Black Lives Matter threatens to assassinate the police!

The enemy within....BLM and ANTIFA....

They took over the education system a while back, so we have to deal with that also. Going back to Saul Alinsky. China is also using this to their advantage and not to mention the Soros of the world. Many of those people in charge of the corporations were brainwashed with the Saul Alinsky manafesto.

Did you know Soros was 9 years old when WW2 began? What is you duty as an American and a patriot?
Yep he was a 9 year old psychopath who would then go on to aid the nazis in finding other jews to collect "the reward" which was usually 30% plus of the jews property. It was quite lucreative to turn in jews to the nazis and then go collect your reward. No wonder Soros got so rich so fast.
He became rich so fast by currency manipulation.
The enemy within....BLM and ANTIFA....

They took over the education system a while back, so we have to deal with that also. Going back to Saul Alinsky. China is also using this to their advantage and not to mention the Soros of the world. Many of those people in charge of the corporations were brainwashed with the Saul Alinsky manafesto.

Did you know Soros was 9 years old when WW2 began? What is you duty as an American and a patriot?
Yep he was a 9 year old psychopath who would then go on to aid the nazis in finding other jews to collect "the reward" which was usually 30% plus of the jews property. It was quite lucreative to turn in jews to the nazis and then go collect your reward. No wonder Soros got so rich so fast.

The story is quite interesting when you read about him. He is definitely a psychopath
The enemy within....BLM and ANTIFA....

They took over the education system a while back, so we have to deal with that also. Going back to Saul Alinsky. China is also using this to their advantage and not to mention the Soros of the world. Many of those people in charge of the corporations were brainwashed with the Saul Alinsky manafesto.

Did you know Soros was 9 years old when WW2 began? What is you duty as an American and a patriot?
Yep he was a 9 year old psychopath who would then go on to aid the nazis in finding other jews to collect "the reward" which was usually 30% plus of the jews property. It was quite lucreative to turn in jews to the nazis and then go collect your reward. No wonder Soros got so rich so fast.
He became rich so fast by currency manipulation.

No one said he was!
If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?
hahhahahaha - wrong
..blacks commit violent crimes at much higher rates--it is UNDENIABLE blacks have a much bigger problem with crime compared to whites
..the BLM leader ADMITTED it!!!!!!! and don't try to double talk it
BLM LEADERS says they DESERVE to burn and STEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU!! you have been blown away--I provide evidence--you babble crap
BLM wants to KILL white people:
You and the guy in the video are just alike. Fringe maniacs who think they can speak for everyone.
If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?
hahhahahaha - wrong
..blacks commit violent crimes at much higher rates--it is UNDENIABLE blacks have a much bigger problem with crime compared to whites
..the BLM leader ADMITTED it!!!!!!! and don't try to double talk it
BLM LEADERS says they DESERVE to burn and STEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU!! you have been blown away--I provide evidence--you babble crap
BLM wants to KILL white people:
You and the guy in the video are just alike. Fringe maniacs who think they can speak for everyone.

You talk like that because you support the BLM terrorists.
If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?

The problem you have is burn loot murder is populated by loudmouth jackasses, and they have lots of idiots that listen to them.
If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?
hahhahahaha - wrong
..blacks commit violent crimes at much higher rates--it is UNDENIABLE blacks have a much bigger problem with crime compared to whites
..the BLM leader ADMITTED it!!!!!!! and don't try to double talk it
BLM LEADERS says they DESERVE to burn and STEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU!! you have been blown away--I provide evidence--you babble crap
BLM wants to KILL white people:
You and the guy in the video are just alike. Fringe maniacs who think they can speak for everyone.

You talk like that because you support the BLM terrorists.
I talk like that because that fuckwad you are defending is a retarded racist scumbag. Should I use his example to condemn all of you? Should I assume you are all race obsessed psychopaths? Would it be correct to assume none of you can construct a proper sentence or use punctuation?

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.
Anyone who makes such a threat should be arrested. Anyone.
If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?
hahhahahaha - wrong
..blacks commit violent crimes at much higher rates--it is UNDENIABLE blacks have a much bigger problem with crime compared to whites
..the BLM leader ADMITTED it!!!!!!! and don't try to double talk it
BLM LEADERS says they DESERVE to burn and STEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU!! you have been blown away--I provide evidence--you babble crap
BLM wants to KILL white people:
You and the guy in the video are just alike. Fringe maniacs who think they can speak for everyone.

You talk like that because you support the BLM terrorists.
I talk like that because that fuckwad you are defending is a retarded racist scumbag. Should I use his example to condemn all of you? Should I assume you are all race obsessed psychopaths? Would it be correct to assume none of you can construct a proper sentence or use punctuation?

