

Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Remember in 2008 how Bipartisan the Democrats were? How Bipartisan Obama was in 2009?

Now do a history review and you will discover that the only time Democrats talk about BEING bipartisan and how it is best for the Country is when they are NOT in power. Invariably what they really mean is acquiesce to our demands and our policies rather then doing what you as the majority intended to do.

It is like how after 1994 when the Republicans took over the House and 1996 when they took over the Senate, suddenly all the liberal press shows were interviewing RANKING members when before when the Democrats controlled everything those shows interviewed the Committee Chairmen.

Get it straight people..... All Obama and the Democrats want when they talk of Bipartisan is for the Republicans to roll over and enact Democratic plans. And in the past the Republicans have foolishly done so. The Republican party needs to wake the hell up and actually lead rather then apologize to the Democrats for being in power. There are enough moderate and right of center Democratic Senators that the Republicans can do as they need in regards new bills.

And my personal opinion is that if Obama Vetos shit, shut down Congress. If he won't sign bills tack the material on to a bill he wants. And do not allow it to be stripped. We are in a hole and we can not get out if Obama starts vetoing everything. Time to stand up and be counted.
The Republicans are a minority with no power to pass legislation. If they want to get things done they will have to work with the other side. That is the way the math works out
Trying to bully when you are a minority will yield gridlock
They need to work like they did in December and give a little to get a little. That is the way government works
The Republican Party hasn't had a 60 seat supermajority in the Senate since before the Depression.
They would do well not to overplay their contempt for bi-partisanship.
The Republicans are a minority with no power to pass legislation. If they want to get things done they will have to work with the other side. That is the way the math works out
Trying to bully when you are a minority will yield gridlock
They need to work like they did in December and give a little to get a little. That is the way government works

.....unreal. :rolleyes:.
The Republicans are a minority with no power to pass legislation. If they want to get things done they will have to work with the other side. That is the way the math works out
Trying to bully when you are a minority will yield gridlock
They need to work like they did in December and give a little to get a little. That is the way government works

.....unreal. :rolleyes:.

I can understand how the concept of political compromise would be "unreal" to the Party of No

do you right wing assholes have ANY memory of how the R majority treated teh dem minority just a few short years ago?

No wonder you asswinks HATE history and try to rewrite it a every turn.
It seems to me that the only party that ever talks about wanting bi-partisanship is the party that is out of power regardless of which party that is.

The Republicans are a minority with no power to pass legislation. If they want to get things done they will have to work with the other side. That is the way the math works out
Trying to bully when you are a minority will yield gridlock
They need to work like they did in December and give a little to get a little. That is the way government works

gridlock is good. With gridlock you won't get 2000 page bills that no one knows what's in em.
So what will the tune from the right be if, in 2012, the GOP wins the presidency and gets 50 something Senators,

and then the Democratic minority sets another record for filibusters?

It seems to me that the only party that ever talks about wanting bi-partisanship is the party that is out of power regardless of which party that is.


It would seem it should be that way

But the Republicans are still the minority party and scoff at bipartisanship
It seems to me that the only party that ever talks about wanting bi-partisanship is the party that is out of power regardless of which party that is.


Did you read what I posted?

Reid did NOT treat the R minority like the Dem minority was treated by the Rs.

The dem minority did NOT act like the R minority even thought the past R minority treated them like utter trash.

The Rs repayed them by TRASHING anything and everything the dem majority tried to do.

Even shit the Rs themself wrote and sponsered.
It seems to me that the only party that ever talks about wanting bi-partisanship is the party that is out of power regardless of which party that is.


Did you read what I posted?

Reid did NOT treat the R minority like the Dem minority was treated by the Rs.

The dem minority did NOT act like the R minority even thought the past R minority treated them like utter trash.

The Rs repayed them by TRASHING anything and everything the dem majority tried to do.

Even shit the Rs themself wrote and sponsered.

I do my best to avoid reading your posts since truth doesn't matter to you.

Remember in 2008 how Bipartisan the Democrats were? How Bipartisan Obama was in 2009?

Now do a history review and you will discover that the only time Democrats talk about BEING bipartisan and how it is best for the Country is when they are NOT in power. Invariably what they really mean is acquiesce to our demands and our policies rather then doing what you as the majority intended to do.

It is like how after 1994 when the Republicans took over the House and 1996 when they took over the Senate, suddenly all the liberal press shows were interviewing RANKING members when before when the Democrats controlled everything those shows interviewed the Committee Chairmen.

Get it straight people..... All Obama and the Democrats want when they talk of Bipartisan is for the Republicans to roll over and enact Democratic plans. And in the past the Republicans have foolishly done so. The Republican party needs to wake the hell up and actually lead rather then apologize to the Democrats for being in power. There are enough moderate and right of center Democratic Senators that the Republicans can do as they need in regards new bills.

And my personal opinion is that if Obama Vetos shit, shut down Congress. If he won't sign bills tack the material on to a bill he wants. And do not allow it to be stripped. We are in a hole and we can not get out if Obama starts vetoing everything. Time to stand up and be counted.

And this is diefferent from Republicans in what way?
The only time I recall the republicans talking of bipartisanship from 2000-2006 was on the massive spending bills ;)
The Rs were horrible to the dem minority.

They then Fcuked the entire country by being complete obstructionists.

They want their way and nothing else.

They dont truely believe in democracy
The Republicans are a minority with no power to pass legislation. If they want to get things done they will have to work with the other side. That is the way the math works out
Trying to bully when you are a minority will yield gridlock
They need to work like they did in December and give a little to get a little. That is the way government works

gridlock is good. With gridlock you won't get 2000 page bills that no one knows what's in em.

Well that's an out of touch statement! I guess you want the GOP to have a rough time in 2012!
In a recent poll, Congress got a 13% approval rating and since the last decade Congress's approval ratings have been going down due to GRIDLOCK! Poll after poll show that people want things done and DON'T want gridlock. The people who want gridlock are those who put their ideology over what's best for the country. That applies to the Dems who seem to forget that they have a history of using gridlock. This also applies to the GOP wants to use gridlock to accomplish their Number One goal, make Obama a one-term president.

Gridlock: Good thing Bad thing-ABC NEWS/YAHOO! NEWS POLL:

All 31% Good 56% Bad

Republicans 43% Good 42% Bad

Independents 28% Good 57% Bad

Democrats 22% Good 67% Bad

(Among registered voters) Ask America 5.pdf

That's not what Americans want. By 77 percent to 22 percent, registered voters want Republicans to work with Obama to get things done rather than stand firm to the point of gridlock.
Election's big result: Expect more Washington gridlock | McClatchy

So here's our country still fighting the effects of the biggest financial meltdown since 1929 and all some far right wingnuuts want to do is,,,,nothing but gridlock. Another example of ideology over country.
Well as the polling numbers show, if gridlock is all that happens, the GOP's attempt to grow their power will fail.

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