.
Yes, Africans who can get out of Africa can do very well. I don't feel that blacks, IN GENERAL, are inferior because of race only, it's the lack of education, and Africa and Africans are a very good example of that. The black culture doesn't have a long and successful history with education. That's why their race at this time is inferior to Asians and Whites. The potential is probably there...

Blacks thank you for not believing they are inferior ONLY Because of their race. Implicit is that you believe that it is PARTLY due to race. Sorry chum, that is still believing that blacks are inferior. That is what makes you RACIST....and it is racism that has created inferior conditions for blacks. You are an oppressor of black people.
Partly due to their race is because Black culture doesn't value education as it should. It has nothing to do with "they are dumber because they have black skin". I believe blacks can raise their game up to the level of whites and asians, no problem, some already have, just to show you that it's possible through education. But hey, if that makes me a racist, I'm so not surprised, blacks don't like to hear the truth that they need to work harder.

How did "black culture" come about? And why would there be separate culture in the same nation after 300 years?
There are plenty of different cultures in the US, Italian, Greek, Jewish, ... What are you getting at?

"Black culture" in Africa is what existed in Africa before the Whites showed up, i.e., mud hut, near zero schools, a bunch of hunter gatherer societies... Whites have been trying to help you educate you all ever since. The Black culture in the US also doesn't value education.
Yes, Africans who can get out of Africa can do very well. I don't feel that blacks, IN GENERAL, are inferior because of race only, it's the lack of education, and Africa and Africans are a very good example of that. The black culture doesn't have a long and successful history with education. That's why their race at this time is inferior to Asians and Whites. The potential is probably there...

Blacks thank you for not believing they are inferior ONLY Because of their race. Implicit is that you believe that it is PARTLY due to race. Sorry chum, that is still believing that blacks are inferior. That is what makes you RACIST....and it is racism that has created inferior conditions for blacks. You are an oppressor of black people.
Partly due to their race is because Black culture doesn't value education as it should. It has nothing to do with "they are dumber because they have black skin". I believe blacks can raise their game up to the level of whites and asians, no problem, some already have, just to show you that it's possible through education. But hey, if that makes me a racist, I'm so not surprised, blacks don't like to hear the truth that they need to work harder.

How did "black culture" come about? And why would there be separate culture in the same nation after 300 years?
There are plenty of different cultures in the US, Italian, Greek, Jewish, ... What are you getting at?

"Black culture" in Africa is what existed in Africa before the Whites showed up, i.e., mud hut, near zero schools, a bunch of hunter gatherer societies... Whites have been trying to help you educate you all ever since. The Black culture in the US also doesn't value education.

Well.....your a racist and that is always how a racist will see things. Like I said, racist sh1t on people then say they sh!t on people because the people smell like sh!t.

Here is one thing I am pretty sure of. If you were in a plane crash and were stranded in Africa.... YOU COULD NOT SURVIVE! The only thing you would know how to build is a mud hut...if that. You would be totally dependent upon Africans for your survival because YOU don't know jack sh!t. You are just another poor intellect, poor achieving, poor knowledge white person living vicariously through the accomplishments of other whites.

What have you done to add to white accomplishments lately?
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Yes, Africans who can get out of Africa can do very well. I don't feel that blacks, IN GENERAL, are inferior because of race only, it's the lack of education, and Africa and Africans are a very good example of that. The black culture doesn't have a long and successful history with education. That's why their race at this time is inferior to Asians and Whites. The potential is probably there...

Blacks thank you for not believing they are inferior ONLY Because of their race. Implicit is that you believe that it is PARTLY due to race. Sorry chum, that is still believing that blacks are inferior. That is what makes you RACIST....and it is racism that has created inferior conditions for blacks. You are an oppressor of black people.
Partly due to their race is because Black culture doesn't value education as it should. It has nothing to do with "they are dumber because they have black skin". I believe blacks can raise their game up to the level of whites and asians, no problem, some already have, just to show you that it's possible through education. But hey, if that makes me a racist, I'm so not surprised, blacks don't like to hear the truth that they need to work harder.

How did "black culture" come about? And why would there be separate culture in the same nation after 300 years?
There are plenty of different cultures in the US, Italian, Greek, Jewish, ... What are you getting at?

"Black culture" in Africa is what existed in Africa before the Whites showed up, i.e., mud hut, near zero schools, a bunch of hunter gatherer societies... Whites have been trying to help you educate you all ever since. The Black culture in the US also doesn't value education.

