Black Lives Matter threatens to assassinate the police!

If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?
hahhahahaha - wrong
..blacks commit violent crimes at much higher rates--it is UNDENIABLE blacks have a much bigger problem with crime compared to whites
..the BLM leader ADMITTED it!!!!!!! and don't try to double talk it
BLM LEADERS says they DESERVE to burn and STEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU!! you have been blown away--I provide evidence--you babble crap
BLM wants to KILL white people:
You and the guy in the video are just alike. Fringe maniacs who think they can speak for everyone.
it's right THERE--UNDENIABLE--I blew your shit away!!!
yes--yes, we know = stating facts/providing evidence-links is maniacal to you people HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
..I provide provide babble crap

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.

You don't think it is out of possibilities? China is buying a lot up in the US and has bought up most of the corporations. Where do you think most things are made now?
If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?
hahhahahaha - wrong
..blacks commit violent crimes at much higher rates--it is UNDENIABLE blacks have a much bigger problem with crime compared to whites
..the BLM leader ADMITTED it!!!!!!! and don't try to double talk it
BLM LEADERS says they DESERVE to burn and STEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU!! you have been blown away--I provide evidence--you babble crap
BLM wants to KILL white people:
You and the guy in the video are just alike. Fringe maniacs who think they can speak for everyone.

You talk like that because you support the BLM terrorists.
I talk like that because that fuckwad you are defending is a retarded racist scumbag. Should I use his example to condemn all of you? Should I assume you are all race obsessed psychopaths? Would it be correct to assume none of you can construct a proper sentence or use punctuation?

Everyone is a racist except for you. How does that make sense? It seems you are projecting your hate of other people onto others and base it on race. You fall for the MSM paradigm.
That's not it at all but just because you think it's justified I am going to assume you are exactly like the scumbag you decided to defend. If you are not prepared to criticize the fringe assholes in your midst you are no better then they are. I have no problem saying the jackass in video should never be allowed near a bullhorn ever again. No skin off my nose. On the other hand I see a major reluctance on the right to criticize the fringe. Are you scared of them or something?

All and well, Can you show proof the one you talk about is a racist? If you can, then I will take your word for it. You know as well as I do all these WOKE people do anymore is say everything is racist. Even cow's milk. I do not make this shit!
You've obviously never paid attention to anything he's said. That's ok though. He loves to speak for you and every other white person.

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

How much of the US as China bought?

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.

You don't think it is out of possibilities? China is buying a lot up in the US and has bought up most of the corporations. Where do you think most things are made now?
If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?
hahhahahaha - wrong
..blacks commit violent crimes at much higher rates--it is UNDENIABLE blacks have a much bigger problem with crime compared to whites
..the BLM leader ADMITTED it!!!!!!! and don't try to double talk it
BLM LEADERS says they DESERVE to burn and STEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU!! you have been blown away--I provide evidence--you babble crap
BLM wants to KILL white people:
You and the guy in the video are just alike. Fringe maniacs who think they can speak for everyone.
it's right THERE--UNDENIABLE--I blew your shit away!!!
yes--yes, we know = stating facts/providing evidence-links is maniacal to you people HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
..I provide provide babble crap
Trying to have an intelligent conversation with a liberal is like trying to communicate with a three year old about public policy.
If one guy talking shit is enough condemn an entire movement then it's also OK to condemn all cops as murderers. You want to play that game? You want to be as stupid as this loudmouth jackass?
hahhahahaha - wrong
..blacks commit violent crimes at much higher rates--it is UNDENIABLE blacks have a much bigger problem with crime compared to whites
..the BLM leader ADMITTED it!!!!!!! and don't try to double talk it
BLM LEADERS says they DESERVE to burn and STEAL!!!!!!!!!!!
STFU!! you have been blown away--I provide evidence--you babble crap
BLM wants to KILL white people:
You and the guy in the video are just alike. Fringe maniacs who think they can speak for everyone.

