Bill Maher's Islamophobic Career-Ender

Who cares how Israel runs its own country, its THEIR country. Its something that Muslims are unable to grasp. You keep saying they run around with uzis as an "occupying force". Its THEIR country. Palestinians lost it. Why the Israels even keep them in their country is beyond me, other than no other Muslim nation will take them in. Whatever the Israelis give to Palestinians, its never good enough. They want more, and feel justified in taking back the whole country and using any means necessary to do so- i.e. terrorism. And you wonder why the Israelis have to watch with closely, with Uzis no less.

If you and every other Muslim feel that the land belongs to Palestinians then pick up a fucking gun, buy some tanks, and take it back - but no, you'd rather whine like a bunch of pussies and intentionally blow up women and children like cowards.

I'm not Palestinian or Lebanese and neither of my parents comes from a country that has ever been attacked by Israel or the US, so I don't get what all this "you" stuff is about. I'm an outside observer to the conflict just like you, and while I may support one side over the other I'm not declaring "solidarity" with anyone, no different than me having an opinion on the Georgia-Russia war. Also like I said earlier I'm not a believing Muslim or anything else and I never said the land "belongs to the Palestinians"--and even if I did it's hardly a requirement for me to donate my body to the cause. So you're all over the place and I don't even know where to start.

Either way, the Palestinians are hardly unique in not giving up their land claims after decades of war and defeat. Taiwan still claims sovereignty over not just the island but all of mainland China, should they just put up and shut up because Mao's forces won? I don't think so, certainly not for their own island. So if you want to know what I want Israel to do, it's to stop thinking they can get rid of millions of Palestinians nearby. While they perhaps could have been ethnically cleansed out back in the 1960s and the world wouldn't take notice, it's a billion times less practical to pull off today and less so with each passing year. Until Israel sees the Palestinians in the West Bank as people who are not going anywhere instead of pest that needs to be exterminated (however subtly and indirectly for the time being) there will not be peace. You can't expect people to just sit still after 50 years of bloody military occupation expecting to patiently sit through another 50 years.
You are a disgraceful idiot

You are a hateful bigot.

No, he speak the truth. Sorry, but the truth isn't PC. Life and truth rarely if ever are. Break down what that poster says and ask yourself, although offensive to some who follow the great Buddah Rodney King's philosophy of "Can't we all just get along", this is just not the way of the world.

The truth will set you free... but first it will piss you off.

And believe it or not, Bill Maher is entitled to this opinion too along with all the other offensive opinions he holds.
You are a disgraceful idiot

You are a hateful bigot.

No, he speak the truth. Sorry, but the truth isn't PC. Life and truth rarely if ever are. Break down what that poster says and ask yourself, although offensive to some who follow the great Buddah Rodney King's philosophy of "Can't we all just get along", this is just not the way of the world.

The truth will set you free... but first it will piss you off.

And believe it or not, Bill Maher is entitled to this opinion too along with all the other offensive opinions he holds.

I am in no position to silence Bill Maher and if I were, I am unsure what I would do. He gets to speak and so do I -- in condemnation of his words.

As for Mr.Fitnah, drop him anywhere on Planet Earth, in any era, and he'd find a hapless minority to be hating on. That's his *need*, and the fact that American Muslims are his target is almost irrelevant. If he were older, it would have been black Americans. Or Japanese Americans. Or Native Americans.

Doesn't matter, as long as he can feed the big hate hole in his gut.
I believe Muslims are intolerant. How far does our tolerance go in tolerating such intolerant bastards?

Some people are intolerant. No doubt some Muslims are, many are not. Just like any other group of people.

For instance, Maddie is intolerant of anyone who disagrees with her 'huggy feely' attitude towards Muslims. She screams like a banshee about 'bigots' who are not bigots. She has the intellectual capacity of a grapefruit.
You are a hateful bigot.

No, he speak the truth. Sorry, but the truth isn't PC. Life and truth rarely if ever are. Break down what that poster says and ask yourself, although offensive to some who follow the great Buddah Rodney King's philosophy of "Can't we all just get along", this is just not the way of the world.

The truth will set you free... but first it will piss you off.

And believe it or not, Bill Maher is entitled to this opinion too along with all the other offensive opinions he holds.

I am in no position to silence Bill Maher and if I were, I am unsure what I would do. He gets to speak and so do I -- in condemnation of his words.