Well.....your a racist and that is always how a racist will see things. Like I said, racist sh1t on people then say they sh!t on people because the people smell like sh!t.

Here is one thing I am pretty sure of. If you were in a plane crash and were stranded in Africa.... YOU COULD NOT SURVIVE! The only thing you would know how to build is a mud hut...if that. You would be totally dependent upon Africans for your survival because YOU don't know jack sh!t. You are just another poor intellect, poor achieving, poor knowledge white person living vicariously through the accomplishments of other whites.

What have you done to add to white accomplishments lately?
Hey, whatever, you want to shoot the messenger and pretend that the message no longer exists, it wouldn't surprise me, that's all most of you ever have, i.e., I'm racist, white ignorant trash and you're right, everything is our fault. Btw, how far has that attitude gotten you up till now? :206:
Blacks thank you for not believing they are inferior ONLY Because of their race. Implicit is that you believe that it is PARTLY due to race. Sorry chum, that is still believing that blacks are inferior. That is what makes you RACIST....and it is racism that has created inferior conditions for blacks. You are an oppressor of black people.
Partly due to their race is because Black culture doesn't value education as it should. It has nothing to do with "they are dumber because they have black skin". I believe blacks can raise their game up to the level of whites and asians, no problem, some already have, just to show you that it's possible through education. But hey, if that makes me a racist, I'm so not surprised, blacks don't like to hear the truth that they need to work harder.

How did "black culture" come about? And why would there be separate culture in the same nation after 300 years?
There are plenty of different cultures in the US, Italian, Greek, Jewish, ... What are you getting at?

"Black culture" in Africa is what existed in Africa before the Whites showed up, i.e., mud hut, near zero schools, a bunch of hunter gatherer societies... Whites have been trying to help you educate you all ever since. The Black culture in the US also doesn't value education.

Well.....your a racist and that is always how a racist will see things. Like I said, racist sh1t on people then say they sh!t on people because the people smell like sh!t.

Here is one thing I am pretty sure of. If you were in a plane crash and were stranded in Africa.... YOU COULD NOT SURVIVE! The only thing you would know how to build is a mud hut...if that. You would be totally dependent upon Africans for your survival because YOU don't know jack sh!t. You are just another poor intellect, poor achieving, poor knowledge white person living vicariously through the accomplishments of other whites.

What have you done to add to white accomplishments lately?
Hey, whatever, you want to shoot the messenger and pretend that the message no longer exists, it wouldn't surprise me, that's all most of you ever have, i.e., I'm racist, white ignorant trash and you're right, everything is our fault. Btw, how far has that attitude gotten you up till now? :206:

The message is loud and clear.....your a racist. Contrary to your reasoning, your message proves my point in regards to the prevalence of racism.....I don't want to shoot you.....but rather put you on display.
Partly due to their race is because Black culture doesn't value education as it should. It has nothing to do with "they are dumber because they have black skin". I believe blacks can raise their game up to the level of whites and asians, no problem, some already have, just to show you that it's possible through education. But hey, if that makes me a racist, I'm so not surprised, blacks don't like to hear the truth that they need to work harder.

How did "black culture" come about? And why would there be separate culture in the same nation after 300 years?
There are plenty of different cultures in the US, Italian, Greek, Jewish, ... What are you getting at?

"Black culture" in Africa is what existed in Africa before the Whites showed up, i.e., mud hut, near zero schools, a bunch of hunter gatherer societies... Whites have been trying to help you educate you all ever since. The Black culture in the US also doesn't value education.

Well.....your a racist and that is always how a racist will see things. Like I said, racist sh1t on people then say they sh!t on people because the people smell like sh!t.

Here is one thing I am pretty sure of. If you were in a plane crash and were stranded in Africa.... YOU COULD NOT SURVIVE! The only thing you would know how to build is a mud hut...if that. You would be totally dependent upon Africans for your survival because YOU don't know jack sh!t. You are just another poor intellect, poor achieving, poor knowledge white person living vicariously through the accomplishments of other whites.

What have you done to add to white accomplishments lately?
Hey, whatever, you want to shoot the messenger and pretend that the message no longer exists, it wouldn't surprise me, that's all most of you ever have, i.e., I'm racist, white ignorant trash and you're right, everything is our fault. Btw, how far has that attitude gotten you up till now? :206:

The message is loud and clear.....your a racist. Contrary to your reasoning, your message proves my point in regards to the prevalence of racism.....I don't want to shoot you.....but rather put you on display.
So me being branded a racist so you can ignore the issues I brought up helps blacks advance how?
How did "black culture" come about? And why would there be separate culture in the same nation after 300 years?
There are plenty of different cultures in the US, Italian, Greek, Jewish, ... What are you getting at?

