Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur

Yelling at fast food workers is not right. It shows poor morals, but that is not even close to an excuse to punch a man. The guy was nearly 80 yrs old! How in god’s name did a corrupt DA determine he didn’t intend to seriously hurt him. Just bumping that man could cause serious harm.

Also watch YouTube clips… the worst And violent Karens to fast food workers are usually black women!
The black guy intended to cause serious harm or he would have just slapped him.
Look at some of the YouTube clips of outbreaks at the airport. Almost all out-of-control black girls in their 20s. They’re actually more vicious than the guys.
Back in the day whenever certain black schools would visit for high school basketball tournaments a favorite trick of the black girls was to stab white girls in the butt with long sharp hatpins. Several would surround the white girl and jostle her around while one would stick her.
I do not support the death penalty. I do not believe anyone has the right to take the life of another outside of direct self defense which is why I support the prison sentence here.

And I'm not asking anyone to forgive what he did.
Do you not realize that if he does not spend the rest of his life locked up or executed, he has been forgiven? That BS is on the head of all you Lilly livered socialist liberals.
Back in the day whenever certain black schools would visit for high school basketball tournaments a favorite trick of the black girls was to stab white girls in the butt with long sharp hatpins. Several would surround the white girl and jostle her around while one would stick her.
That’s horrible.
Actually, he should be invited to have a seat in the electric chair.

Murdering a seasoned citizen in cold blood for no reason in unforgivable.
I would not go that far because he probably did not intend to kill the old white guy

but he can still be sued in civil court and should be

Supposedly a 77 yr old white man called him a racial slur. Supposedly! There is no proof of it. Regardless if he did, words do not allow you to attack someone, unless they are viewed as threats of immediate violence. Then he punches a 77 year old man and kills him. He punched him as hard as he could breaking him jaw and sending him falling to the ground where he hit his head and died! 2nd degree murder for sure.

Yet, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter, which got plea down to house arrest. HOUSE ARREST!!! They say he didn’t mean to kill an elderly man he punch in the face as hard as he could!!! You have to be kidding me!

This is ridiculous. They sentence a cop to 1st degree murder for holding down a black criminal who is ODing on fentanyl and resisting arrests. But a black kid who kills a white man is given house arrest. This country is going to hell!
"cook was a registered sex offender"

Using physical violence against someone is always worse than an asshole.

If that n word had better control of his emotions then he wouldn't have become so enraged at a single word he would t have felt the need to attack someone because a few sylabls worth of air vibration entered his ear and triggered his barbarian brain.

But then again those people aren't exactly known for being cool and calm and reasonable.

So the lesson here is, if you're black and someone simply says a racist word you can attack and kill them and only get a slap on the wrist as punishment.

I hope someone bigger and stronger than him punches him and kills him. Soon.

In cases like this I always ask where the family is. If I were younger and this guy killed my grandfather, he would mysteriously disappear one night after serving his two year house arrest. Nobody would ever see him again.
Using physical violence against someone is always worse than an asshole.

If that n word had better control of his emotions then he wouldn't have become so enraged at a single word he would t have felt the need to attack someone because a few sylabls worth of air vibration entered his ear and triggered his barbarian brain.

But then again those people aren't exactly known for being cool and calm and reasonable.

So the lesson here is, if you're black and someone simply says a racist word you can attack and kill them and only get a slap on the wrist as punishment.

I hope someone bigger and stronger than him punches him and kills him. Soon.
I’ve been called a K to my face, and didn’t hit anyone or break any property. I told the person I never wanted to hear from her again and stormed out of the restaurant. (I stopped up front to settle my bill.)
How do we know what the old guy said? The killer said so?

This is now a precedent. Disliking what someone said is now justification for murder.

It really doesn't matter what he said, he attacked an old man period. Sticks and stones as far as I'm concerned.
I would not go that far because he probably did not intend to kill the old white guy

but he can still be sued in civil court and should be
He can still go to prison too. Manslaughter in Florida carries a maximum sentence of 15 years, and a judge is REQUIRED to give the killer 9.5 years minimum, unless (insert legal mumbo jumbo here),

This black kid should be sent to prison for at least 9.5 years. Yet he gets house arrest for killing someone, and white protestors on the 6th are getting 60 years?

Okay, dude, stop trolling.

Black guy who killed white guy avoids jail because the white guy had called him a racial slur​

Your topic title is a troll, your article says the guy went to jail for Manslaughter.

Your post is a troll, you say lefties are okay with murder if someone is called a racial slur.

Like just shut the hell up.

An autopsy found that the fall resulted in a skull fracture and brain contusions, WTVT reported. The death was ruled a homicide, and Pujols was arrested on the manslaughter charge.

Who said anything about jail? The murderer didn't go to jail, he went home.
We are fast becoming a society with two sets of laws: leniency for blacks, and throw the book at whites.

the biggest domestic terrorist attack of 2021 was a black guy who sought a white community to kill as many whites as possible. He ran over 50 of them killing six including an 8 year old white child. The media buried that story in less than a a week, and nobody knows what ever happened to that guy. Why? Because he was black.

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