Black Thug Attacks Passenger With Sock Filled With Human Feces...

as you bring out unneeded vulgarities. grow up and come back when you have two legs to stand on in this argument.
You better be careful Matthew, once you get interlocked in a "NO, YOURE A RACIST" battle with this guy, it'll never end. Because apparently, like I said earlier, merely pointing out the inability to play any positive role in society is "racist"
You better be careful Matthew, once you get interlocked in a "NO, YOURE A RACIST" battle with this guy, it'll never end. Because apparently, like I said earlier, merely pointing out the inability to play any positive role in society is "racist"

Are you trying to pretend you are anything but a racist, you illogical douchebag? Who the hell do you think you're kidding? Assholes like you play NO positive role in society.
If you do away with "assholes" like me, who is going to pay for the entitled minorities all across America, not to make assumptions, but you sound like you might be one of those entitled minorities yourself.
If you do away with "assholes" like me, who is going to pay for the entitled minorities all across America, not to make assumptions, but you sound like you might be one of those entitled minorities yourself.

You whine like a little bitch when I point out that you are an illogical, racist moron, and then you post stupid shit like this...
I post stats straight from the United states government. You're the moron that lowers yourselve to insults and whining.

You draw racist conclusions because you are too stupid and immoral to do anything else.
Until black men start staying home to raise their children

Won't happen unless the superior races force them to stay put. They evolved to be absent fathers and whores with 5 baby-mommas/daddies. It's called an R-type reproductive strategy and it's standard among African animals. It takes thousands, if not millions, of years for that programming to change. That's why it all fell apart when segregation and Jim Crow ended and they were allowed to act according to their nature.
They expect us not to question the 5 time murder rate per person rate they have.

Who's "us" asshole?

The decent, hard working people of America. The exact antithesis of the group of people you have been defending all night.

So just how resentful of "entitled minorities" do you racist white males have to get before you take up arms to redress your grievances? By killing tiny children? America really REALLY wants to know.

Regards from Rosie
Your ignorance proves why women are highly disregarded in political conversations around the water cooler all across America you dumb broad.
And as long as I can ride by the welfare office in downtown Atlanta and see a 2010 Honda Accord pull up and a young black woman with many kids get out and go collect her check, I will be resentful. I see it all the time.
Generally I like to shy away from generalizations, but this IS the black thug culture in urban America. There are very decent, upstanding black citizens I know who are wealthy, influential, contribute to society and function just like every other person, but it's sad that this potentially great race of people is held down by worthless people who merely waste space on this earth like the people involved in this attack. But 90% of all blacks that I come in contact with are worthless low life pieces of shit that glorify and revel in their entitlement reared lifestyles that consist of theft, violence and many other unspeakable things.

So generally you like to shy away from generalizations yet you made a generalization based off generalized experiences so you therefore like to generalize even though you deny making generalizations.....hmmm

Generally, your right.

You knew that was coming, I know you did.

And I'm sorry for calling you General Lee.

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