"Black culture" in Africa is what existed in Africa before the Whites showed up, i.e., mud hut, near zero schools, a bunch of hunter gatherer societies... Whites have been trying to help you educate you all ever since. The Black culture in the US also doesn't value education.

Well.....your a racist and that is always how a racist will see things. Like I said, racist sh1t on people then say they sh!t on people because the people smell like sh!t.

Here is one thing I am pretty sure of. If you were in a plane crash and were stranded in Africa.... YOU COULD NOT SURVIVE! The only thing you would know how to build is a mud hut...if that. You would be totally dependent upon Africans for your survival because YOU don't know jack sh!t. You are just another poor intellect, poor achieving, poor knowledge white person living vicariously through the accomplishments of other whites.

What have you done to add to white accomplishments lately?
Hey, whatever, you want to shoot the messenger and pretend that the message no longer exists, it wouldn't surprise me, that's all most of you ever have, i.e., I'm racist, white ignorant trash and you're right, everything is our fault. Btw, how far has that attitude gotten you up till now? :206:

The message is loud and clear.....your a racist. Contrary to your reasoning, your message proves my point in regards to the prevalence of racism.....I don't want to shoot you.....but rather put you on display.
So me being branded a racist so you can ignore the issues I brought up helps blacks advance how?

I have not ignored the issue. I seek constant self improvement and as a result I am pretty sure I have surpassed you in knowledge and accomplishment, despite you being white. If I was ignoring the would be smarter and more accomplished than me. Its seems to me that its YOU who are ignoring the issue of white superiority......because obviously you did not get the memo that YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT A SUPERIOR RACE AND CULTURE. FAIL! You could not even construct a mud hut without it collapsing on you.

But long as some white person somewhere knows how to build something grand...that makes YOU something and somebody who can criticize others for their lack of building anything grand. Your just a loser.
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There are plenty of different cultures in the US, Italian, Greek, Jewish, ... What are you getting at?

"Black culture" in Africa is what existed in Africa before the Whites showed up, i.e., mud hut, near zero schools, a bunch of hunter gatherer societies... Whites have been trying to help you educate you all ever since. The Black culture in the US also doesn't value education.

Well.....your a racist and that is always how a racist will see things. Like I said, racist sh1t on people then say they sh!t on people because the people smell like sh!t.

Here is one thing I am pretty sure of. If you were in a plane crash and were stranded in Africa.... YOU COULD NOT SURVIVE! The only thing you would know how to build is a mud hut...if that. You would be totally dependent upon Africans for your survival because YOU don't know jack sh!t. You are just another poor intellect, poor achieving, poor knowledge white person living vicariously through the accomplishments of other whites.

What have you done to add to white accomplishments lately?
Hey, whatever, you want to shoot the messenger and pretend that the message no longer exists, it wouldn't surprise me, that's all most of you ever have, i.e., I'm racist, white ignorant trash and you're right, everything is our fault. Btw, how far has that attitude gotten you up till now? :206:

The message is loud and clear.....your a racist. Contrary to your reasoning, your message proves my point in regards to the prevalence of racism.....I don't want to shoot you.....but rather put you on display.
So me being branded a racist so you can ignore the issues I brought up helps blacks advance how?

I have not ignored the issue. I seek constant self improvement and as a result I am pretty sure I have surpassed you in knowledge and accomplishment, despite you being white. If I was ignoring the would be smarter and more accomplished than me. Its seems to me that its YOU who are ignoring the issue of white superiority......because obviously you did not get the memo that YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT A SUPERIOR RACE AND CULTURE. FAIL! You could not even construct a mud hut without it collapsing on you.

But long as some white person somewhere knows how to build something grand...that makes YOU something and somebody who can criticize others for their lack of building anything grand. Your just a loser.
Boy, that sure is a big chip on your shoulder. The facts are that Whites and Asians are at this point in time ahead of Blacks, not individually, but overall, and it's because of education. Blacks could catch up if they wanted to, but Blacks like you are too busy laying blame on others to be able to see what your real challenges are.
Well.....your a racist and that is always how a racist will see things. Like I said, racist sh1t on people then say they sh!t on people because the people smell like sh!t.

