Black Dysfunction: does it matter whether Culture or Genetics is to blame?


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Blacks are on the bottom of the scale of just about every social trait. does it matter what the reason is? can black culture be changed (for the better) without someone imposing it on them? the last five decades don't inspire much hope for the future.

and why do we think culture is independent of genetics? culture takes its cue from the natural tendencies of the group and the demands of the environment. is it really a surprise to anyone that whites are more successful in white culture than blacks?

blacks did not have the environmental pressures in africa to select for far horizon planning and strong family groups like caucasians did. why then should we expect them to behave like whites? on the other hand, if blacks do not have the same skills that are valued in white society, why do they think they should be as successful as whites?
Blacks are on the bottom of the scale of just about every social trait. does it matter what the reason is? can black culture be changed (for the better) without someone imposing it on them? the last five decades don't inspire much hope for the future.

and why do we think culture is independent of genetics? culture takes its cue from the natural tendencies of the group and the demands of the environment. is it really a surprise to anyone that whites are more successful in white culture than blacks?

blacks did not have the environmental pressures in africa to select for far horizon planning and strong family groups like caucasians did. why then should we expect them to behave like whites? on the other hand, if blacks do not have the same skills that are valued in white society, why do they think they should be as successful as whites?


Honestly at this point I blame it on liberal policy.

Affirmative action does nothing but tell blacks "here you aren't smart enough to make it without special privileges." If you tell someone they are dumb for long enough they will believe it themselves.

Then we have people like Ravi , who find nothing wrong with black rage towards police if in their minds they had a good reason. How about telling blacks that NO REASON is good enough to attack a LEO? That's certainly the lesson my parents taught me and that I've taught my children.

just as two examples.
Blacks are on the bottom of the scale of just about every social trait. does it matter what the reason is? can black culture be changed (for the better) without someone imposing it on them? the last five decades don't inspire much hope for the future.

and why do we think culture is independent of genetics? culture takes its cue from the natural tendencies of the group and the demands of the environment. is it really a surprise to anyone that whites are more successful in white culture than blacks?

blacks did not have the environmental pressures in africa to select for far horizon planning and strong family groups like caucasians did. why then should we expect them to behave like whites? on the other hand, if blacks do not have the same skills that are valued in white society, why do they think they should be as successful as whites?



whoever put that turtle on a stick is an asshole
Blacks are on the bottom of the scale of just about every social trait. does it matter what the reason is? can black culture be changed (for the better) without someone imposing it on them? the last five decades don't inspire much hope for the future.

and why do we think culture is independent of genetics? culture takes its cue from the natural tendencies of the group and the demands of the environment. is it really a surprise to anyone that whites are more successful in white culture than blacks?

blacks did not have the environmental pressures in africa to select for far horizon planning and strong family groups like caucasians did. why then should we expect them to behave like whites? on the other hand, if blacks do not have the same skills that are valued in white society, why do they think they should be as successful as whites?

I tend to agree with ConHog, and add the cultural chages from the '60's.

"One study that ran more than two decades found that nearly 90% of the change in violent crime rates can be attributed to the change in percentages of out-of-wedlock births. Conversely, divorce rates had no relationship with crime.

In The Atlantic Monthly, Barbara Dafoe Whitehead noted that the "relationship [between single-parent families and crime] is so strong that controlling for family configuration erases the relationship between race and crime and between low income and crime. This conclusion shows up time and again in the literature. The nation's mayors, as well as police officers, social workers, probation officers, and court officials, consistently point to family break up as the most important source of rising rates of crime."
Eric Holder's Chickens Come Home to Roost

(emphasis mine)
Blacks are on the bottom of the scale of just about every social trait. does it matter what the reason is? can black culture be changed (for the better) without someone imposing it on them? the last five decades don't inspire much hope for the future.

and why do we think culture is independent of genetics? culture takes its cue from the natural tendencies of the group and the demands of the environment. is it really a surprise to anyone that whites are more successful in white culture than blacks?