As for Mr.Fitnah, drop him anywhere on Planet Earth, in any era, and he'd find a hapless minority to be hating on. That's his *need*, and the fact that American Muslims are his target is almost irrelevant. If he were older, it would have been black Americans. Or Japanese Americans. Or Native Americans.

Doesn't matter, as long as he can feed the big hate hole in his gut.
I agree that you did well to show your sentiment towards Bill Maher. It is the danger of having an opinion. There are consequences.

As for Fitnah, naw. I don't think so. We'll have to disagree.
I believe Muslims are intolerant. How far does our tolerance go in tolerating such intolerant bastards?

Some people are intolerant. No doubt some Muslims are, many are not. Just like any other group of people.

For instance, Maddie is intolerant of anyone who disagrees with her 'huggy feely' attitude towards Muslims. She screams like a banshee about 'bigots' who are not bigots. She has the intellectual capacity of a grapefruit.

If anyone wants to see the strength and worth of your intellectual prowess all they would need is hot sauce, a burrito buffet, and an open toilet.

You practice bigotry every time you say the mosque should not be built in NY. You knew it was bigotry because you tried to hide behind the touchy feely "9/11 families don't want it." When I proved that was an inaccurate claim you then slithered out from behind them and cooed your bigotry on a soft pillow.

Are you so arrogant as to believe you are fooling anyone by putting your bigotry in linquistic lingerie? It's mental masturbation because to honest people your bigotry shines like the sun in a thimble.
Perhaps it is bigotry to say that a mosque shouldn't be built at ground zero. Would it be bigotry to want a church built next to that sacred stone in Mecca, and to then have that request refused?

Are all those church burnings in Iraq not out of bigotry?

Sorry if I don't share your rosey views. :cuckoo: modo didn't like how I slammed callygirl but has no rebuttle so the move was to use the rep button to whine. Dumbass
Perhaps it is bigotry to say that a mosque shouldn't be built at ground zero. Would it be bigotry to want a church built next to that sacred stone in Mecca, and to then have that request refused?

Are all those church burnings in Iraq not out of bigotry?

Sorry if I don't share your rosey views. :cuckoo:

Universal First Rule when engaging bigots. Educate them on basic facts.

There is no mosque being built at GZ. Even if there were, any opposition based on celebrating 9/11 would be bigotry.

For iraq church you think it is at all possibly related to how we have been killing iraqis for over twenty consecutive years? Or do you think bullets from American guns qualify as free healthcare?
Perhaps it is bigotry to say that a mosque shouldn't be built at ground zero. Would it be bigotry to want a church built next to that sacred stone in Mecca, and to then have that request refused?

Are all those church burnings in Iraq not out of bigotry?

Sorry if I don't share your rosey views. :cuckoo:

Universal First Rule when engaging bigots. Educate them on basic facts.

There is no mosque being built at GZ. Even if there were, any opposition based on celebrating 9/11 would be bigotry.

For iraq church you think it is at all possibly related to how we have been killing iraqis for over twenty consecutive years? Or do you think bullets from American guns qualify as free healthcare?

Strawman argument.

The Christians that are having their churches burned are native Iraqis who have had established communities since before American was even a twinkle in its daddy's eyes.

What do those churches and those Christians have to do with what America has done? Saying that Muslims are justified in those actions is like saying "you hit me, so I'm going to kill your distant cousin."

You irrational fool.:cuckoo:
Perhaps it is bigotry to say that a mosque shouldn't be built at ground zero. Would it be bigotry to want a church built next to that sacred stone in Mecca, and to then have that request refused?

Are all those church burnings in Iraq not out of bigotry?

Sorry if I don't share your rosey views. :cuckoo:

Universal First Rule when engaging bigots. Educate them on basic facts.

There is no mosque being built at GZ. Even if there were, any opposition based on celebrating 9/11 would be bigotry.

For iraq church you think it is at all possibly related to how we have been killing iraqis for over twenty consecutive years? Or do you think bullets from American guns qualify as free healthcare?

Strawman argument.

The Christians that are having their churches burned are native Iraqis who have had established communities since before American was even a twinkle in its daddy's eyes.

What do those churches and those Christians have to do with what America has done? Saying that Muslims are justified in those actions is like saying "you hit me, so I'm going to kill your distant cousin."

You irrational fool.:cuckoo:

Time for the UFR of engaging bigots...again.

The country of Iraq was created by Britain in 1920. How does 1920 pre-date the creation of the US?