Here is one thing I am pretty sure of. If you were in a plane crash and were stranded in Africa.... YOU COULD NOT SURVIVE! The only thing you would know how to build is a mud hut...if that. You would be totally dependent upon Africans for your survival because YOU don't know jack sh!t. You are just another poor intellect, poor achieving, poor knowledge white person living vicariously through the accomplishments of other whites.

What have you done to add to white accomplishments lately?
Hey, whatever, you want to shoot the messenger and pretend that the message no longer exists, it wouldn't surprise me, that's all most of you ever have, i.e., I'm racist, white ignorant trash and you're right, everything is our fault. Btw, how far has that attitude gotten you up till now? :206:

The message is loud and clear.....your a racist. Contrary to your reasoning, your message proves my point in regards to the prevalence of racism.....I don't want to shoot you.....but rather put you on display.
So me being branded a racist so you can ignore the issues I brought up helps blacks advance how?

I have not ignored the issue. I seek constant self improvement and as a result I am pretty sure I have surpassed you in knowledge and accomplishment, despite you being white. If I was ignoring the would be smarter and more accomplished than me. Its seems to me that its YOU who are ignoring the issue of white superiority......because obviously you did not get the memo that YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT A SUPERIOR RACE AND CULTURE. FAIL! You could not even construct a mud hut without it collapsing on you.

But long as some white person somewhere knows how to build something grand...that makes YOU something and somebody who can criticize others for their lack of building anything grand. Your just a loser.
Boy, that sure is a big chip on your shoulder. The facts are that Whites and Asians are at this point in time ahead of Blacks, not individually, but overall, and it's because of education. Blacks could catch up if they wanted to, but Blacks like you are too busy laying blame on others to be able to see what your real challenges are.

But I am pretty sure I am ahead of you in life....notwithstanding my propensity to be busy laying blame. If you had a keen grasp of the obvious (base intellect) you would know that it is the educated and accomplished black people who are the most outspoken.

Here is my point. You have not accomplished anything note worthy or history worthy in your life. Yet, you are on here casting aspersion on a whole race of people.....for not doing what you have not and likely cannot do. You talk about them living in mud huts and not having this or that but if YOU were there you could not do any better than them because you don't know how to do jack sh!t but point to what other people in your race has done. You are a lame and a loser, living through the achievements of others....who have nothing in common with you but color or race.

You are like those dorky sports fans that ask "Did WE win"? "We"? When the hell did you try out and make the team. Ergo, when someone in your race does something great....its "WE" did it. Naw micky aint did JACK SH!T. You have not accomplished jack sh!t and have NO STANDING to criticize others for not doing something that you cannot even do.

Your a loser and a losercrite....
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Hey, whatever, you want to shoot the messenger and pretend that the message no longer exists, it wouldn't surprise me, that's all most of you ever have, i.e., I'm racist, white ignorant trash and you're right, everything is our fault. Btw, how far has that attitude gotten you up till now? :206:

The message is loud and clear.....your a racist. Contrary to your reasoning, your message proves my point in regards to the prevalence of racism.....I don't want to shoot you.....but rather put you on display.
So me being branded a racist so you can ignore the issues I brought up helps blacks advance how?

I have not ignored the issue. I seek constant self improvement and as a result I am pretty sure I have surpassed you in knowledge and accomplishment, despite you being white. If I was ignoring the would be smarter and more accomplished than me. Its seems to me that its YOU who are ignoring the issue of white superiority......because obviously you did not get the memo that YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT A SUPERIOR RACE AND CULTURE. FAIL! You could not even construct a mud hut without it collapsing on you.

But long as some white person somewhere knows how to build something grand...that makes YOU something and somebody who can criticize others for their lack of building anything grand. Your just a loser.
Boy, that sure is a big chip on your shoulder. The facts are that Whites and Asians are at this point in time ahead of Blacks, not individually, but overall, and it's because of education. Blacks could catch up if they wanted to, but Blacks like you are too busy laying blame on others to be able to see what your real challenges are.

But I am pretty sure I am ahead of you in life....notwithstanding my propensity to be busy laying blame. If you had a keen grasp of the obvious (base intellect) you would know that it is the educated and accomplished black people who are the most outspoken.
Like I said, it's not about you and me, it's in general. That there are some successful Blacks, like possibly you, proves that Blacks can do it. Africa can be helped... through education. That's all I was ever saying, that blacks can catch up if they try.
The message is loud and clear.....your a racist. Contrary to your reasoning, your message proves my point in regards to the prevalence of racism.....I don't want to shoot you.....but rather put you on display.
So me being branded a racist so you can ignore the issues I brought up helps blacks advance how?

