Bill Gates is a Moron, sorry people, but his latest statement is so full of Bull Excrement.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
illionaire philanthropist and former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates said Friday the world is likely to overshoot a critical warming threshold for climate change.
“Fortunately, we’ve made enough progress [that] we’re not going to have the extreme cases like a 4 degrees [Celsius] warming, but we’ll sadly probably even miss the 2-degree goal. So, we’ll have adaptation as a priority,” Gates said Friday to CNBC at the 28th United Nations climate change conference (COP28) in Dubai.
This guy is just EVIL, he says that the Eearth is warming up, yet, in England, the big freeze is on. Come on Bill, get with the news before you open your mouth and make yourself look even more foolish.
Snow hit parts of London on Friday as overnight temperatures on Thursday plunged to their lowest since March.
The first sightings of snowflakes were reported at 11am across the capital, from West Hampstead to the City of London.
Marco Petagna, a senior meteorologist at the Met Office, said temperatures in Cumbria were the coldest on record nationwide since March.
“The recorded -9.4C in Cumbria was the coldest temperature since March 15, when -9.9C was recorded in Tyndrum, Scotland,” he said on Friday.
“Overnight could see temperatures fall further to -10C in Scotland, with parts of the South West and North of England falling to -6 to -8 degrees,” he added.
“Last time there was ‘lying snow’ in the South West was Nov 14 2019, and in Cornwall this was back in November 2010.”
But there will still be "some people" and you know who you are, that actually believe Bill and his globull warming. There is no hope for you, that is for sure.

MSN This guy is just EVIL, he says that the Eearth is warming up, yet, in England, the big freeze is on. Come on Bill, get with the news before you open your mouth and make yourself look even more foolish.
But there will still be "some people" and you know who you are, that actually believe Bill and his globull warming. There is no hope for you, that is for sure.

View attachment 866734
More evidence the people with money want power and all the control keeping the average person starving. Suck his dick for food
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The insanity continues;

Bill Gates believes one key demographic is paramount to mitigating Earth’s overheating: ‘We don’t have that much time to keep this thing intact’​

At the Climate Forward event in New York City during Climate Week in late September, Gates shared which group of people he believes will be key to mitigating the risks associated with our planet’s overheating.

“Republicans for climate change action are gold,” he said, per CNBC, adding that increasing the number of such voters and lawmakers who understand the importance of positive steps to reduce pollution and drive down worldwide temperatures is hugely important.
The insanity continues;

Bill Gates believes one key demographic is paramount to mitigating Earth’s overheating: ‘We don’t have that much time to keep this thing intact’​

At the Climate Forward event in New York City during Climate Week in late September, Gates shared which group of people he believes will be key to mitigating the risks associated with our planet’s overheating.

“Republicans for climate change action are gold,” he said, per CNBC, adding that increasing the number of such voters and lawmakers who understand the importance of positive steps to reduce pollution and drive down worldwide temperatures is hugely important.
CO2 isn’t a pollutant
CO2 isn’t a pollutant
Oh I agree there, and have for a loooooong time.

The problem starts with the decline in any real science knowledge among the general population in the last few decades, ...

Compounded with conditioning to blind belief and trust in "experts", ...

Then spun by the Global Wealthy Elites and the scientists and politicians they've bought/own to spread the lies about "Climate Change": and fan the flames of fear and panic among the ignorant public masses so they can be manipulated to endanger their future (and likely reduce global population numbers drastically).
[HEADING=1]The Earliest Atmosphere[/HEADING]
[HEADING=1](4.6 billion years ago)[/HEADING]

When Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago from a hot mix of gases and solids, it had almost no atmosphere. The surface was molten. As Earth cooled, an         atmosphere formed mainly from gases spewed from volcanoes. It included hydrogen sulfide, methane, and ten to 200 times as much carbon dioxide as today’s atmosphere. After about half a billion years, Earth’s surface cooled and solidified enough for water to collect on it.
During the Archean Eon, methane droplets in the air shrouded the young Earth in a global haze. There was no oxygen gas on Earth. Oxygen was only in compounds such as water. Complex chemical reactions in the young oceans transformed carbon-containing molecules into simple, living cells that did not need oxygen to live. Instead they made energy out of sulfur and other elements.

