Black religious leaders: No Trump endorsement


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
let's see now, who has he left as supporters?

Several black pastors invited to meet with Donald Trump on Monday have denied reports that they had plans to endorse the presidential candidate at the event.

And Trump's presidential campaign has canceled a press conference with Trump and those religious leaders.

Black religious leaders: No Donald Trump endorsement -

"Trump is an insult and embarrassment. But he represents the country we have become," she said Wednesday on Facebook. "ZERO experience ... Flaunting a ticket of unbridled bigotry, sexism, racism and everything that is wrong with America."

Trump's campaign on Sunday canceled its plans for a press conference, initially billed as one at which Trump would be joined by those religious leaders. Americans have lost out on MILLIONS of jobs that they once held in the construction and service industries....which have been taken by Hispanic illegal immigrants. The very ones Trump wants out. Which would open those jobs back up....and blacks could get them back.

But they don't want jobs. They want handouts. Americans have lost out on MILLIONS of jobs that they once held in the construction and service industries....which have been taken by Hispanic illegal immigrants. The very ones Trump wants out. Which would open those jobs back up....and blacks could get them back.

But they don't want jobs. They want handouts.

Not true. Nothing you just typed is true. Your record is unblemished.
Whats black religion?

good question-----what religion did the concordance of "black religious leaders"
represent? In my town lots of black religious leaders are Imams

You can take the greyhound bus and travel other states. Then you will find out that there are black churches and American blacks. BTW there are also Catholic Churches. Just incase you don't know. Americans have lost out on MILLIONS of jobs that they once held in the construction and service industries....which have been taken by Hispanic illegal immigrants. The very ones Trump wants out. Which would open those jobs back up....and blacks could get them back.

But they don't want jobs. They want handouts.
Yesterday I had the Grey Cup game and the Seattle/Steelers game on switching between the two.
Talk about the CFL being the JV teams.
Almost 100% of the CFL players are failed NFL players. Shorter lighter not the talent level of the average NFL player.
Anyway I see your team won.
You'll be pleased to know your team is also Trump's favorite. Why? Because he can always spot the winner. Americans have lost out on MILLIONS of jobs that they once held in the construction and service industries....which have been taken by Hispanic illegal immigrants. The very ones Trump wants out. Which would open those jobs back up....and blacks could get them back.

But they don't want jobs. They want handouts.

Not true. Nothing you just typed is true. Your record is unblemished.

Not true?


True or false.

Black men used to work a lot of decent paying construction and service industry jobs? True.
Hispanics have flooded through our border the past 20 years and taken up a huge percentage of those part because they work for dirt cheap, off the books labor and no benefits? True.

As a unemployment has risen a lot because a lot of the jobs they once worked....are worked by Hispanics now. True.

Trump wants to deport a lot of these Hispanics....True.
If gone....blacks could get those jobs back I'd they wanted. True.
Blacks don't support Trump. True.

Where am I wrong?
Fact: Donald Trump has done more to advance blacks in his 40+ years in business than Obama/Clinton could ever dream of in their lifetimes, combined. I honestly don't think he's losing any sleep over not getting an endorsement by a bunch of hateful, racist Black Pastors. Seriously.
Fact: Donald Trump has done more to advance blacks in his 40+ years in business than Obama/Clinton could ever dream of in their lifetimes, combined. I honestly don't think he's losing any sleep over not getting an endorsement by a bunch of hateful, racist Black Pastors. Seriously.

Yup. Color me shocked as well!!!!!!!!!!

Blacks vote Dem and always have.
In an op-ed published by EBONY magazine on Friday, Christian activists asked pastors who might back Trump to consider the implications of endorsing a candidate who is considered by many to be an unrepentant racist.

“By siding with a presidential candidate whose rhetoric pathologizes Black people, what message are you sending to the world about the Black lives in and outside of your congregations? Which Black lives do you claim to be liberating,” the leaders wrote.

Trump campaign forced to cancel press conference with black pastors after they shred him in the press
Fact: Donald Trump has done more to advance blacks in his 40+ years in business than Obama/Clinton could ever dream of in their lifetimes, combined. I honestly don't think he's losing any sleep over not getting an endorsement by a bunch of hateful, racist Black Pastors. Seriously.


Tell me, exactly what has Trump done to "advance blacks"?

Be specific.
Fact: Donald Trump has done more to advance blacks in his 40+ years in business than Obama/Clinton could ever dream of in their lifetimes, combined. I honestly don't think he's losing any sleep over not getting an endorsement by a bunch of hateful, racist Black Pastors. Seriously.


Tell me, exactly what has Trump done to "advance blacks"?

Be specific.

Oh, come on. Seriously? The opportunities Trump has given blacks, women and other minorities is well documented in several books regarding his leadership.
On the other hand Is Donald Trump Right? A Look at What Obama Has Done for Black America
Last week, Survey USA released an eye-catching poll showing how Donald Trump would fare in head-to-head matchups against potential Democratic nominees Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Al Gore. The most shocking result was not that he beat all four of the candidates. What made everyone’s jaw hit the floor is that he received more than 20 percent support among African-American voters in every matchup.

Normally, the GOP would be ecstatic about a Republican garnering this much support from the much sought-after African American voter base, but Trump’s success as a divisive, anti-establishment candidate has resulted in most onlookers responding with disbelief and/or alarm.

How does a candidate who holds political rallies in Alabama with supporters screaming “white power” and has been endorsed by the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer receive over 20 percent support of African-American voters in a national poll?

And better yet, why isn’t Ben Carson, the only African-American presidential candidate—who according to a recent Monmouth poll is tied with Trump in Iowa with 23 percent, receiving a similar level of support among African-American voters?

“Donald Trump has a certain swagger about him that I think registers with people. Especially if he is talking about trying to make government work for the people,” said Donald E. Scoggins, a lifelong Republican and president of the Republicans for Black Empowerment. “I think Trump’s support is primarily personality driven.”

Trump has already built name recognition and a culture of personality that other GOP candidates could only dream of establishing. Jeb Bush is the only candidate with a similar level of name recognition, but it is much easier to defend the legitimacy of skyscrapers, casinos, golf courses, and television shows that bear your name than the divergent and varying successes of the policies of the two previous Bush presidencies.

Thus far Trump’s personality, business credentials, and entertainment factor have brought more unanticipated voters into the fold. Who would have ever thought that Diamond and Silk of could potentially vote Republican, or that they would launch a YouTube channel defending Trump and lambasting all those who criticize him, including Fox News and the GOP.

Some people argue that roughly one-third of black Americans self-identify as conservative, yet still they rarely vote Republican. For example, plenty of black churches espouse beliefs that could be categorized as socially conservative, and align more with the Republican agenda, but the vast majority of these congregations vote Democratic.

Donald Trump Has Black Supporters (Really)
Fuck the black religious leadership. Trump has a larger percentage of Blacks backing him than any Republican has ever had.
Trump has a larger percentage of minorities, including Latino's, than Republicans has ever had.

This isn't the first time I posted this. You people need to learn how to read.
Actually Donald the Chump DID meet with black evangelical leaders this afternoon. Matter of fact, even though they had originally said no press would be allowed, when the meeting was over, several of the pastors did come out and answer questions from the press, as did Donald the Chump.

Donald Trump meets with black pastors at 'amazing meeting' | Fox News

Matter of fact, MSNBC even interviewed one of those pastors this afternoon, and he was all in for Donald the Chump.

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