I have not ignored the issue. I seek constant self improvement and as a result I am pretty sure I have surpassed you in knowledge and accomplishment, despite you being white. If I was ignoring the would be smarter and more accomplished than me. Its seems to me that its YOU who are ignoring the issue of white superiority......because obviously you did not get the memo that YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT A SUPERIOR RACE AND CULTURE. FAIL! You could not even construct a mud hut without it collapsing on you.

But long as some white person somewhere knows how to build something grand...that makes YOU something and somebody who can criticize others for their lack of building anything grand. Your just a loser.
Boy, that sure is a big chip on your shoulder. The facts are that Whites and Asians are at this point in time ahead of Blacks, not individually, but overall, and it's because of education. Blacks could catch up if they wanted to, but Blacks like you are too busy laying blame on others to be able to see what your real challenges are.

But I am pretty sure I am ahead of you in life....notwithstanding my propensity to be busy laying blame. If you had a keen grasp of the obvious (base intellect) you would know that it is the educated and accomplished black people who are the most outspoken.
Like I said, it's not about you and me, it's in general. That there are some successful Blacks, like possibly you, proves that Blacks can do it. Africa can be helped... through education. That's all I was ever saying, that blacks can catch up if they try.

So white folks were blessed with the "trying" gene while blacks were cursed with the "lazy" gene. God is so unfair. Probably because we are Hamitic people cursed because Ham laughed at Noah's nakedness in the bible.
So me being branded a racist so you can ignore the issues I brought up helps blacks advance how?

I have not ignored the issue. I seek constant self improvement and as a result I am pretty sure I have surpassed you in knowledge and accomplishment, despite you being white. If I was ignoring the would be smarter and more accomplished than me. Its seems to me that its YOU who are ignoring the issue of white superiority......because obviously you did not get the memo that YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT A SUPERIOR RACE AND CULTURE. FAIL! You could not even construct a mud hut without it collapsing on you.

But long as some white person somewhere knows how to build something grand...that makes YOU something and somebody who can criticize others for their lack of building anything grand. Your just a loser.
Boy, that sure is a big chip on your shoulder. The facts are that Whites and Asians are at this point in time ahead of Blacks, not individually, but overall, and it's because of education. Blacks could catch up if they wanted to, but Blacks like you are too busy laying blame on others to be able to see what your real challenges are.

But I am pretty sure I am ahead of you in life....notwithstanding my propensity to be busy laying blame. If you had a keen grasp of the obvious (base intellect) you would know that it is the educated and accomplished black people who are the most outspoken.
Like I said, it's not about you and me, it's in general. That there are some successful Blacks, like possibly you, proves that Blacks can do it. Africa can be helped... through education. That's all I was ever saying, that blacks can catch up if they try.

So white folks were blessed with the "trying" gene while blacks were cursed with the "lazy" gene. God is so unfair. Probably because we are Hamitic people cursed because Ham laughed at Noah's nakedness in the bible.
I don't believe in the bible, or god. Or your dumb gene theory. But keep grasping at straws, you'll find some more excuses to avoid the truth.
I have not ignored the issue. I seek constant self improvement and as a result I am pretty sure I have surpassed you in knowledge and accomplishment, despite you being white. If I was ignoring the would be smarter and more accomplished than me. Its seems to me that its YOU who are ignoring the issue of white superiority......because obviously you did not get the memo that YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT A SUPERIOR RACE AND CULTURE. FAIL! You could not even construct a mud hut without it collapsing on you.

But long as some white person somewhere knows how to build something grand...that makes YOU something and somebody who can criticize others for their lack of building anything grand. Your just a loser.
Boy, that sure is a big chip on your shoulder. The facts are that Whites and Asians are at this point in time ahead of Blacks, not individually, but overall, and it's because of education. Blacks could catch up if they wanted to, but Blacks like you are too busy laying blame on others to be able to see what your real challenges are.

But I am pretty sure I am ahead of you in life....notwithstanding my propensity to be busy laying blame. If you had a keen grasp of the obvious (base intellect) you would know that it is the educated and accomplished black people who are the most outspoken.
Like I said, it's not about you and me, it's in general. That there are some successful Blacks, like possibly you, proves that Blacks can do it. Africa can be helped... through education. That's all I was ever saying, that blacks can catch up if they try.

