Bill Maher Explains Why Liberals Are Idiots for Siding With Hamas


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
November 04, 2023 7:05 AM

Jews are not hated because of anything they do wrong, but because of everything they are and do right. They tend to be intelligent, successful, and prosperous.

The extreme right hates Jews because it is the Ashkenazim, rather than white Gentiles of European descent who are the Master Race.

(I am a white Gentile of European descent, by the way.)

The extreme left hates Jews because the Jews represent Western civilization at its best. The extreme left ignores the facts that Palestinians kill homosexuals and practice honor killing, even against Palestinian teenager girls and women who are raped.
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Jews are not hated because of anything they do wrong, but because of everything they are and do right. They tend to be intelligent, successful, and prosperous.

No, they are hated because they stole someone else's land and are running an apartheid state.

The extreme right hates Jews because it is the Ashkenazim, rather than white Gentiles of European descent who are the Master Race.

(I am a white Gentile of European descent, by the way.)

Actually, it's unlikely they'll still be around in 100 years as a distinct racial group. A lot of Jews I know marry goyim women and don't practice their religion anymore.

The extreme left hates Jews because the Jews represent Western civilization at its best. The extreme left ignores the facts that Palestinians kill homosexuals and practice honor killing, even against Palestinian teenager girls and women who are raped.

No, we don't ignore it. We have no desire to live under it. What you don't get, Cockroach, is that we arrogantly go around the world thinking our way is the best way. That our values are wonderful and everyone should share them.

Now, here's the thing. Hamas does represent a strain of fundamentalist Islam that has erupted as a result of Western incursions into the Middle East. It would be nice if that were not the case, but let's not let the Zionists gaslight us into thinking that Hamas is Al Qaeda, because they aren't. They are a nationalist movement. The problem is, we often force nationalist movements into molds to fit our narratives. We painted the Japanese of WWII as Fascists when they were, in fact, a parliamentary democracy. We painted Ho Chi Mihn as a Communist when he was more of a Nationalist. And we paint Palestinians as Islamists when in fact, Israel refused for years to deal honestly with the secular Fatah movement.
No, they are hated because they stole someone else's land and are running an apartheid state.
The Jews did not steal the land of Israel. It was stolen from them. Now that Jews have it back they are doing far more with it than the Palestinians ever did.

The end of apartheid has not been a grand success.


The Truth About Race and Intelligence​

by Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, October 13, 2023

Rhodesia was wealthy when whites were in charge.


Ever since blacks took over and renamed it Zimbabwe, it’s gone downhill.


Whites made South Africa the richest country on the continent.


Now that blacks run it, they can’t keep the power on.


Railroads are so badly managed that people steal the rails — and look what happens.


All this is consistent with tested IQs in Africa of about 71.
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The Jews did not steal the land of Israel. It was stolen from them. Now that Jews have it back they are doing far more with it than the Palestinians ever did.

You can keep telling yourself that, but the Palestinians won't be gaslighted.

So here's a better question. If the Jews are as awesome as you say they are, then why insist on living right next to people who want to murder them? Let's leave aside if the Palestinians have a valid complaint or not. I wouldn't want to live next to people who hated me. I'm not going to move to Salt Lake City and be surrounded by Mormons. You aren't going to move to the West Side and be surrounded by blacks. Why in hell would the Jews want to live next to 100 million Arabs who want them dead? It sounds stupid to me.
You can keep telling yourself that, but the Palestinians won't be gaslighted.

So here's a better question. If the Jews are as awesome as you say they are, then why insist on living right next to people who want to murder them? Let's leave aside if the Palestinians have a valid complaint or not. I wouldn't want to live next to people who hated me. I'm not going to move to Salt Lake City and be surrounded by Mormons. You aren't going to move to the West Side and be surrounded by blacks. Why in hell would the Jews want to live next to 100 million Arabs who want them dead? It sounds stupid to me.
The Israelis are looking for opportunities to extend their boarders against people they have defeated in the past, and know they will defeat in the future.


Every time the Israelis extend their borders they advance the progress of civilization.


Race displacement has happened throughout history and pre history. It advances human evolution.
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You can keep telling yourself that, but the Palestinians won't be gaslighted.

So here's a better question. If the Jews are as awesome as you say they are, then why insist on living right next to people who want to murder them? Let's leave aside if the Palestinians have a valid complaint or not. I wouldn't want to live next to people who hated me. I'm not going to move to Salt Lake City and be surrounded by Mormons. You aren't going to move to the West Side and be surrounded by blacks. Why in hell would the Jews want to live next to 100 million Arabs who want them dead? It sounds stupid to me.

So here's a better question. If the Jews are as awesome as you say they are, then why insist on living right next to people who want to murder them?

You're right, the Palestinians should more to Syria...maybe Saudia Arabia?
No, they are hated because they stole someone else's land and are running an apartheid state.

Actually, it's unlikely they'll still be around in 100 years as a distinct racial group. A lot of Jews I know marry goyim women and don't practice their religion anymore.

No, we don't ignore it. We have no desire to live under it. What you don't get, Cockroach, is that we arrogantly go around the world thinking our way is the best way. That our values are wonderful and everyone should share them.