You talk like that because you support the BLM terrorists.
I talk like that because that fuckwad you are defending is a retarded racist scumbag. Should I use his example to condemn all of you? Should I assume you are all race obsessed psychopaths? Would it be correct to assume none of you can construct a proper sentence or use punctuation?

Everyone is a racist except for you. How does that make sense? It seems you are projecting your hate of other people onto others and base it on race. You fall for the MSM paradigm.
That's not it at all but just because you think it's justified I am going to assume you are exactly like the scumbag you decided to defend. If you are not prepared to criticize the fringe assholes in your midst you are no better then they are. I have no problem saying the jackass in video should never be allowed near a bullhorn ever again. No skin off my nose. On the other hand I see a major reluctance on the right to criticize the fringe. Are you scared of them or something?

All and well, Can you show proof the one you talk about is a racist? If you can, then I will take your word for it. You know as well as I do all these WOKE people do anymore is say everything is racist. Even cow's milk. I do not make this shit!
You've obviously never paid attention to anything he's said. That's ok though. He loves to speak for you and every other white person.

I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Most people know that racism isn't a problem in this world unless you live in China. But, you have not shown any proof that he is racist, so we are just going by hearsay then.

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi
we've been over the poor and rich states--the leader of poor AND--AND high priced is California = shithole Dem

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi
yes--you are a bigot and racist
go states

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi
we've been over the poor and rich states--the leader of poor AND--AND high priced is California = shithole Dem

What state do you live in?

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi
we've been over the poor and rich states--the leader of poor AND--AND high priced is California = shithole Dem

What state do you live in?
mental happiness

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi
we've been over the poor and rich states--the leader of poor AND--AND high priced is California = shithole Dem

What state do you live in?
I'm not telling you--you're a racist and probably a homo serial killer

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi
we've been over the poor and rich states--the leader of poor AND--AND high priced is California = shithole Dem

The Dems ruined CA, no doubt. It is a shame for sure, now they want to inflict their CA on the whole country. Instead of the Midas touch they have the death/poor touch. :D

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi
we've been over the poor and rich states--the leader of poor AND--AND high priced is California = shithole Dem

The Dems ruined CA, no doubt. It is a shame for sure, now they want to inflict their CA on the whole country. Instead of the Midas touch they have the death/poor touch. :D

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi
we've been over the poor and rich states--the leader of poor AND--AND high priced is California = shithole Dem

What state do you live in?
mental happiness

Afraid to say what state you live in? Does that explain your bigotry and conspiracy theories?

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi
we've been over the poor and rich states--the leader of poor AND--AND high priced is California = shithole Dem

The Dems ruined CA, no doubt. It is a shame for sure, now they want to inflict their CA on the whole country. Instead of the Midas touch they have the death/poor touch. :D

Not to mention Washington and they are killing Oregon right now. Everywhere they go just chaos, destruction, homelessness and death.

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.
One day, Chinese soldiers will be quartered in parts of America. They won't take any shit.

You're a loon.
you're a racist

Nope.. If you threaten to assassinate police I don't really care what color you are.

How about all those poor red states?

10. North Carolina
9. Alabama
8. Kentucky
7. South Carolina
6. Montana
5. Louisiana
4. West Virginia
3. Tennessee
2. Arkansas
1. Mississippi
we've been over the poor and rich states--the leader of poor AND--AND high priced is California = shithole Dem

What state do you live in?
mental happiness

Afraid to say what state you live in? Does that explain your bigotry and conspiracy theories?

You sound like a stalker when you ask where they live. Just saying.

Oh boy they gettting mad now? TAlk about out of line for a justified shooting.

They should be arrested. It seems to be the in thing these days to have no self control, be rude, make threats, lie, slander, promote conspiracy theories.

Chris Wrays To Do List:
  1. Pretend to look for who Killed Jeff Epstein
  2. What's the deal with Hunter's laptop?
  3. Kiddies Birthday Party

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