Bill Cosby vs. bill clinton...yeah, but is it rape, rape?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Well, the media is now going after comedian Bill Cosby on an allegation that he raped a woman 30 years ago...if he did, he should be punished for it....but....why is it that the media is so upset about bill cosby's rape allegation, but completely ignored the rape allegations...thats right, allegations against bill "the serial sexual predator" clinton? bill clinton had two credible allegations of rape against him here in the states, and it turns out that there were a couple of sexual assault allegations that took place when he was in the U.K. Considering how the feminists always point out the differential in power between powerful men and the women they assault....bill clinton and his sexual predation were given a pass...

Why did clinton get a pass from the feminists and the media...and now bill cosby is not....well, bill cosby opened up the door when he began talking about the problems in the black community...and how they didn't come from racism....that pretty much made him a before you go nuts...I am not justifying, excusing or trying to minimize the possibility that he raped that woman...if he did, he needs to go to jail for it....I am merely pointing out that had he not gone off the script as to the problems in the black community and their cause, he might have escaped the current media assault...

Why did clinton " the serial sexual predator" escape....easy...abortion....he defended it and stayed loyal to it over and above all other policy decisions...and therefore he got a pass from the feminists...and a pass from the main stream media because he was a democrat...and supported abortion....

Rape Allegations Media Hunts Bill Cosby Celebrates Bill Clinton

Nonetheless, a woman has come forward with the claim that Cosby assaulted her 30 years ago. The allegations are horrifying and media outlets from NPR to the Washington Post to CNN are treating the woman's story with the seriousness it deserves.

The scandal is a classic case of Power vs. The Powerless. There is substance to the charges, including a lawsuit Cosby settled with the woman in 2006, and similar allegations from other women. As loved and lovable and talented as Bill Cosby is, as much as I am personally fond of him for all the pleasure he has brought into my life, looking into this kind of story is what the media is supposed to be about.

Unfortunately, our media is not guided by the lofty principle of what it is supposed to be about; because history shows that when it comes to these kinds of allegations some powerful men like Bill Cosby are taunted and hunted, while other powerful men with the first name Bill, who have faced similar allegations, are protected.

I am of course talking about former-President Bill Clinton, who like Bill Cosby has been accused of rape and has settled a sexual harassment lawsuit. There is also another woman who has accused Clinton of groping her in the White House. All of this is above and beyond the countless extra-marital affairs that swirl around Clinton, including an admitted one with a 21 year-old White House intern named Monica Lewinsky. Clinton's deceit during the fallout of his affair with Lewinsky resulted in impeachment and the loss of his license to practice law.

Juanita Broderick's charges of rape against Clinton appear every bit as credible as those against Cosby. Moreover, unlike Cosby's accuser, Broderick was a reluctant witness who never filed a financial lawsuit. Regardless, the media went out of its way to discredit and dismiss Broderick as a liar, a tool of the Right, or my personal favorite, old news.

Paula Jones would eventually settle a sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton for $850,000, but not before Clinton surrogates smeared her as trailer trash as television news anchors chuckled along.

Kathleen Willey, a Democrat and White House volunteer who worked on Clinton's 1992 campaign, accused Clinton of sexually groping her in the White House in 1993. The Clinton machine worked overtime to destroy and discredit her in 1998, and the media is still too happy to play along.

Let us also never forget that the elite media not only attempted to cover up the Lewinsky affair, but before Lewinsky came up with Clinton's DNA on the infamous blue dress, his White House was pouring every ounce of energy into portraying this young woman as a crazed liar and stalker. And again, the media was all-too eager to play along.
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The only place where these things matter is in a court of law. Has Cosby's alleged victim sought to press charges? Will a prosecutor find enough evidence to convict? Could it go to a civil trial?
And did the statute of limitations run she even trying to get the charges pushed forward?
30 year old allegations are inherently suspicious. This is all about Cosby's message to black people of self responsibility.
As the article points out...the democrats seem to protect rich, white democrats from these allegations a lot more vigorously than they do their black counterparts....just ask ted and bill and the other guys...
As the article points out...the democrats seem to protect rich, white democrats from these allegations a lot more vigorously than they do their black counterparts....just ask ted and bill and the other guys...

Right, no one heard about any of those allegations.:blahblah:
You have a short memory....the media wing of the democrat party worked overtime to downplay and dismiss serious allegations against Clinton...
This is just another case to show the pond scum that is MSM.
The media just loooves to destroy someone who is looked up to.
The allegations themselves are, at best, weak. This woman when interviewed years ago, said repeatedly she was not sure anything happened, she "lost" time a few nights where she couldn't remember what happened. And started wondering if Cosby drugged her, but admittedly had no evidence that he did.
Today, suddenly she thinks he did. And decides to go on a national TV campaign to say so.
And of course the media is more than happy to give her a platform to do so. And of course in those interviews they treat her sympathetically.
As the article points out...the democrats seem to protect rich, white democrats from these allegations a lot more vigorously than they do their black counterparts....just ask ted and bill and the other guys...

Right, no one heard about any of those allegations.:blahblah:
You don't remember the remarks like, you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park? You get Paula Jones, Carville said.
This on the heels of Cosby recently being vocal about blacks....
How interesting.
Smells of the kind of things Obama did when he ran for state senate and US senate.
His campaign would do everything to severely weaken if not destroy the opponent
before the campaign started...