So white folks were blessed with the "trying" gene while blacks were cursed with the "lazy" gene. God is so unfair. Probably because we are Hamitic people cursed because Ham laughed at Noah's nakedness in the bible.
I don't believe in the bible, or god. Or your dumb gene theory. But keep grasping at straws, you'll find some more excuses to avoid the truth.

You stated that blacks could achieve too.....IF THEY TRIED. Implicit in that claim is that blacks are not trying, but why would we not be trying? You don't think blacks want a better life too? Nobody tries like the white man though. That explains why they have so much in this world....and others less. Oh to be white and trying....or is that trifling?

Maybe not believing in God is why YOU are such a loser. The whites who accomplished things were Christians and believed in god. You don't believe in God and have not accomplished sh!t. Seems to me that God = Success. Maybe you should start TRYING to believe in god....and maybe your life will get better and then maybe you would not need to TRY to make your life better by putting down other races to lift up your spirit.
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Boy, that sure is a big chip on your shoulder. The facts are that Whites and Asians are at this point in time ahead of Blacks, not individually, but overall, and it's because of education. Blacks could catch up if they wanted to, but Blacks like you are too busy laying blame on others to be able to see what your real challenges are.

But I am pretty sure I am ahead of you in life....notwithstanding my propensity to be busy laying blame. If you had a keen grasp of the obvious (base intellect) you would know that it is the educated and accomplished black people who are the most outspoken.
Like I said, it's not about you and me, it's in general. That there are some successful Blacks, like possibly you, proves that Blacks can do it. Africa can be helped... through education. That's all I was ever saying, that blacks can catch up if they try.

So white folks were blessed with the "trying" gene while blacks were cursed with the "lazy" gene. God is so unfair. Probably because we are Hamitic people cursed because Ham laughed at Noah's nakedness in the bible.
I don't believe in the bible, or god. Or your dumb gene theory. But keep grasping at straws, you'll find some more excuses to avoid the truth.

You stated that blacks could achieve too.....IF THEY TRIED. Implicit in that claim is that blacks are not trying, but why would we not be trying? You don't think blacks want a better life too? Nobody tries like the white man though. That explains why they have so much in this world....and others less. Oh to be white and trying....or is that trifling?

Maybe not believing in God is why YOU are such a loser. The whites who accomplished things were Christians and believed in god. You don't believe in God and have not accomplished sh!t. Seems to me that God = Success..
BOUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I'm a no god loser. :lmao:

...If they tried by staying in school. And in the case of Africa, building some schools, universities, research centers... You can stop digging now, we both know that I'm right.
But I am pretty sure I am ahead of you in life....notwithstanding my propensity to be busy laying blame. If you had a keen grasp of the obvious (base intellect) you would know that it is the educated and accomplished black people who are the most outspoken.
Like I said, it's not about you and me, it's in general. That there are some successful Blacks, like possibly you, proves that Blacks can do it. Africa can be helped... through education. That's all I was ever saying, that blacks can catch up if they try.

So white folks were blessed with the "trying" gene while blacks were cursed with the "lazy" gene. God is so unfair. Probably because we are Hamitic people cursed because Ham laughed at Noah's nakedness in the bible.
I don't believe in the bible, or god. Or your dumb gene theory. But keep grasping at straws, you'll find some more excuses to avoid the truth.

You stated that blacks could achieve too.....IF THEY TRIED. Implicit in that claim is that blacks are not trying, but why would we not be trying? You don't think blacks want a better life too? Nobody tries like the white man though. That explains why they have so much in this world....and others less. Oh to be white and trying....or is that trifling?

Maybe not believing in God is why YOU are such a loser. The whites who accomplished things were Christians and believed in god. You don't believe in God and have not accomplished sh!t. Seems to me that God = Success..
BOUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I'm a no god loser. :lmao:

...If they tried by staying in school. And in the case of Africa, building some schools, universities, research centers... You can stop digging now, we both know that I'm right.

Man..... you are on to something. I bet they have never thought of that. Why don't you send a letter to the president of Africa, detailing your plan to lift up that country. Your keen intellect and wisdom will be greatly received. I am sure they have never even considered the ideas you are sharing. I mean, I see your point clearly now, because its obvious that Africa NEVER thought of schools and education as a means of improving peoples lives. White superior intellect demonstrates itself again.

That's Gold Jerry....ummm....Tazzy!

You white/Asians have all the answers.
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