blacks did not have the environmental pressures in africa to select for far horizon planning and strong family groups like caucasians did. why then should we expect them to behave like whites? on the other hand, if blacks do not have the same skills that are valued in white society, why do they think they should be as successful as whites?



whoever put that turtle on a stick is an asshole

Just found the pic on the net, it just represents what you said and what I think of certain posts :lol:

Blacks are on the bottom of the scale of just about every social trait. does it matter what the reason is? can black culture be changed (for the better) without someone imposing it on them? the last five decades don't inspire much hope for the future.

and why do we think culture is independent of genetics? culture takes its cue from the natural tendencies of the group and the demands of the environment. is it really a surprise to anyone that whites are more successful in white culture than blacks?

blacks did not have the environmental pressures in africa to select for far horizon planning and strong family groups like caucasians did. why then should we expect them to behave like whites? on the other hand, if blacks do not have the same skills that are valued in white society, why do they think they should be as successful as whites?

I tend to agree with ConHog, and add the cultural chages from the '60's.

"One study that ran more than two decades found that nearly 90% of the change in violent crime rates can be attributed to the change in percentages of out-of-wedlock births. Conversely, divorce rates had no relationship with crime.

In The Atlantic Monthly, Barbara Dafoe Whitehead noted that the "relationship [between single-parent families and crime] is so strong that controlling for family configuration erases the relationship between race and crime and between low income and crime. This conclusion shows up time and again in the literature. The nation's mayors, as well as police officers, social workers, probation officers, and court officials, consistently point to family break up as the most important source of rising rates of crime."
Eric Holder's Chickens Come Home to Roost

(emphasis mine)

Love ya, PC, but I think it's genetics, not "culture".

Where do you think the single-parent phenomenon comes from?

Liberal culture is just a tiny part of it. The larger part of it is evolution. Blacks evolved with a reproduction strategy that focuses on high birth rates rather than high levels of parental investment. I.E., they're more like the turtles on the beach than the elephants. See J. Philippe Rushton's book, Race, Evolution and Behavior.

To respond to Ravi: Yes, blacks are stupid. That's the cold hard truth. To quote Michael Levin, if you believe otherwise, "what makes you think so?"
Blacks are on the bottom of the scale of just about every social trait. does it matter what the reason is? can black culture be changed (for the better) without someone imposing it on them? the last five decades don't inspire much hope for the future.

and why do we think culture is independent of genetics? culture takes its cue from the natural tendencies of the group and the demands of the environment. is it really a surprise to anyone that whites are more successful in white culture than blacks?

blacks did not have the environmental pressures in africa to select for far horizon planning and strong family groups like caucasians did. why then should we expect them to behave like whites? on the other hand, if blacks do not have the same skills that are valued in white society, why do they think they should be as successful as whites?



what a great comment. a picture is worth a thousand words and all that.

turtles evolved to be successful in many places but on top of fence posts is not one of them. blacks in western society aren't exactly as bad off as that turtle but they aren't in their 'element' either.

the picture also points out the nastiness and unfairness of judging something by only pointing out its exaggerated weaknesses. I often wrestle with pros and cons of saying anything about blacks because it usually means that I will be picking on their mental +/or moral weaknesses. and that goes against the general principle of cheering for the underdog. unfortunately our society keeps saying things like, "turtles would be just as good at climbing fence posts if only we made the posts lower and wetter", ignoring the purpose of fence posts and the physical attributes of the turtle. and of course the turtles keep chanting that the fence posts are racist.
Blacks are on the bottom of the scale of just about every social trait. does it matter what the reason is? can black culture be changed (for the better) without someone imposing it on them? the last five decades don't inspire much hope for the future.

and why do we think culture is independent of genetics? culture takes its cue from the natural tendencies of the group and the demands of the environment. is it really a surprise to anyone that whites are more successful in white culture than blacks?

blacks did not have the environmental pressures in africa to select for far horizon planning and strong family groups like caucasians did. why then should we expect them to behave like whites? on the other hand, if blacks do not have the same skills that are valued in white society, why do they think they should be as successful as whites?