I always have a issue when all of a sudden someone comes forward with a charge so many years after the fact.
True or not the allegation alone can be enough to destroy someone.

I'm sure the Libs are loving this.
A black guy getting smacked down because he had opinions that differ from the black Democrat
As the article points out...the democrats seem to protect rich, white democrats from these allegations a lot more vigorously than they do their black counterparts....just ask ted and bill and the other guys...

Right, no one heard about any of those allegations.:blahblah:
You don't remember the remarks like, you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park? You get Paula Jones, Carville said.

Yes, I remember that. Funny as hell.

Strangely enough, I also heard details of accounts by Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broderick. And Paula Jones.

No media "pass."
If he settled a lawsuit with the woman 8 years ago why is she talking now? Wants more money? If there was any legitimacy to the charge there'd have been a trial. Not like 30 years ago the law had no interest in charging black men for rape of white women.
This on the heels of Cosby recently being vocal about blacks....
How interesting.
Smells of the kind of things Obama did when he ran for state senate and US senate.
His campaign would do everything to severely weaken if not destroy the opponent
before the campaign started...

I always have a issue when all of a sudden someone comes forward with a charge so many years after the fact.
True or not the allegation alone can be enough to destroy someone.

I'm sure the Libs are loving this.
A black guy getting smacked down because he had opinions that differ from the black Democrat

I'm going to bet that Cosby's "vocality" about blacks isn't all that recent. Like almost a decade old, if I recall.
As the article points out...the democrats seem to protect rich, white democrats from these allegations a lot more vigorously than they do their black counterparts....just ask ted and bill and the other guys...

Right, no one heard about any of those allegations.:blahblah:
You don't remember the remarks like, you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park? You get Paula Jones, Carville said.

Yes, I remember that. Funny as hell.

Strangely enough, I also heard details of accounts by Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broderick. And Paula Jones.

No media "pass."
I'm sure your proud how those women were treated, for telling the truth about a sexual predator.
As the article points out...the democrats seem to protect rich, white democrats from these allegations a lot more vigorously than they do their black counterparts....just ask ted and bill and the other guys...

Right, no one heard about any of those allegations.:blahblah:
You don't remember the remarks like, you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park? You get Paula Jones, Carville said.

Yes, I remember that. Funny as hell.

Strangely enough, I also heard details of accounts by Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broderick. And Paula Jones.

No media "pass."
I'm sure your proud how those women were treated, for telling the truth about a sexual predator.

I guess that few were convinced that any of it was "the truth." After all, no one pressed actual charges.

Why wouldn't Willey and Broderick and Jones go immediately to the police? They were all grown women.
The only place where these things matter is in a court of law. Has Cosby's alleged victim sought to press charges? Will a prosecutor find enough evidence to convict? Could it go to a civil trial?
I don't think you can press rape charges after 30 years, even if there is a bit of truth to her story.

Apparently a lot of women have been raped and did not report it due to societal pressures of the day.

Thinking of that great movie, INGLORIOUS BASTERDS(I think they spelled it that way), and considering all the female veterans we have,
women should for a group called VENGEFUL VICTIMS.

Small cells throughout the country could hold people's trials, kill the bastards, and stuff their dicks in their mouths.

We could also restore the death penalty for rape, especially now we have DNA.

In case you don't think I am dead serious, I am.

Where there is an institutional failure to deal with a problem, like there has been with rape, the victims need to up it to the next level.

I'd support such a group financially, and Hell, I could kill a rapist with no qualms.
As the article points out...the democrats seem to protect rich, white democrats from these allegations a lot more vigorously than they do their black counterparts....just ask ted and bill and the other guys...

Right, no one heard about any of those allegations.:blahblah:
You don't remember the remarks like, you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park? You get Paula Jones, Carville said.

Yes, I remember that. Funny as hell.

Strangely enough, I also heard details of accounts by Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broderick. And Paula Jones.

No media "pass."
I'm sure your proud how those women were treated, for telling the truth about a sexual predator.

I guess that few were convinced that any of it was "the truth." After all, no one pressed actual charges.

Why wouldn't Willey and Broderick and Jones go immediately to the police? They were all grown women.
The media crucified them, the way the did Lewinsky. Until of course she pulled out the blue dress, but I'm sure you are okay with that. Clinton lied about Lewinsky on tv in front of America. So in my view he did sexually abuse the others. Its funny how that woman was automatically right about Herman Cain, just by saying so. By the liberal media, but if a woman says the same about a democrat, she is automatically trailer trash. Your a tool, just like Gruber says you are, and you support him. Imagine that, lol.
The only place where these things matter is in a court of law. Has Cosby's alleged victim sought to press charges? Will a prosecutor find enough evidence to convict? Could it go to a civil trial?
Courts have failed to solve the rape issue.
This on the heels of Cosby recently being vocal about blacks....
How interesting.

what do you mean "recently"? Cosby has been playing to the same "Yussuh, Boss, we shure be Shiftless" audience that other Uncle Toms have played to for years.

The reason why allegations against him don't get much traction is because he's the Jello Pudding guy who is beloved by children and adults for generations. We kind of don't want to believe it's true.

I'm inclined to call bullshit on this woman's allegations not only because she waited 30 years to say something, but also because continued to hang around him after the first incident.

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