2.7 billion years ago, bluish-green microscopic organisms called cyanobacteria flourished in Earth’s oceans. They made gaseous, or free, oxygen from carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight—the process called photosynthesis. As cyanobacteria created more free oxygen, the amount  of oxygen in the atmosphere reached one percent of today’s level, which is 21 percent.
[HEADING=2]Forecast: Paradox[/HEADING]
Three billion years ago, the sun was only about 70 percent as bright as it is today. Earth should have frozen over, but it didn’t. Why not? Because greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mainly methane and carbon dioxide, trapped enough of the sun’s heat to keep temperatures above freezing.

Oxygen at Last (2.6 billion to 400 million years ago)​

Life and Earth’s atmosphere evolved together. Over time, tiny photosynthetic organisms produced enough oxygen to react with the methane in the atmosphere, transforming it forever. About two billion years ago, the methane haze cleared and the sky turned blue.
The above begins to clue a foundation of the problem we face:

1st ; General ignorance of science and the processes involved in Earth's early history and slow evolution of life towards an environment that could support early animal life.

2nd ; The fact that Earth had scores higher levels of CO2 Billions of years ago, initially no Oxygen, and average global temperatures much warmer than now, or falsely predicted to increase by the ACC/AGW fanatics.
The insanity continues;

Bill Gates believes one key demographic is paramount to mitigating Earth’s overheating: ‘We don’t have that much time to keep this thing intact’​

At the Climate Forward event in New York City during Climate Week in late September, Gates shared which group of people he believes will be key to mitigating the risks associated with our planet’s overheating.

“Republicans for climate change action are gold,” he said, per CNBC, adding that increasing the number of such voters and lawmakers who understand the importance of positive steps to reduce pollution and drive down worldwide temperatures is hugely important.
Yet nothing is being done to China who is opening Coal Fired Power Plants every two weeks.
Yet nothing is being done to China who is opening Coal Fired Power Plants every two weeks.
Here's the aspect of use of coal either unknown, not understood, or misrepresented by many involved in the energy vs. environment matrix.

1st : Doesn't matter which type of coal one burns, "clean coal" has most to do with how you treat the post combustion results. Major concern has been with the large amounts sulfur dioxide, SO2, coming out of the "smokestack"; which is the main cause of acid rain and other pollution's.

2nd : Responsible use of coal for power(electrical energy) involves how one deals with the combustion aftermath, the flue/'smoke' and Western nations have been involved in addressing this for nearly two centuries now. Blunt term is: "Flue-Gas DeSulfurization" ~ FGD.

Select excerpts;
Flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) is a set of technologies used to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) from exhaust flue gases of fossil-fuel power plants, and from the emissions of other sulfur oxide emitting processes such as waste incineration, petroleum refineries, cement and lime kilns.


Since stringent environmental regulations limiting SO2 emissions have been enacted in many countries, SO2 is being removed from flue gases by a variety of methods. Common methods used:

For a typical coal-fired power station, flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) may remove 90 per cent or more of the SO2 in the flue gases.[2]


Methods of removing sulfur dioxide from boiler and furnace exhaust gases have been studied for over 150 years. Early ideas for flue gas desulfurization were established in England around 1850.

With the construction of large-scale power plants in England in the 1920s, the problems associated with large volumes of SO2 from a single site began to concern the public. The SO2 emissions problem did not receive much attention until 1929, when the House of Lords upheld the claim of a landowner against the Barton Electricity Works of the Manchester Corporation for damages to his land resulting from SO2 emissions. Shortly thereafter, a press campaign was launched against the erection of power plants within the confines of London. This outcry led to the imposition of SO2 controls on all such power plants.[3]

The first major FGD unit at a utility was installed in 1931 at Battersea Power Station, owned by London Power Company. In 1935, an FGD system similar to that installed at Battersea went into service at Swansea Power Station. The third major FGD system was installed in 1938 at Fulham Power Station. These three early large-scale FGD installations were suspended during World War II, because the characteristic white vapour plumes would have aided location by enemy aircraft.[4] ...
The Problem/Challenge with other global coal burners like PRC-China and India is that they don't do the "EPA" thing and treat the combustion aftermath, the SO2 laden Flue, and 'Clean' the results of the coal burning they have done.