You respond to my point about the US killing iraqis for over 20 years as a strawman? You clearly don't know what a strawman fallacy is. Learn it dumbfuck.
For iraq church you think it is at all possibly related to how we have been killing iraqis for over twenty consecutive years? Or do you think bullets from American guns qualify as free healthcare?

Try not to remind them that Saddam, for all his faults, kept the Christians there protected, was brutal against Islamist uprisings, and made his VP a Christian as an extra "fuck you" to theocrats. You would think that for all their post-9/11 "we can't afford to be choosy" cynicism (which only seems to apply to torture, warrantless spying, right to a Constitutional trial, and wars of aggression) the neocons would have struck at least a limited alliance with with Ba'ath forces in Iraq and Syria. Surely, cooperating for a brief time with dictators is less of a departure from our norm than, say, the Patriot Act or other actions we justified by the sheer urgency of 9/11. But logic has no place in a room full of emotionally overcharged nutjobs pumped up by countless hours absorbing the radio shrieks of an insecure middle aged fruitcake desperately trying to fill 3 hours a day worth of programming with with anything someone else might want to hear. Since it's way too expensive to actually write enough material to fill 15 hours a week they industry long ago figured that off-the-top angry tough-talk is the cheapest way to produce something listenable in such large volumes day after day.

As I'm sure you already know the neocons' real target is not radical Islam in general but enemies of Israel. Because from Israel's point of view, secular Arab nationalists like Saddam are just as hostile as Islamists, if not more so, whereas from our POV we have no bone to pick with the nationalists, and it's been that way since Eisenhower tried to keep and propitiate Nasser when the UK, France, and Israel worked to get him overthrown. That's why we treat Syria as a quasi-enemy despite them never targeting us in propaganda or action, while Chechen Islamists are not a concern because Israel isn't on their radar. It's one thing to treat Hamas and similar groups as outlaw terrorist groups, but it's entirely another to act as if they're *our* enemies, that it's our priority to go out and look for them. But this is what you have to tell Americans if you want them to continue forking over $3 billion a year and complete diplomatic cover in the UN without a second thought.
Universal First Rule when engaging bigots. Educate them on basic facts.

There is no mosque being built at GZ. Even if there were, any opposition based on celebrating 9/11 would be bigotry.

For iraq church you think it is at all possibly related to how we have been killing iraqis for over twenty consecutive years? Or do you think bullets from American guns qualify as free healthcare?

Strawman argument.

The Christians that are having their churches burned are native Iraqis who have had established communities since before American was even a twinkle in its daddy's eyes.

What do those churches and those Christians have to do with what America has done? Saying that Muslims are justified in those actions is like saying "you hit me, so I'm going to kill your distant cousin."

You irrational fool.:cuckoo:

Time for the UFR of engaging bigots...again.

The country of Iraq was created by Britain in 1920. How does 1920 pre-date the creation of the US?

You respond to my point about the US killing iraqis for over 20 years as a strawman? You clearly don't know what a strawman fallacy is. Learn it dumbfuck.

Dumbass, the community of people living in the area predates the creation of the modern state of Iraq. Are you really this stupid? Or do you believe history in that area began when those maps were drawn up?:lol:
Strawman argument.

The Christians that are having their churches burned are native Iraqis who have had established communities since before American was even a twinkle in its daddy's eyes.

What do those churches and those Christians have to do with what America has done? Saying that Muslims are justified in those actions is like saying "you hit me, so I'm going to kill your distant cousin."

You irrational fool.:cuckoo:

Time for the UFR of engaging bigots...again.

The country of Iraq was created by Britain in 1920. How does 1920 pre-date the creation of the US?

You respond to my point about the US killing iraqis for over 20 years as a strawman? You clearly don't know what a strawman fallacy is. Learn it dumbfuck.

Dumbass, the community of people living in the area predates the creation of the modern state of Iraq. Are you really this stupid? Or do you believe history in that area began when those maps were drawn up?:lol:

It was you who said native iraqis so don't throw a hissy because you don't like getting called out. What was your toddler strong whiny point? Churches being burned? Gee. Do you think there is any connection between that and the US sending soldiers to iraq to die to set up an Islamic Theocracy? Tell ya what o'wise one of the Middle East. Why don't you cite (with links) how many Christian churches in Iraq were burned between 1980 and 2002? Surely you don't need google. The way you've been ranting we all know you have these facts readily available. Or is it possible you're just another ignorant bigot that cited church burnings because in your sewer compost head it sounded cool?

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