Everyone is a racist except for you. How does that make sense? It seems you are projecting your hate of other people onto others and base it on race. You fall for the MSM paradigm.
I was at a hood Dollar General today and an older black guy said white boy you be in here making black people crazy. I ignored him, that is what civilized people do, use the ignore button. Pretty rare for hoodies to give me lip.
I was at a hood Dollar General today and an older black guy said white boy you be in here making black people crazy. I ignored him, that is what civilized people do, use the ignore button. Pretty rare for hoodies to give me lip.
Probably buying the last of the pork rinds eh? Yet, the BLM terroristic threatening would of been dealt with if it was for realz..
Where is the FBI going after these people making open threats of violence? I guarantee if a mob of white people where calling for physical violence towards members of congress the FBI would round them up with charges.
IMO? This one instance in the OP is giving a black eye to an otherwise upstanding social progress organization. . . . :auiqs.jpg:

After Chauvin Verdict, BLM Volunteers To Rebuild Minneapolis, Return All Looted Items

"We did what we came to do," said one BLM organizer. "Now we have achieved perfect justice and our work here is completed. We are looking forward to being a part of reconciliation and healing moving forward."

For the next several years, organizers will be donating their time to repair broken windows, restore torched cars, and return costly loot back to their rightful owners.

"It's the least we can do," said another organizer. "We are so thankful for the American justice system that gave the defendant due process and rightfully convicted him as guilty. What a great country we live in!"
The enemy within....BLM and ANTIFA....

They took over the education system a while back, so we have to deal with that also. Going back to Saul Alinsky. China is also using this to their advantage and not to mention the Soros of the world. Many of those people in charge of the corporations were brainwashed with the Saul Alinsky manafesto.

That's not what hppened at all. Why do you lie so much..Is your life so miserable?

Did you know Soros was 9 years old when WW2 began? What is you duty as an American and a patriot?
Yep he was a 9 year old psychopath who would then go on to aid the nazis in finding other jews to collect "the reward" which was usually 30% plus of the jews property. It was quite lucreative to turn in jews to the nazis and then go collect your reward. No wonder Soros got so rich so fast.
The enemy within....BLM and ANTIFA....

They took over the education system a while back, so we have to deal with that also. Going back to Saul Alinsky. China is also using this to their advantage and not to mention the Soros of the world. Many of those people in charge of the corporations were brainwashed with the Saul Alinsky manafesto.

That's not what hppened at all. Why do you lie so much..Is your life so miserable?

Did you know Soros was 9 years old when WW2 began? What is you duty as an American and a patriot?
Yep he was a 9 year old psychopath who would then go on to aid the nazis in finding other jews to collect "the reward" which was usually 30% plus of the jews property. It was quite lucreative to turn in jews to the nazis and then go collect your reward. No wonder Soros got so rich so fast.

You didn't say!
Where is the FBI going after these people making open threats of violence? I guarantee if a mob of white people where calling for physical violence towards members of congress the FBI would round them up with charges.

Yep, and half the people didn't even do that who the FBI is going after on when the capitol was so called stormed. When we come to find out that was a false flag also. Pretty easy to see the FBI isn't protecting the people.
If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?
hahhahahaha - wrong
..blacks commit violent crimes at much higher rates--it is UNDENIABLE blacks have a much bigger problem with crime compared to whites
..the BLM leader ADMITTED it!!!!!!! and don't try to double talk it
BLM LEADERS says they DESERVE to burn and STEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU!! you have been blown away--I provide evidence--you babble crap
BLM wants to KILL white people:
You and the guy in the video are just alike. Fringe maniacs who think they can speak for everyone.

You talk like that because you support the BLM terrorists.
I talk like that because that fuckwad you are defending is a retarded racist scumbag. Should I use his example to condemn all of you? Should I assume you are all race obsessed psychopaths? Would it be correct to assume none of you can construct a proper sentence or use punctuation?

Everyone is a racist except for you. How does that make sense? It seems you are projecting your hate of other people onto others and base it on race. You fall for the MSM paradigm.
That's not it at all but just because you think it's justified I am going to assume you are exactly like the scumbag you decided to defend. If you are not prepared to criticize the fringe assholes in your midst you are no better then they are. I have no problem saying the jackass in video should never be allowed near a bullhorn ever again. No skin off my nose. On the other hand I see a major reluctance on the right to criticize the fringe. Are you scared of them or something?

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.
If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?
hahhahahaha - wrong
..blacks commit violent crimes at much higher rates--it is UNDENIABLE blacks have a much bigger problem with crime compared to whites
..the BLM leader ADMITTED it!!!!!!! and don't try to double talk it
BLM LEADERS says they DESERVE to burn and STEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU!! you have been blown away--I provide evidence--you babble crap
BLM wants to KILL white people:
You and the guy in the video are just alike. Fringe maniacs who think they can speak for everyone.

You talk like that because you support the BLM terrorists.
I talk like that because that fuckwad you are defending is a retarded racist scumbag. Should I use his example to condemn all of you? Should I assume you are all race obsessed psychopaths? Would it be correct to assume none of you can construct a proper sentence or use punctuation?

Everyone is a racist except for you. How does that make sense? It seems you are projecting your hate of other people onto others and base it on race. You fall for the MSM paradigm.
That's not it at all but just because you think it's justified I am going to assume you are exactly like the scumbag you decided to defend. If you are not prepared to criticize the fringe assholes in your midst you are no better then they are. I have no problem saying the jackass in video should never be allowed near a bullhorn ever again. No skin off my nose. On the other hand I see a major reluctance on the right to criticize the fringe. Are you scared of them or something?

All and well, Can you show proof the one you talk about is a racist? If you can, then I will take your word for it. You know as well as I do all these WOKE people do anymore is say everything is racist. Even cow's milk. I do not make this shit!

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