Bin Laden Captured ?


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
I hate to start a conspiracy theory thread, but the more I think about, the more I wonder if we captured Bin Laden and faked his death.

Anyone else think it's at least possible?
I hate to start a conspiracy theory thread, but the more I think about, the more I wonder if we captured Bin Laden and faked his death.

Anyone else think it's at least possible?

I think it may be possible. It's just too convenient that they rushed his body to the Vinson, just to pitch him overboard. And won't show pictures or video of the burial at sea.

If they were worried about following burial customs, there were thousands of square miles of barren land they could have stuffed him into.

I think he was captured, and they will squeeze all the info they can out of him before killing him quietly.

And before the inevitable cries of "his wives say he's dead", consider that they are in the hands of the Pakistanis, who will go along with the story to protect the fact that they were actively hiding UBL.
I hate to start a conspiracy theory thread, but the more I think about, the more I wonder if we captured Bin Laden and faked his death.

Anyone else think it's at least possible?

No, the evidence was even shown to right wing politicians. You know if they could bring Obama down over something like this, no matter what it meant to national security, they wouldn't hesitate. Right wingers hate him that much.
The whole thing stinks.

However, it doesn't do any good to dwell on if it's real or not.

The truth will eventually come out.

I think Obama wasn't in on it like he claims. Instead the Sec of Defense and others ran the operation around him and only let him know it was going down after it had started. It pretty much explains why Obama is getting rid of him and replacing him with John Pedesta. But who really knows.

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