Black teen attacks Hispanic community watch volunteer ??


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Now though I have no idea weather Zimmerman was attacked by Martin and Zimmerman was defending himself or if Zimmerman is guilty of murder,but what if Zimmerman is telling the truth !!! Will the left wing media and blacks admit he was defending himself when he shot Martin if the evidence proves he was attacked ?? HELL NO !! Now if Zimmerman is proven guilty of shooting a teenager for no reason other than self defense he should be tried for murder !!! If he is proven to be telling the truth when he states he was attacked will the black community and the left recant their racially charged charges ??Hell no !!They will probably say that Martin attacked him because he was outraged at being profiled !! They will probably say that Martin was justified in attacking him !!! They will have psychologist and black leaders explaining why it is understandable that young black men become enraged when profiled ,and remain silent about the facts that black males have an astronomical propensity towards random acts of violence compared to ALL OTHER RACES !!! they have to beat the drum of division and hatred to galvanize their America hating base to even stand a small chance in the election !! look for more race baiting and charges of racism against the GOP candidate !!!
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