what a great comment. a picture is worth a thousand words and all that.

turtles evolved to be successful in many places but on top of fence posts is not one of them. blacks in western society aren't exactly as bad off as that turtle but they aren't in their 'element' either.

the picture also points out the nastiness and unfairness of judging something by only pointing out its exaggerated weaknesses. I often wrestle with pros and cons of saying anything about blacks because it usually means that I will be picking on their mental +/or moral weaknesses. and that goes against the general principle of cheering for the underdog. unfortunately our society keeps saying things like, "turtles would be just as good at climbing fence posts if only we made the posts lower and wetter", ignoring the purpose of fence posts and the physical attributes of the turtle. and of course the turtles keep chanting that the fence posts are racist.
Is that what that that pic was supposed to mean?
Blacks are on the bottom of the scale of just about every social trait. does it matter what the reason is? can black culture be changed (for the better) without someone imposing it on them? the last five decades don't inspire much hope for the future.

and why do we think culture is independent of genetics? culture takes its cue from the natural tendencies of the group and the demands of the environment. is it really a surprise to anyone that whites are more successful in white culture than blacks?

blacks did not have the environmental pressures in africa to select for far horizon planning and strong family groups like caucasians did. why then should we expect them to behave like whites? on the other hand, if blacks do not have the same skills that are valued in white society, why do they think they should be as successful as whites?



what a great comment. a picture is worth a thousand words and all that.

turtles evolved to be successful in many places but on top of fence posts is not one of them. blacks in western society aren't exactly as bad off as that turtle but they aren't in their 'element' either.

the picture also points out the nastiness and unfairness of judging something by only pointing out its exaggerated weaknesses. I often wrestle with pros and cons of saying anything about blacks because it usually means that I will be picking on their mental +/or moral weaknesses. and that goes against the general principle of cheering for the underdog. unfortunately our society keeps saying things like, "turtles would be just as good at climbing fence posts if only we made the posts lower and wetter", ignoring the purpose of fence posts and the physical attributes of the turtle. and of course the turtles keep chanting that the fence posts are racist.

Being in ones element, an interesting hypothesis, what do you say about all the other people in America that are not in Native Element?

The "Post Turtle" may not be fair, but it is what it is. Is it fair to judge Blacks by the Color of their Skin?

Just saying.........


what a great comment. a picture is worth a thousand words and all that.

turtles evolved to be successful in many places but on top of fence posts is not one of them. blacks in western society aren't exactly as bad off as that turtle but they aren't in their 'element' either.

the picture also points out the nastiness and unfairness of judging something by only pointing out its exaggerated weaknesses. I often wrestle with pros and cons of saying anything about blacks because it usually means that I will be picking on their mental +/or moral weaknesses. and that goes against the general principle of cheering for the underdog. unfortunately our society keeps saying things like, "turtles would be just as good at climbing fence posts if only we made the posts lower and wetter", ignoring the purpose of fence posts and the physical attributes of the turtle. and of course the turtles keep chanting that the fence posts are racist.

Being in ones element, an interesting hypothesis, what do you say about all the other people in America that are not in Native Element?

The "Post Turtle" may not be fair, but it is what it is. Is it fair to judge Blacks by the Color of their Skin?

Just saying.........


The same white liberals whining in this thread that blacks are out of their element are the FIRST to jump on any comment about blacks being poor performers or not caring about school, etc etc. Hypocrisy anyone?

The blacks in this country have not lived in Africa in hundreds of years. They have no clue what goes on in Africa or its culture.

Isn't it funny how before the 60'sw blacks were one of the hardest working groups in America. With strong family bonds and long family trees. After the Liberals got done with them the vast majority are unable to maintain a family, unable to work, unable to compete, unable to excel in school.

I wonder if there is a correlation? After 50 years of putting them on welfare and telling them they could not compete, guess what? The liberals destroyed a functioning minority into a basket case.

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