Black Lives Matter threatens to assassinate the police!

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

Fuck this toad. He won't walk his talk. He'll try to get some other stupid assholes to do his bidding.
This is what race hustlers do!

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.

You don't think it is out of possibilities? China is buying a lot up in the US and has bought up most of the corporations. Where do you think most things are made now?
And they did it with our money. Reminds me of an interview with Joseph Stalin, he said something along the lines of When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use. Those who don't know their history are destined to repeat it.

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
And zero consequences. Yet if you ate a donut and took a selfie between the ropes in the Capitol that you were let in by Capitol police, or someone impersonating them . You are public enemy number one . If you are a whistle blower against trump you were treated as royalty . If you were a whistle blower against the mighty DNC you were Seth Riched.

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.

You don't think it is out of possibilities? China is buying a lot up in the US and has bought up most of the corporations. Where do you think most things are made now?
And they did it with our money. Reminds me of an interview with Joseph Stalin, he said something along the lines of When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use. Those who don't know their history are destined to repeat it.

Yes and not to mention they take our tax dollars and send it to other countries. I don't know where I signed up for my tax dollars going to other countries.

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi
we've been over the poor and rich states--the leader of poor AND--AND high priced is California = shithole Dem

What state do you live in?
mental happiness

Afraid to say what state you live in? Does that explain your bigotry and conspiracy theories?
..we've been over that poor states/etc bullshit before

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
And zero consequences. Yet if you ate a donut and took a selfie between the ropes in the Capitol that you were let in by Capitol police, or someone impersonating them . You are public enemy number one . If you are a whistle blower against trump you were treated as royalty . If you were a whistle blower against the mighty DNC you were Seth Riched.

Exactly and hey, they know nothing about the Hunter Biden laptop while the FBI don't seem to know a lot about it either. What phuckin BS. They are really in for it, when the tide changes. The tide goes out but it always comes back in.
If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?

The problem you have is burn loot murder is populated by loudmouth jackasses, and they have lots of idiots that listen to them.
Hmmmm, that sure describes Individual One.

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
We are not a united nation. The concern for different parts of America is gone now. The Deplorables concern is the Red areas. The Chinese will be mostly in the Blue areas. They may want them to keep order.

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
We are not a united nation. The concern for different parts of America is gone now. The Deplorables concern is the Red areas. The Chinese will be mostly in the Blue areas. They may want them to keep order.

Red States are pretty poor.You don't know much about China , but clearly your fantasies are important to you.
The enemy within....BLM and ANTIFA....

They took over the education system a while back, so we have to deal with that also. Going back to Saul Alinsky. China is also using this to their advantage and not to mention the Soros of the world. Many of those people in charge of the corporations were brainwashed with the Saul Alinsky manafesto.

Soros was 9 years old..
Did you know Soros was 9 years old when WW2 began? What is you duty as an American and a patriot?

Yes he was in Nazi Germany, which is why I don't understand why he has become like them. He took that information he learned during Nazi Germany and using it to his own advantage.

My duty is to inform the American Republic. I have already fought the physical war, now the war must be fought with the pen peacefully. I would like to mention these wars we were in were fraudulent wars also!

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