Most Western nations have "EPA" mandates of sorts where they clean up their toxins from coal burning/use via FGD systems.

Unfortunately, with a world that is round and where we all are downhill with regards to other's "pollution" and uphill in regards to our own "pollution"; having rogue polluter nations like China and India dumping sulfur dioxide and other contaminates into the shared atmosphere means the responsible nations are negatively impacted by the irresponsible nations.

Could such be considered enough global health hazard as to be a cause belie for War ???
Here's the aspect of use of coal either unknown, not understood, or misrepresented by many involved in the energy vs. environment matrix.

1st : Doesn't matter which type of coal one burns, "clean coal" has most to do with how you treat the post combustion results. Major concern has been with the large amounts sulfur dioxide, SO2, coming out of the "smokestack"; which is the main cause of acid rain and other pollution's.

2nd : Responsible use of coal for power(electrical energy) involves how one deals with the combustion aftermath, the flue/'smoke' and Western nations have been involved in addressing this for nearly two centuries now. Blunt term is: "Flue-Gas DeSulfurization" ~ FGD.

Select excerpts;
Flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) is a set of technologies used to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) from exhaust flue gases of fossil-fuel power plants, and from the emissions of other sulfur oxide emitting processes such as waste incineration, petroleum refineries, cement and lime kilns.


Since stringent environmental regulations limiting SO2 emissions have been enacted in many countries, SO2 is being removed from flue gases by a variety of methods. Common methods used:

For a typical coal-fired power station, flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) may remove 90 per cent or more of the SO2 in the flue gases.[2]


Methods of removing sulfur dioxide from boiler and furnace exhaust gases have been studied for over 150 years. Early ideas for flue gas desulfurization were established in England around 1850.

With the construction of large-scale power plants in England in the 1920s, the problems associated with large volumes of SO2 from a single site began to concern the public. The SO2 emissions problem did not receive much attention until 1929, when the House of Lords upheld the claim of a landowner against the Barton Electricity Works of the Manchester Corporation for damages to his land resulting from SO2 emissions. Shortly thereafter, a press campaign was launched against the erection of power plants within the confines of London. This outcry led to the imposition of SO2 controls on all such power plants.[3]

The first major FGD unit at a utility was installed in 1931 at Battersea Power Station, owned by London Power Company. In 1935, an FGD system similar to that installed at Battersea went into service at Swansea Power Station. The third major FGD system was installed in 1938 at Fulham Power Station. These three early large-scale FGD installations were suspended during World War II, because the characteristic white vapour plumes would have aided location by enemy aircraft.[4] ...
The Problem/Challenge with other global coal burners like PRC-China and India is that they don't do the "EPA" thing and treat the combustion aftermath, the SO2 laden Flue, and 'Clean' the results of the coal burning they have done.

Most Western nations have "EPA" mandates of sorts where they clean up their toxins from coal burning/use via FGD systems.

Unfortunately, with a world that is round and where we all are downhill with regards to other's "pollution" and uphill in regards to our own "pollution"; having rogue polluter nations like China and India dumping sulfur dioxide and other contaminates into the shared atmosphere means the responsible nations are negatively impacted by the irresponsible nations.

Could such be considered enough global health hazard as to be a cause belie for War ???
My last employment was with a firm that made major components for FGD systems. One of the more interesting projects was for a custom in Canada where next to their coal fueled electrical power plant was a complex of several acres of greenhouse grow operation, mostly for hothouse tomatoes. The FGD treated flue, now mostly warm, moist(water vapor, H2O) and CO2 rich "smoke" was piped into those greenhouses to provide a warm , water vapor and CO2 rich atmosphere to grow those "hothouse" tomatoes!

