Big Giant 'Mega March' In Dallas A Big Giant Bust for Criminal Illegal Aliens


Gold Member
Oct 31, 2010
Not enough pity being generated, apparently. One racist Mexican whined about other racist Mexicans being, well 'racist n stuff'.

"It's about the vision of the march being for ourselves, holding ourselves accountable," Gonzalez said. "The Latino community harbors subtle racism against each other. If you're a dark Mexican like me, you have lighter-skinned Hispanics who are racist against you. The call to action for this march is about education; we have to be able to think for ourselves."

Hilarious stuff, but at least this year they managed to convince the illegals and La Raza racists to leave the Mexican flags at home this time, and fake being 'patriotic n stuff'.

Marching at the front of the pack with a bullhorn Sunday, Gonzalez wore a red, white and blue tie. Garcia, marching next to Gonzalez, sported garish American flag neck-wear. Both leaders were dressed in accordance with the guidelines given to marchers: wear red, white and blue and don't wave any flag that isn't the Stars and Stripes.

lol anybody fooled by this hokey crap? ...

Ah well, at least a couple thousand showed up, far from the 'hundreds of thousands the idiots kept predicting for the last few years, enough to make a big photo op for the local new readers to gush over and 'conduct fake heart wrenching anecdotal stories and Teachable Moments from assorted participants.

Dallas' "Mega March" An Enthusiastic Bust

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