Now, here's the thing. Hamas does represent a strain of fundamentalist Islam that has erupted as a result of Western incursions into the Middle East. It would be nice if that were not the case, but let's not let the Zionists gaslight us into thinking that Hamas is Al Qaeda, because they aren't. They are a nationalist movement. The problem is, we often force nationalist movements into molds to fit our narratives. We painted the Japanese of WWII as Fascists when they were, in fact, a parliamentary democracy. We painted Ho Chi Mihn as a Communist when he was more of a Nationalist. And we paint Palestinians as Islamists when in fact, Israel refused for years to deal honestly with the secular Fatah movement.
You’ve never even been to Israel. You’re just a moron who reads hate websites.
The Israelis are looking for opportunities to extend their boarders against people they have defeated in the past, and know they will defeat in the future.

And they will inevitably fail, just like they did 2600 years ago and 1900 years ago, and the Crusader states failed 1000 years ago.

The problem is, that Zionism isn't sustainable. Most of the world's Jews don't live in Israel and have no desire to. The Palestinian population is growing; theirs is shrinking as they are having fewer kids (as most first-world people are), and more people seek to immigrate.

And maintaining a colonial, apartheid state isn't going to play well on the world stage. Israel has already used up much of the Good Will after 10-9 by their retaliation in Gaza.
JoeB131 hates Jews. I suspect a Jew beat him up in high school and locked him in a locker.

Naw, here was the beauty of going to Catholic School in the 1970s... No Jews. No Protestants. No Mormons... No Muslims. Just Catholics, which means I still had to put up with religious stupidity, but it was OUR religious stupidity.

You’ve never even been to Israel. You’re just a moron who reads hate websites.

I noticed you couldn't address my point. Let's try again.

So here's a better question. If the Jews are as awesome as you say they are, then why insist on living right next to people who want to murder them? Let's leave aside if the Palestinians have a valid complaint or not. I wouldn't want to live next to people who hated me. I'm not going to move to Salt Lake City and be surrounded by Mormons. You aren't going to move to the West Side and be surrounded by blacks. Why in hell would the Jews want to live next to 100 million Arabs who want them dead? It sounds stupid to me.

I'm sure you can't answer this question.
And they will inevitably fail, just like they did 2600 years ago and 1900 years ago, and the Crusader states failed 1000 years ago.

The problem is, that Zionism isn't sustainable. Most of the world's Jews don't live in Israel and have no desire to. The Palestinian population is growing; theirs is shrinking as they are having fewer kids (as most first-world people are), and more people seek to immigrate.

And maintaining a colonial, apartheid state isn't going to play well on the world stage. Israel has already used up much of the Good Will after 10-9 by their retaliation in Gaza.
Name a nation that’s ever returned.
Israel is the only.
Israel returned three times.

Your infatuation with a tiny strip of sand speaks to your racism.
Naw, here was the beauty of going to Catholic School in the 1970s... No Jews. No Protestants. No Mormons... No Muslims. Just Catholics, which means I still had to put up with religious stupidity, but it was OUR religious stupidity.

I noticed you couldn't address my point. Let's try again.

I'm sure you can't answer this question.
People like you who live racist lies should seek forgiveness.
November 04, 2023 7:05 AM

Jews are not hated because of anything they do wrong, but because of everything they are and do right. They tend to be intelligent, successful, and prosperous.

The extreme right hates Jews because it is the Ashkenazim, rather than white Gentiles of European descent who are the Master Race.

(I am a white Gentile of European descent, by the way.)

The extreme left hates Jews because the Jews represent Western civilization at its best. The extreme left ignores the facts that Palestinians kill homosexuals and practice honor killing, even against Palestinian teenager girls and women who are raped.

It's complicated.

November 04, 2023 7:05 AM

Jews are not hated because of anything they do wrong, but because of everything they are and do right. They tend to be intelligent, successful, and prosperous.

The extreme right hates Jews because it is the Ashkenazim, rather than white Gentiles of European descent who are the Master Race.

(I am a white Gentile of European descent, by the way.)

The extreme left hates Jews because the Jews represent Western civilization at its best. The extreme left ignores the facts that Palestinians kill homosexuals and practice honor killing, even against Palestinian teenager girls and women who are raped.

Jews have tendency to rub people the wrong way.

But then so do Muslims in general.

The problem is Palestinians are simply nothing but trouble for everyone.

You can keep telling yourself that, but the Palestinians won't be gaslighted.

So here's a better question. If the Jews are as awesome as you say they are, then why insist on living right next to people who want to murder them? Let's leave aside if the Palestinians have a valid complaint or not. I wouldn't want to live next to people who hated me. I'm not going to move to Salt Lake City and be surrounded by Mormons. You aren't going to move to the West Side and be surrounded by blacks. Why in hell would the Jews want to live next to 100 million Arabs who want them dead? It sounds stupid to me.
Israel belongs to the Jews, period. Stop with the lies.
Name a nation that’s ever returned.
Israel is the only.
Israel returned three times.

Um, not really.

First, the story in Exodus is a myth. There's no evidence that Israelites ever lived in Egypt.
Second, the Babylonians only took a few slaves back to Babylon (where a bunch of Eastern influences entered Judiasm)
Third, the European Squatters aren't related to the people who lived there 3000 years ago other than by a religion.

Your infatuation with a tiny strip of sand speaks to your racism.

Given my country (the US) keeps getting dragged into wars over there, we should all be concerned.

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