A perfect example of how current, modern technology can be used to solve/facilitate a variety of applications that blend diverse productive needs. The coal burning produces electricity. The flue/smoke, after FGD treatment provides ideal growing atmosphere for a greenhouse grown crop.

What is needed now is for more concerned parties to realize there are many workable solutions that can provide multiple rewards and results beyond the narrow extremes advocated by blind partisan factions.
Yet nothing is being done to China who is opening Coal Fired Power Plants every two weeks.
In-case you didn't get my first response, the West and other nations of the World need to find ways to pressure China and India to install FGD systems to their coal fueled electrical power plants. Stop sending their pollution(mostly SO2) downwind to the rest of us.
MSN This guy is just EVIL, he says that the Eearth is warming up, yet, in England, the big freeze is on. Come on Bill, get with the news before you open your mouth and make yourself look even more foolish.
But there will still be "some people" and you know who you are, that actually believe Bill and his globull warming. There is no hope for you, that is for sure.

View attachment 866734

Don't forget. Bill gates is a card carrying member of the world economic forum. So of course he will use his money and power to push their agendas.

That's why he always spouts their rhetoric about vaccines, climate, immigration and so on.
Here's the aspect of use of coal either unknown, not understood, or misrepresented by many involved in the energy vs. environment matrix.

1st : Doesn't matter which type of coal one burns, "clean coal" has most to do with how you treat the post combustion results. Major concern has been with the large amounts sulfur dioxide, SO2, coming out of the "smokestack"; which is the main cause of acid rain and other pollution's.

2nd : Responsible use of coal for power(electrical energy) involves how one deals with the combustion aftermath, the flue/'smoke' and Western nations have been involved in addressing this for nearly two centuries now. Blunt term is: "Flue-Gas DeSulfurization" ~ FGD.

Select excerpts;
Flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) is a set of technologies used to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) from exhaust flue gases of fossil-fuel power plants, and from the emissions of other sulfur oxide emitting processes such as waste incineration, petroleum refineries, cement and lime kilns.


Since stringent environmental regulations limiting SO2 emissions have been enacted in many countries, SO2 is being removed from flue gases by a variety of methods. Common methods used:

For a typical coal-fired power station, flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) may remove 90 per cent or more of the SO2 in the flue gases.[2]


Methods of removing sulfur dioxide from boiler and furnace exhaust gases have been studied for over 150 years. Early ideas for flue gas desulfurization were established in England around 1850.

With the construction of large-scale power plants in England in the 1920s, the problems associated with large volumes of SO2 from a single site began to concern the public. The SO2 emissions problem did not receive much attention until 1929, when the House of Lords upheld the claim of a landowner against the Barton Electricity Works of the Manchester Corporation for damages to his land resulting from SO2 emissions. Shortly thereafter, a press campaign was launched against the erection of power plants within the confines of London. This outcry led to the imposition of SO2 controls on all such power plants.[3]

The first major FGD unit at a utility was installed in 1931 at Battersea Power Station, owned by London Power Company. In 1935, an FGD system similar to that installed at Battersea went into service at Swansea Power Station. The third major FGD system was installed in 1938 at Fulham Power Station. These three early large-scale FGD installations were suspended during World War II, because the characteristic white vapour plumes would have aided location by enemy aircraft.[4] ...
The Problem/Challenge with other global coal burners like PRC-China and India is that they don't do the "EPA" thing and treat the combustion aftermath, the SO2 laden Flue, and 'Clean' the results of the coal burning they have done.

Most Western nations have "EPA" mandates of sorts where they clean up their toxins from coal burning/use via FGD systems.

Unfortunately, with a world that is round and where we all are downhill with regards to other's "pollution" and uphill in regards to our own "pollution"; having rogue polluter nations like China and India dumping sulfur dioxide and other contaminates into the shared atmosphere means the responsible nations are negatively impacted by the irresponsible nations.

Could such be considered enough global health hazard as to be a cause belie for War ???

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