Black Thug Attacks Passenger With Sock Filled With Human Feces...


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Black Thug Attacks Passenger With Sock Filled With Human Feces...


CTA Passenger Attacked With Sock Filled With Human Feces

Dec 19, 2012

"It was like the biggest degradation I’ve ever [experienced]. I wish he had just hit me," victim said

A woman riding the Chicago Transit Authority's Blue Line in Oak Park told police she was last week attacked by another passenger wielding a sock filled with human feces.

"He had a sock full of his poop on me," the 21-year-old college student told the Pioneer Press. "It was everywhere; on my face, my hair, my clothes."

The victim, requesting anonymity, said she screamed and tried to follow her attacker, but he escaped up the Austin Boulevard exit and ran northbound on Austin.

The college student, who came to Oak Park six weeks ago to live with a family and provide in-home child care, said she was riding an east-bound train from Oak Park to Chicago when she was attacked.

CTA Passenger Attacked With Sock Filled With Human Feces | NBC Chicago

Wow, :eusa_pray:
Generally I like to shy away from generalizations, but this IS the black thug culture in urban America. There are very decent, upstanding black citizens I know who are wealthy, influential, contribute to society and function just like every other person, but it's sad that this potentially great race of people is held down by worthless people who merely waste space on this earth like the people involved in this attack. But 90% of all blacks that I come in contact with are worthless low life pieces of shit that glorify and revel in their entitlement reared lifestyles that consist of theft, violence and many other unspeakable things.
Chicago and Detroit. Two examples of cities where minorities were given the chance to rule and make their own decisions. look what happened
Generally I like to shy away from generalizations, but this IS the black thug culture in urban America. There are very decent, upstanding black citizens I know who are wealthy, influential, contribute to society and function just like every other person, but it's sad that this potentially great race of people is held down by worthless people who merely waste space on this earth like the people involved in this attack. But 90% of all blacks that I come in contact with are worthless low life pieces of shit that glorify and revel in their entitlement reared lifestyles that consist of theft, violence and many other unspeakable things.

So generally you like to shy away from generalizations yet you made a generalization based off generalized experiences so you therefore like to generalize even though you deny making generalizations.....hmmm
Just saying I like to shy away from generalizations, but after repeated experiences of nothing but animalistic qualities from this particular race, nothing would surprise from them. 90% of them are nothing but a cancer to the citizens of the US of A
Just saying I like to shy away from generalizations, but after repeated experiences of nothing but animalistic qualities from this particular race, nothing would surprise from them. 90% of them are nothing but a cancer to the citizens of the US of A

They want to live within our society but they certainly don't want to be judged. O'noo's, we want a double standard and screw you racist fuckers.
And even the slightest response to their ineptness and inability to function as a productive member of society and IN ROLLS AL SHARPTON AND JESSE JACKSON and their pointless organization they established in order to pilfer the rights of successful whites
Just saying I like to shy away from generalizations, but after repeated experiences of nothing but animalistic qualities from this particular race, nothing would surprise from them. 90% of them are nothing but a cancer to the citizens of the US of A

Racist idiots like you are "a cancer to the citizens of the US of A." Maybe worse.
Just saying I like to shy away from generalizations, but after repeated experiences of nothing but animalistic qualities from this particular race, nothing would surprise from them. 90% of them are nothing but a cancer to the citizens of the US of A

They want to live within our society but they certainly don't want to be judged. O'noo's, we want a double standard and screw you racist fuckers.

Do YOU want to be judged? Is that why you hide from any and all questions?
Racist idiots like me pay into the system every day of our lives so people, specifically minorities, can sit on their asses and reap all the benefits of a working man. So don't tell me I'm a cancer. You belong on the ferry back to Africa with Marcus Garvey dear sir, you serve no purpose in this society with that kind of mentality. All my opinions are based off of personal experiences, not statistics I have seen on right wing news stations, or not from being spoon fed from some line of racist white folk either.

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